

Trakanon Raider
haha yea, you caught me

I made my initial review with lack of sleep and it's not like im a pro at the game, it was just my initial thoughts.
Reading people's thoughts here & elsewhere changed my opinion on a lot of cards.
Hearthstone Champion has gone to your head! Haha.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Another day of losing games to shredders, boom bots, and knife jugglers.


Speaking of getting fucked by shredders.


*edit again*

and now I just got fucked by my opponent's shredder popping a doomsayer.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just healed for 50 against face hunter with this Reno shaman deck I came up with. Only played 3 games and am 2-1 atm.

Rolled 14 with healing wave, then he got me to 2 health and I healed for 28, then healbot later for 8.

Kinda lucky I had Healing Wave and Reno in my hand early on.




King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I think Reno Fatigue mage is the worst deck I've seen so far. Seen as in I've played against some poor souls. Really soul crushing from both ends but watching a priest gladly keep using his northshire cleric was kinda fun. He would have beaten me multiple times without Reno. Healed for a massive amount with two Renos and had a third in hand when he conceded. Really disgusting with Secrets added in.

Edit- will probably try to make Reno Warrior next just for the hate.


Molten Core Raider
I had a game earlier today playing mage where I duplicated a Reno and then echoed another Reno and emperor. The guy conceded after the echo. Lol.


Molten Core Raider
I don't know if Reno is competitive enough at higher ranks but it is so much fun playing the deck at the moment



Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
What I'm enjoying the most with the Reno Warlock deck, and I'm guessing from all Reno decks is that your games are pretty different each time. When you play a regular deck, it's generally very focused, and it has specific win conditions, and the gameplay varies little from game to game. You have specific answers to the problems you face, or have trouble dealing with some of them, and the games end up being somewhat routine.

Having 30 different cards changes that fundamentally in that your deck is less focused, and each game play differently because the likelihood of getting the same hand each game is reduced. Also having 30 different cards, you have a lot of different ways to deal with different problems presented to you.

I find the deck to be more fun to play because of that, each game is a bit more different than usual, and your win condition is not always the same. The game feel to me to be a lot less routine and therefore more fun and exciting each time.

I know it's too early to know how big of an impact it will have on the meta and the game in general, but it would be interesting to see more cards like these in the future. Cards that do something different if you have no duplicate in your deck. They don't necessary have to be has game changing as Reno, but it could influence deck building to some extent.

Anyways, enjoying the game quite a bit right now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's still too new so it catches most opponents by surprise, I got to imagine that's not going to last long. In most games I've won with Reno Warlock, the opponent usually blows their load trying to whittle you down the first time that once Reno comes out most of their 'good' cards are already spent.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That mage control deck I was working on needs to go all the way back to the drawing board. It's basically trying to set up a combo finish, except why wouldn't you just play freeze mage if that's the plan? It mostly has the same good and bad matchups as freeze mage, freeze mage just does a better job of both staying alive and closing out the game. I think the only realistically viable mage control deck aside from freeze is echo.


Molten Core Raider
Accidentally muscle memoried my way into ranked after setting up the heroic second boss priest deck with all the silences and swp/deathlord. I ended up sitting on a 36 health deathlord i couldnt attack with for like 6 turns because i had no other minions to run into freezing trap. Just kept healing it and silencing his highmanes. Wonder if he was more confused or salty.


what Suineg set it to
I'm just curious, how would you tell the difference at low tiers? I mean I guess at high tiers it's obvious what type, but only at a certain point in the game would you 100% expect to see a dupe card show up.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Reno Jackson just made his debut in a tournament. SuperJJ just went from 1 to 30 playing freeze mage. Gaara had a big ass WTF look on his face.