

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Savjz's Renolock is really good.

Went 4-1 in my first 5 games with it, beat 2 Jade Druids easily, a Rogue and a Taunt Warrior.
Lost to a Tempo Mage, couldn't pull a Reno or Jaraxxus to heal, also couldn't get Armor gain from Kazakus. Bad luck.
Didn't play against any Aggro.

Looks like Kolento was playing it per the video above.
I think it's going to be very popular very soon and we'll all be bitching how Dirty Rat fucked us over.

We all thought Jade Druid would ruin control but I don't see many other Control decks beating this Renolock. The main way to win will be with Dirty Rat to try and pull Reno out before they use it. Freeze Mage or Maly decks could beat it.

C'thun Warrior probably stands a decent chance, too.

This Renolock has so many tools, it's crazy. Love the deck for sure, but kinda scared how rampant it'll become.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought they had already previously confirmed that the schedule would be expansions in the first and last quarter and an adventure in summertimeish. So yeah, expansion and roation happens around April.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Golden all the heroes!

Dirty rat is indeed awesome. There are so many battlecries in this expansion. Out of like the 20 times I've dropped him so far ~16 were battlecry minions and 2 of those he pulled ysera, but I only played him those games because dragon priest is a bad match up for the deck I was playing and I was behind so needed to risk a play.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Dash, what are your thoughts on a variant of that deck - no traps, no weapon:

I can't tell if the Scavenging Hyenas are winning me games, or just win-more cards. When you end up with hijinks like Tundra Rhino down+buffed rat pack, you can end up with some ridiculous dmg VERY quickly. In a mirror match, the other guy dropped a Han Cho-buffed Highmane when I only had 11 hp left and started spamming GG. I had a Rhino down, dropped Trogg, buffed my now 5/5 rat pack, and my hyena. Hyena grows to 14 damage while I just keep running my mice into his uber Highmane, and he conceded before the killshot.

Yeah definitely worth a shot. Personally I like the weapons and traps in there, but at the same time I'd love to fit in Unleash the hounds and a Dire Wolf Alpha. It's all situational I suppose. I like having that 3rd slot of damage in the weapons, for the trap it's great for pirate warrior but then again so is Hounds.

Now is the time to play around with it so go for it.

Oh and I love the Hyenas. They are just one of those cards where if it's not taken out quickly it can get huge fast. I feel like a lot of people underestimate them in this deck but that wont last long.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
This fucking game man, I needed 2 of 8 missiles to hit a doomsayer 7 of 8 fucking missiles went face.

And can shaman not roll a totem on demand just fucking once against me, fuck.
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Molten Core Raider
The thing that irks me the most nowadays is seeing dumb cocksuckers still play WotG decks, especially midrange shaman, when they have 130 new cards and like 20 new decks. Freeze mage is kind of in the same boat, but that shit is so specific that i'm willing to forgive and forget. But like standard secret hunter, face shaman, dragon warrior... bros... c'mon, be creative.

Had an instance yesterday of facing a rogue and he's pulling off the standard miracle bullshit. I'm waiting for jade golems to start popping up, something new and exciting, i'm fucking HOPING it's not gonna be the same one trick pony deck that i've been playing and facing for the past 6 months. Turn 10, lo and behold, Malygos, sinister strike, prep evisc... i'm like: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!

I understand that the game is free to play, and a lot of kids don't have the money to blow on packs etc, so whatever, but i'm willing to bet that just a ton of people lack creativity and/or are just half retarded. Which then makes losing to them hurt even more.

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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
By the way, fuck Blizzard and their stupid bullshit. Dopplegangster into Evolve (or worse Dopplegangster twice into Evolve) is horse shit. No board into board with at least 3 6 cost minions for 7 mana.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
The thing that irks me the most nowadays is seeing dumb cocksuckers still play WotG decks, especially midrange shaman, when they have 130 new cards and like 20 new decks. Freeze mage is kind of in the same boat, but that shit is so specific that i'm willing to forgive and forget. But like standard secret hunter, face shaman, dragon warrior... bros... c'mon, be creative.

Had an instance yesterday of facing a rogue and he's pulling off the standard miracle bullshit. I'm waiting for jade golems to start popping up, something new and exciting, i'm fucking HOPING it's not gonna be the same one trick pony deck that i've been playing and facing for the past 6 months. Turn 10, lo and behold, Malygos, sinister strike, prep evisc... i'm like: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!

I understand that the game is free to play, and a lot of kids don't have the money to blow on packs etc, so whatever, but i'm willing to bet that just a ton of people lack creativity and/or are just half retarded. Which then makes losing to them hurt even more.


Or they just choose to stick with extensively tested and refined decks that have already been proven? First couple weeks of an expansion are a fantastic time to make a hard push for legend with a pre-expansion ladder deck, especially if you can't read the developing metagame well enough to build a foil for it. I've only ever managed to do that in HS once, whereas I was able to do it three years in a row for state championships in MtG (first tournaments after the yearly type 2 rotation)
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Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I understand that the game is free to play, and a lot of kids don't have the money to blow on packs etc, so whatever, but i'm willing to bet that just a ton of people lack creativity and/or are just half retarded. Which then makes losing to them hurt even more.

Sounds like a personal problem to me. I'm sure the people you describe exist, but at the same time that miracle rogue might be someone that plays the class for the first time in forever (my rogue level is like 10) or someone that finally made that malygos the day before the xpac (why would he? I don't know!). A friend of mine barely got 10 packs and that's including the free ones. Doesn't want to spend money and usually blows his dust as he gets it. Of course he is going to continue playing old decks for a while longer while he slowly builds up the new cards.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Huntered my way to rank 10 today. Had to get past the glut of meta-testing greedy ass control decks/Jade Druid decks of various types.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I haven't gotten the Legendaries I really want yet but Jade decks, Dragon Priest, and a couple others are cheap enough that a newer player can still make something new if they want. They definitely don't have to but I've really enjoyed them so far. Dying to get the dust for Raza and Kazakus. Maybe White Eyes after that
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
careful with White Eyes. He's made for an N'Zoth shaman deck but with all the Reno decks out there, N'Zoth shaman is heavily countered by Kazakus "Turn all minions into sheep".
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Playing a dumb ass reno rogue. I have 7 minions on the board when he plays mct and of course takes tirion, I kill it and he top decks n'zoth dragging the game on another 3 turns and when he's lost again for the 3rd time then he just afks/ragequits so I have to wait for his rope to burn. I think thats enough hs for now.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I agree with Ravishing on Reno. I do not think they'll be rotating Reno out as they keep making cards based on allowing the Reno effect of no duplicates.

Without Reno the non-dupes decks are not really possible at all anyway.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I agree with Ravishing on Reno. I do not think they'll be rotating Reno out as they keep making cards based on allowing the Reno effect of no duplicates.

Without Reno the non-dupes decks are not really possible at all anyway.
So, I opened Kazakus and Wrathion. Never had a Reno - never felt the desire to play a no-dupes deck. I don't disagree that the Reno mechanic isn't going away, but I could definitely imagine that specific RENO JACKSON card getting rotated out while they add a new one.

So, given those two cards and my general enjoyment of priest - what deck should I go for? Is it safe to craft Reno, or is there a Wrathion deck that doesn't blow? I've not seen anyone else play Wrathion in the past 3 days of laddering, which makes me nervous.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So, I opened Kazakus and Wrathion. Never had a Reno - never felt the desire to play a no-dupes deck. I don't disagree that the Reno mechanic isn't going away, but I could definitely imagine that specific RENO JACKSON card getting rotated out while they add a new one.

So, given those two cards and my general enjoyment of priest - what deck should I go for? Is it safe to craft Reno, or is there a Wrathion deck that doesn't blow? I've not seen anyone else play Wrathion in the past 3 days of laddering, which makes me nervous.

I don't think you can craft Adventure cards? Gotta get the Explorer adventure.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
pretty sure you can craft them after the adventure rotates out
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I agree with Ravishing on Reno. I do not think they'll be rotating Reno out as they keep making cards based on allowing the Reno effect of no duplicates.

Without Reno the non-dupes decks are not really possible at all anyway.

Not sure which parts you agree with me on, but I was saying Reno Jackson would get rotated out but not all "Reno" decks will die. Warlock suffers most since they'll lack healing but maybe Alex gets added back and some other stuff. The new "Reno" cards are very powerful was my point so even if Jackson goes they might still see play.
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