

Blackwing Lair Raider
Its not that bad and it matches up well against secret pally so when you know at least 50% of your opponents are going to be paladin its not that bad.


Mr. Poopybutthole
SHIT TIER!!!!!!!!

I was messing around with a control warrior deck and something seemed off about my list on deck tracker but I couldn't put my finger on it until I got into fatigue without ever drawing Grom. Whoops.


Molten Core Raider
I'm just plain done with freeze mage for now. I can mostly handle reno decks, but there's way too damn many people playing patron warrior. Seriously? Fucking patron? The deck is shit tier trash now but people won't let it go. Hell, Worgen combo is a stronger, more consistent deck at this point.
I find Patron annoying as well, but on a numbers level I can understand how it might be a reasonable choice if you are grinding a positive expectation...Sure, in some matchups its a total shit deck, but overall it would have a positive expectation.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So with the meta shaken up already from Wing 1, here's what we have to look forward to this week.

I'll take my initial review from pre-release and add notations based on recent meta changes.


Tunnel Trogg: This is a mechanic people have asked for. Could be a good mechanic but not at the 1 drop position. Better to take zombie chow over this guy imo.

Changing my opinion on this card. He'll be good. He's equivalent to a Mana Wyrm, and he can get big really fast. Zombie Chow will still be more consistent but this guy will be very viable, and he can easily get out of hand and win some games alone. Take Zombie Chow when you have a low number of Overload cards, otherwise stick with the Trogg.

Ethereal Conjurer: Spellslinger shits all over this guy, with the only exception is you avoid giving a card to your opponent. This is still a terrible card. Only slightly better than Cobalt Guardian.

At the time of my initial review I didn't know that Discover only discovered class cards. Knowing that now, this card should be really good. Get that 3rd Fireball, a Flamestrike, or even Pyroblast. It's a threatening minion with its 6 attack and if you're on 10 mana you should be able to combo with any card you discover except Flamestrike/Blizzard/Pyro. I can see this card easily in any mage deck outside Freeze & Mech. Even Freeze might try it for a chance at that 3rd Lance/Fireball/Torch.

Mounted Raptor: Bad card. 2 cost stats for 3 mana won't be good. Argent Horserider will be better.

Originally I didn't notice it was a Druid card. That said, it's a mini-Shredder, which isn't terrible. Druid lack good 3 drops. Shade should still be a better option, but maybe this makes some beast decks or even Reno beast Druid. It's decent, just hard to sub in for Shade.

Tomb Spider: Not playable.

The Discover mechanic is much stronger than I had originally anticipated, and Class cards are weighted heavily over Neutrals, so getting Highmane/Krush as Hunter or even Malorne/Savage Combatant as Druid should be fairly consistent. Won't make it into Aggro decks obviously, but with Control on the upswing, it could easily see play. Other classes would benefit less due to no class cards.

Unearthed Raptor:Tricky card. This is a mechanic people have called for and now we have it. Rogue only and they don't utilize too many Deathrattles but maybe this will spawn a new deck type. Combo with Sylvanas for the lols, or any number of huge Deathrattle effects (Sneeds/Shredder/Belcher/etc). I like it.

I still think this is a good card and will see a lot of play in a control Rogue. I saw a Reno Rogue recently that used a lot of Deathrattles. Potential to gain 3x Sylvanas effects (over 2 turns) or even multiple Nerubian Egg procs will be really good.

Fierce Monkey:So warrior get their 3/4 for 3 minion. It's not terrible. This and Obsidian Destroyer put more Taunts into the warrior arsenal. Maybe Bolster Deck becomes a thing. It's also decent in Fatigue Warrior since this can replace Acolytes.

Obsidian Destroyer obviously hasn't made it yet, but with the Reno & Fatigue Warriors on the rise, this card should replace some acolytes/shield blocks soon. Those cards are often dead cards, especially if running Kripp's Reno Warrior which already has 2x Healbots and Reno. Drawing cards is a liability.

Reliquary Seeker:This has to be in Zoo. Maybe it won't be consistent, but it's kinda insane. Zoo get full boards very frequently. This card will be a nightmare.

It's a win more card for sure, even if it doesn't get put into decks, if Zoo runs Dark Peddler, you may still see this card played. If I'm considering this card, I'd put 2x Peddlers instead with the great chance of picking this up anyway. I still think it's decent for Zoo, but the card shouldn't be in your list.

Keeper of Uldaman:This card is almost terrible except for the fact you could use it to buff up your dudes and it also trades favorably against any minion without Divine Shield. Probably isn't room for this card, but it's not unplayable. Maybe you add some Nerubian Eggs to the deck too.

This card's value is going up with the new Reno meta. It's going to make a lot of lists. Might not see play in Secret Paladin, but all other lists should have at least one.

Brann Bronzebeard:Needs a deck, and he looks to curve perfectly in Shaman. Brann > Rumbling Ele > Drake > Fire Elemental. Looks insane, and no overload!

I'm most hyped for this card. Sure, he looks good in Battlecry Shaman, which has already gained some traction just with Rumbling Ele, but I'm more scared for Mill Rogue. Especially with all the Reno decks on the ladder, Mill Rogue is going to destroy Reno decks. When the Meta slows down enough, Mill Rogue will be godly. And it doesnt even have to be a traditional Mill Rogue. There's a ton of options opening up for Rogue now. I'll be trying Reno Rogue with 2x Coldlights & Brann for sure.

Excavated Evil: pseudo hellfire for 2 more cost and a big drawback. Terrible. Auchenai+Circle / Nova / Lightbomb are all far superior.

This still seems terrible, but the "drawback" to this card isn't so bad as I originally thought. It's actually a drawback for your opponent that they waste a card draw getting this card, and if they play it, you are 1 less card into Fatigue. It might see play in some insane control priest or Reno priest.


Blackwing Lair Raider
4-1 with summoning stone druid so far with the one loss I had a taunt minion and board full of minions, my hunter opponent had no cards in hand and top decked skill command.


Molten Core Raider
4-1 with summoning stone druid so far with the one loss I had a taunt minion and board full of minions, my hunter opponent had no cards in hand and top decked skill command.
What does the list look like? Also, what rank were you?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Power of the Wildx2
Wild Growth
Savage Roarx2
Silent Knightx2
Druid of the Clawx2
Summoning Stonex2
Dark Wispers
Dr. Boom

Currently rank 9, 5-3 now, seems pretty inconsistent, I'm just having some fun. Probably going to put shades back in instead of silent knight, I thought I'd have more buffing spells in the deck, but there just isn't enough room.

Summoning stone hunter next!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ethereal Conjurer: Spellslinger shits all over this guy, with the only exception is you avoid giving a card to your opponent. This is still a terrible card. Only slightly better than Cobalt Guardian.

At the time of my initial review I didn't know that Discover only discovered class cards. Knowing that now, this card should be really good. Get that 3rd Fireball, a Flamestrike, or even Pyroblast. It's a threatening minion with its 6 attack and if you're on 10 mana you should be able to combo with any card you discover except Flamestrike/Blizzard/Pyro. I can see this card easily in any mage deck outside Freeze & Mech. Even Freeze might try it for a chance at that 3rd Lance/Fireball/Torch.
Discover is not limited to class cards, there just are no neutral spells.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
1st Draft of Rogue deck I plan to try. Mill + Reno Rogue.

Brann Reno Mill - Hearthstone Decks

All 1-ofs except:

2x Gang Up: to help counter Fatigue, especially since there is a Sprint in the deck for those times Coldlights are stuck at the bottom.
2x Coldlight: Obvious reasons

Beneath the Ground counters Reno decks and gives you more pressure.
Lots of 0-3 drops so you can empty your hand before those 4-draw coldlights.
Don't use Gang-Up if you expect to Reno soon. Use Gang-Up after Reno.

Win Condition: Fatigue. Don't waste cards on face. Get value from trades & clears.

Mill Combos:
Brann+Coldlight: 4 cards drawn
Brann+Coldlight+Coldlight: 8 cards
Brann+Coldlight+Shadowstep+Coldlight: 8 Cards
Brann+Mukla+Coldlight: 4 bananas+4 cards.
Brann+Mukla+Shadowstep+Mukla+Coldlight: 8 bananas+4 cards (2 guarantee burned).
Cho+Brann+Backstab+Prep+Deadly Poison+Coldlight+Shadowstep+Coldlight: 4 semi-useless spells+8 drawn cards (2 guarantee burned).

Other Combos:
Unearthed Raptor + Sylvanas/Belcher/Shredder

Discover is not limited to class cards, there just are no neutral spells.
That's what I meant. Only class spells, but even Discover minions is weighted to favor class over neutrals.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
That's what you call an anti-combo. You gang-up once you basically have shut off Reno for probably the rest of the game.
I envision it only occurring toward the end of the game, and since you'll be drawing 4 cards per coldlight, you'll get them all in your hand quickly. You may need to reno after a coldlight to counter the fatigue damage. It would be a rare situation for sure.


Golden Squire
I can't wait to see a trolden with someone's confused reaction after their opponent plays beneath the grounds on them and they try to reno.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, Gang up is terrible for Reno decks
Gang up is fine. It's just how YOU use it that might be terrible


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I can't wait to see a trolden with someone's confused reaction after their opponent plays beneath the grounds on them and they try to reno.
I want to see a priest drop Reno when cabal shadow priest is out. Whoops wrong card.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Alright, hunter summoning stone failed miserably. So far priest seems to be the best summoning stone class, much more consistent and allows for much crazier plays.