

Mr. Poopybutthole
You mean anti-aggro? It's been anti-rush ever since LoE came out. Not trying to be anal, there really is a difference.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Just got this game maybe a week ago? Still getting the hang of it, but it's fun. I drew the cards in the first few packs I got for whirling zap-o-matic x2, so I've been making a mech type shaman deck. It's pretty fun for how cheap it is, and I don't have nearly all the stuff I need for the full on mech shaman deck yet. Had a game last night: vs Warlock. He goes first, nothing played. I play coin + zap-o-matic. Usually this gets someone's attention pretty quickly and they try to clear it. Next turn he plays nothing again. He got a shitty draw I guess? My turn, I drop flametongue totem, hit him for 10 damage. I figure, ok, now he's going to hit it with some kind of remove, he plays some card (forget what) with like 4atk 4health with an inspire effect. My turn, I play shattered sun cleric, buff the zapo and hit him for 12 damage. 3 turns gone and he's down to 8 health. He immediately concedes. I laughed for like a minute straight over that one


Mr. Poopybutthole
Public service announcement, even death rattled creatures or stuff that gets put directly into play become 1/1s


Trakanon Raider
typical board flood warlock dreadsteed shanaynays win the game.
I don't see that beating Innervate. I played 1 game so far and lol omg it was hilarious and fun. Did Warrior just because. Obsidian Scarab guy is cool though. I wrecked with Mukla's Champion, Stormwind Champion & Hobgoblin + lots of legendaries and Bolster is nice too. I can finally play Hobgoblin Bolster Warrior yay.


Mr. Poopybutthole
oh wow totally forgot about hobgoblin. I ran druid to do a dominance quest, no innervates, just two swipes and then a bunch of various high powered creatures, with 2 unstable ghouls and a geddon for additional board clear. Mukla's champion is obviously the mvp for pretty much any deck, but I got a lot of work done with Kvaldir Raider, and nothing says loving like chromaggus coin ancient of lore on turn 1, especially when wobbling runts is one of the cards you get a duplicate of.


Also, expect this variant of control warrior to pop up on ladder, no idea if it will take off or not but Dog was streaming it with 10k viewers and doing very well. Missing card is a second brawl. Not sure if having the list matters all that much, since the only real difference is that the burst finish is for 20-24 instead of 10-16, but it probably isn't practical to play around since there is so little difference between this and standard control warrior. The only way you could maybe tell is if you saw double slam but no other patron stuff.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Chain posts ahoy! So here's the high performers for this brawl by my estimation. Only including classes I've played or played against a couple times, so no hunter, rogue, or shaman.


Keeper - Elven Archer is already really good, this is strictly better
Ancient of War - Choose, unlike battlecry, occurs after the debuff that sets it to 1/1, so an ancient of war would be either a 1/6 taunt or a 6/1.

Arcane Missiles
Arcane Explosion


Blessing of Kings
Keeper of Uldaman
Tirion Fordring - He's still a divine shield taunt deathrattles a crazy good weapon


Power Word Shield
Velen's Chosen
Cabal Shadow Priest


Blade Flurry
Fan of Knives
Dark Iron Skulker


Mortal Coil
Dreadsteed - probably the best minion in the entire brawl
Dread Infernal


Not gonna list them all, but with as many ways as warrior can deal 1 damage to all minions, if you don't mind going to fatigue every single game warrior is basically unbeatable in this brawl.


Elven Archer
Knife Juggler
Unstable Ghoul
Argent Horserider
Questing Adventurer
Defender of Argus
Faceless Manipulator - tons of uses in this brawl
Frostwolf Warlord
Kvaldir Raider
Mukla's Champion - this minion is why I said Dreadsteed was only probably the best minion in the entire brawl, this guy is what really breaks games open
Argent Commander
Baron Geddon
Dr Boom
Stormwind Champion
Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Northsea Kraken

Have fun building decks!


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Whelp, I've played 12 games in a row that I've had to concede by turn 5. This game is such a steaming pile of shit.


Trakanon Raider
you're right, just put in my golden gruul and got gruul+dark iron skulker+2x faceless on the draw, and I had coin. Needless to say, he conceded on turn 3.
Yea I had someone concede on T3 earlier today also.

T1: Coin + Sludge + gruul
T2: Dr.Boom + Stormwind Champ


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's not even that broken of a start, although it's a rough one. I assume since there is no brawl ladder people would rather just move on instead of fighting it out.

My last brawl before I stopped for a break I had full board clear + enough left over for lethal damage with arcane missiles for 39 when I was at 1 health.


Yeah I was surprised, but a 2/2 bomb with taunt is pretty annoying if you don't have anything in your hand on turn two that'll give you any more than two 1/1's, which might have been what happened.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wish I was taking a video, I just had turn 1 ony, turn 2 coin -> savage roar, turn 3 double kracken for the win. This brawl is dumb but hilarious.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I've been having a blast with this brawl, it might be my new favorite. In addition to that arcane missiles for 39 earlier, I also had a brann double kraken for lethal.