

Blackwing Lair Raider
Death Lord mills also(well as long as they have a minion in their deck), it doesn't just copy a minion from their deck, it actually removes it and puts it into play.


Trakanon Raider
Finally beat him. Went with a Paladin deck designed just to stall the game out. When my board was full of shitty ghosts, I dropped Deathwing which cleared everything and then watched him fatigue to his death.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I think there are almost enough cards for Mill Druid to be a thing. Coldlight, Dancing Sword, Deathlord, and Naturalize is 12 cards drawn for your opponent. Mukla and E.T.C. add 2/1 cards to your opponents hand, respectively. I think I am going to try it out on ladder. I was experimenting with one a couple of weeks ago and I got pretty high with it before the season reset.


The real timer bug is back where both opponents can talk to each other but the time never runs down. That is unlike a DC where you can't talk to your opponent.

Haven't seen that since Alpha. It's always been a true DC

Certain cards would trigger it in Alpha, so I'm wondering if the same thing is going with a new card.


Trakanon Raider
For gothik, poison seeds and doomsayer are both wonderful to reset the board including wiping out your own ghosts.


Trakanon Raider
4 Horsemen were, pathetically, easy after Gothik. I went Priest and got a Shadow Word Pain in my opening hand. One Horse instantly down. Drew my 2 Oozes early on so broke his swords and just kept myself healed up and quickly took out the other 2. After that I simply milled him since he had a shit ton of removal and nothing I dropped survived his turn. But without his swords and minions, he can't do jack.


<Silver Donator>
I use paladin with buff cards, make those ghosts useful with argus/sunfury/wolf/blessing of kings/blessing of might and trade them away, then use the healing to go back to full. Can also reset with equality+pyro and shit, really easy with this setup. Was the easiest of the 3 I found.

Playing freeze/secret deck atm, pretty fun. Basically replaces a few of the typical freeze cards with 2x kirin tor mage, ethereal mages, duplicates, 1 mirror entity to fuck with people, shit's pretty funny. The turn 2 coin Kirin Tor Duplicate is pretty crazy since it gives you 2x 3 drops for the next couple of turns, Duplicate generally guarantees you don't run out of threats unlike typical freeze mage. Might not be as solid but I like it it's pretty fun, at least when I don't run into those games where I don't draw a single of my 7secrets on 15cards. Those suck cause it's like freeze mage but you have to cut a few cards to make it that way so you kinda just die instead.


Tranny Chaser
This is the first time I've seen this but it looks like content ID is being applied to Twitch?


And yeah, 2/3rds of this video are just muted.

edit - looks like all his recent broadcasts are muted


Toe Sucker
Haha i called that one immediately

I can't beat people using annoyingly aggressive decks, whats a decent way to counter that? like.. i always lose to some dickhead that spams low cost minions and a bunch of minions with taunt


Trakanon Raider
I think there are almost enough cards for Mill Druid to be a thing. Coldlight, Dancing Sword, Deathlord, and Naturalize is 12 cards drawn for your opponent. Mukla and E.T.C. add 2/1 cards to your opponents hand, respectively. I think I am going to try it out on ladder. I was experimenting with one a couple of weeks ago and I got pretty high with it before the season reset.
Been doing it a bit today for fun, did decently, but not super well. I swapped between Druid and Rogue, because I like Shadowstep for Coldlight. Naturalize is obviously better, but I like the Rogue's cheap removal and other direct damage to hasten the fatigue, plus Vanish can completely destroy a bunch of minions if done right. Then you've got the versatility of Leeroy with your Shadowsteps, and of course there's Sap too. Just need to run some Brewmasters.

I did dominate someone earlier when I Innervated a Dancing Swords first turn, no need for mill in that case haha.


Trakanon Raider
I can't beat people using annoyingly aggressive decks, whats a decent way to counter that? like.. i always lose to some dickhead that spams low cost minions and a bunch of minions with taunt
The best anti-zoo, or anti-aggressive deck, are the strong, early board wipes. If you can wipe out their board on turn 4, then do it again on turn 6'ish, you pretty much win the game. This strategy isn't quite as strong now with things like nerubian egg, so attempt to pop it just before wiping the board when possible.

A few classic combos are:
soulpriest + circle of healing -- 4 boardwide damage for 4 mana
wild pyro + equality -- total board wipe for 4 mana
doomsayer + ice nova -- total board wipe for 5 mana, though can be countered on their turn

Once you wipe their initial rush, just keep board control with your generally stronger units.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Supposedly you can get around their advanced muting technology by hitting space twice, although who knows how long that'll last


Golden Squire
Tides getting rekt by demon lock with watchers and imp's and not knowing what to do is pretty great. He just gives up when something isnt meta.


<Silver Donator>
Tides getting rekt by demon lock with watchers and imp's and not knowing what to do is pretty great. He just gives up when something isnt meta.
Seen a post about some guy who got legendary already with a demon deck on reddit. Apparently isn't too bad, even though it seems very reliant on having a void caller in your hand asap since the rest of the cards are a lot of the garbage demons(the pit lord and the taunter guy that destroys mana crystals for example) or super expensive shit(illidan, 2x infernal and such). Since most of his demonds are stronger than the voidcaller though, whatever you summon from killing it is probably rape your face so you really need to silence it.


Trakanon Raider
Seen a post about some guy who got legendary already with a demon deck on reddit. Apparently isn't too bad, even though it seems very reliant on having a void caller in your hand asap since the rest of the cards are a lot of the garbage demons(the pit lord and the taunter guy that destroys mana crystals for example) or super expensive shit(illidan, 2x infernal and such). Since most of his demonds are stronger than the voidcaller though, whatever you summon from killing it is probably rape your face so you really need to silence it.
Oh man wish I had Illidan, Jarraxus and Pit Lords. It looks really, really cool and I love the idea of tricking my opponent into thinking I'm Zoo/Handlock.

Unstoppable Demons (description) - Naxx week3 - Hearthstone Decks


<Silver Donator>
The one I saw had more demons, this one is a bit more general, might be better not sure. It ran 2 void terrors, 2 felguards, 2 infernal, 2pit lords, 2 doomguards, a sacrifice then bunch of control shit like hellfire, soulfire, shadowflame, demonfire(great for this deck obviously), power overwhelming and yeah bunch of lategame legendaries. I like the jaraxxus+crazed alchemist thing though, if you pull Jaraxxus without playing it, it's a pretty meh demon but if you crazed alchemist it on the next turn it's more or less an alextrasza doing a 15damage swing, shit's like super scary.