

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
He'll be even more of an auto-include in a more control oriented meta because he's a lot of value in a single card.

You guys are hilariously out of touch.
In control matchups the 1/1s are irrelevant a majority of the time. Less creatures on board and/or more sturdy creatures that won't die to the random damage and/or the damage hits face which is usually poor value.


Trakanon Raider
The difference between Boom and Undertaker was that Undertake had the potential to win games outright if you didn't mulligan into an immediate answer. Boom you get 6 or 7 turns to play out the game, develop board presence and draw into answers. He's much easier for the meta to adapt to him than Undertaker was.

The Master

Bronze Squire
You're thinking of screwjank clunker which is quite playable. Junkbot is a neutral 1/5 that gets +2/+2 when a friendly mech dies. Mech is generally aggro so he doesn't help there. I thought about maybe a hunter w/ feign death if it counted as things dying, but that just isn't practical and a bit redundant since it is kinda an anti-aoe card and harvest golems/piloted things are already anti-aoe, it might fit best in a priest mech deck, but they have the much better upgrade bot in the 5 slot. Hmmmm...maybe a shaman deck w/ deathrattle mechs and reincarnate.
Mech Priest. Just keep healing it, trading with your other mechs, and let it grow. Really you shouldn't be playing it till you can kill off a mech on the same turn, so a 5 mana 3/7 that'll grow is decent.

I ran into a weird Priest deck last night. Mech Priest+Hobgoblin. Was running Demolisher/Jeeves/etc. It ended up being a really close match, though granted I was playing my Shaman experiment. It'd work in that deck that, sac a mech and have a Hob on board, 5 mana 5/9. Priest is so slow it might be able to pull off a combo like that semi-consistently.


<Bronze Donator>
He'll be even more of an auto-include in a more control oriented meta because he's a lot of value in a single card.

You guys are hilariously out of touch.
This is incorrect. The more control oriented the game is, the more prevalent handlock is, the more prevalent bgh is, the worse boom is. That's why the top ladder players have made so many decks with no bgh targets at all, because it's everywhere.


Just went 12-0 with a rogue deck and got 240g, and 2 shitty gold cards lol... fucking rng in this game is so brutal at times.

The Master

Bronze Squire
What can one expect to get once you reach 11-12 wins in arena. Can you get more than 1 pack of cards
Arena - Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki

Has a chart. 12 wins is the only chance to get two packs and it is random if you do.

500+ gold at least iirc. 240 is about what I would get at 6 to 8 wins I think.
I wish. You can get that lucky, but it isn't guaranteed or even average.

Unrelated, Trump tweeted that he slept in because he made a mistake about the schedule.


Poet Warrior
This is how I see it more or less. It's not perfect and I'm sure you could tweak it and add or remove some jumps, or rename them, but this is essentially how the meta moves by my eyes.

I MS paint like a 3 year old. This is known.



Been playing against Priest (6 out of 7 so far) all morning. Wtf? Did some streamer win a tournament with a Priest deck or something?


Molten Core Raider
Been playing against Priest (6 out of 7 so far) all morning. Wtf? Did some streamer win a tournament with a Priest deck or something?
Priest is one of my favorite classes. Lightspawn + Divine Spirit = Oh ho ho! Especially if you get two Divine Spirits. Lol

Edit: Bought some packs because bored. See a legendary aaaannnddd... Hemet Nesingwary.

Should I dust the fucker? I'm guessing I should dust the fucker.


I don't think Boom *will* get the nerf but he probably should.

No matter, since the demise of my Cancer deck I am having insane fun with netdecking a slight variation of the Oil Rogue deck (running +2 teachers, +1gadget and +1 owl off the normalish one, losing I forget what) and damn son, it is both fun and silly. I wish I could find room for more than one oil but who cares! Anti-weapon meta incoming perhaps but most games end long before that even.

Only deck I don't run Boom in and I've considered it still.


Trakanon Raider
Started playing shaman more seriously, made a few rares to round out the deck. How's this look to you guys? I've only lost to mech mages so far, I'm talking about ranks 18 to 15 so far.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Without knowing your collection its tough to say but first is you don't want 2 Bloodlust. Even 1 is a stretch, but I guess your collection is limited.
Take crackle over lightning bolt if you can.
Unbounds could be replaced with some 4 drops imo, like yeti or something.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ditch both bloodlusts, ditch the stormforged axe, add a power mace and two piloted shredders. Finding room for two crackles would be nice but isn't strictly necessary.


Trakanon Raider
My collection is a lot bigger than it use to be, so I've got access to a bunch of other cards now. I'll craft up some Crackles to replace the bolts, thanks for the tip. Pretty much after suggestions for cards to look out for (I might already have them) and cards I should look at crafting ASAP.

edit: Shredders I have, Powermace could be crafted, but with a fairly limited number of mechs (4) in the deck, would it make sense? I could drop a Bloodlust and put in a piloted sky golem.

Not too keen on dropping Bloodlust all together though, it's won me a bunch of matches so far.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bloodlust is usually win more is the problem. How many of those BL matches would you have won anyhow without it?