

Trakanon Raider
Black Knight is an auto-include these days with all the new, exotic, Taunt minions out there.

With the Control Warrior, post-Naxx, I just can't get rid of Geddon. Yes, he's 7 mana, but when he hits the board, there's an immediate impact in my favor 99% of the time.


Trakanon Raider
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever had a game against Control Paladin NOT go to fatigue? Fucking hell. Why the hell do people play control paladin to ladder with? It's so fucking slow that you could gain rank faster with, literally, any other 30 cards thrown together to form a deck.


I ladder with control pally, it's my favorite deck and class. My matches almost never go to fatigue except the rare occasions against control warrior or priest. I don't really find it to be too slow, but my deck isn't super healing centric.
It is true though that the paladin class doesn't really rely on a super wombo combo to win games faster though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I think Deathlord is just too useful of a card. Especially as Paladin. If you have 2x Equality/2x Humility/2x Wild Pyro/2x Aldor Peacekeeper... nothing is truly scary, I've only had it backfire on me once when it drew Ragnaros at like turn 5. But when it draws Alexstraeza and they cant use the battlecry... fucking win.

Statistically its more likely to pull a card with a key battlecry than a big scary card. Robbing them of options is good.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever had a game against Control Paladin NOT go to fatigue? Fucking hell. Why the hell do people play control paladin to ladder with? It's so fucking slow that you could gain rank faster with, literally, any other 30 cards thrown together to form a deck.
In some match ups it happens a lot. Control Warrior and Priest being the two most common. Otherwise it isn't as bad. I just beat a Druid on turn 9 with a control Paladin. My deck got a fast start. So can really go either way.


Using it against a Control Paladin is pretty much suicide. They have very few cards where battelcry even matters(Kodo etc), and your chances of pulling something huge is at least 50%.
Not to mention how easy it is for them to straight up remove it.

To me that is by far the worst match up for Deathlord.

Mountain Man_sl

Some people don't play to rank as high as they can, they play a deck they enjoy. Control paladin is my favorite deck but I play it because it's fun to never die (same reason I always like playing healing classes in games).

The Ancient_sl

Using it against a Control Paladin is pretty much suicide. They have very few cards where battelcry even matters(Kodo etc), and your chances of pulling something huge is at least 50%.
Not to mention how easy it is for them to straight up remove it.

To me that is by far the worst match up for Deathlord.


Yeah, and Handlock is another bad one.

As long as you can avoid those 2, which usually play late night and mid day you are fine.

Agro ,mid range, and zoo play the most during primetime.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Handlock is great. Giants are bad, sure. But Twilight Drake? It comes out at a 4/1. Leeroy? Oops, no finisher. Faceless? 3/3. Loatheb, Argus, Sunfury, Watcher, Owl, Alex, Jaraxxus.... the odds of getting something that doesn't matter or is actively good for you are pretty high. When something is random, play the odds so they are in your favor. Deathlord is usually in your favor.


I can definitely see it like that, but it's still pretty dangerous.

Deathlord comes out on turn 3, Handlock is going to play his drake on 4. So now we are down to 19-20 cards.

Hes going to kill the Deathlord when hes shielded the drake with another card.
At turn 5 he will kill the lord. And you have 5 out of 18-19? ( someone do the math on the turns if lock uses his hero power) cards to bring in an 8/8.
This is not counting the possible 9 spells you might have spread out between your deck, and your hand.

Deathlord will only play the deck, not your hand.

I guess that pretty good odds unless he has another giant already ready then you are looking at 2 8/8's on turn 5. At least they can't move tho.

It's risky.The worst part is that the handlock is using his hero power to lessen his chances of losing something he needs where everyone else can't do that.

The Master

Bronze Squire
How does the Drake kill the Deathlord turn 5? He summoned it turn 4, no attack. Deathlord hits face. Drake can hit it for 4 on turn 5. Unless he wants to Soulfire it, he can't kill it till turn 6.

Handlock will always keep their Mountain Giants if they get them in their mulligan. So that effects the actual odds, as well. Also you can run the Deathlord into something on your turn. I did that like five games ago, killed a taunted Watcher that was at 4/2. It summoned a giant. I had a BGH in my hand. If you have a very reactive deck, odds are you have a very reactive hand, so that favors you. Did it on Druid, summoned the Warrior's Ysera, Poisoned Seeds. A Ysera who doesn't even give you one card? That hurts.

I've had it screw me over, of course, but in about 50 games it only summoned something that caused me to lose twice. Once has a Ragnaros, once was a Sunwalker that I simply couldn't answer.


Either way it still plays into the handlock, if you face youre doing damage on him which gives him a greater chance to play a giant, and he just added another card into his hand lessening your chances of pulling in something that you want played like the owl etc.

I think it's one of the tougher decks to face with Deathlords because of the Locks hero power.

I'm not saying you are wrong, to think like that. I was the first person to champion that card, but there is allot of stuff that can go very badly quickly against Handlock.
It's definitely one of the tougher decks out there against Deathlord, even tho it seems the favor is with the player because the Handlock has so many cards that lose there effect.

Deathlord against Druid on the other hand is spectacular.


Poet Warrior
I was the first person to champion that card


Unelected Mod