

Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, it was really bad in many areas of the world, and I'm sure still is in many other areas. In the new orleans area ppl had been having difficulties connecting to or having lag issues for over a solid year, a node somewhere was shitting the bed and blizzard's isp, att, didn't view it as their problem for the longest time, and suddenly after a fucking year of disconnects when I had, had enough I subscribed to a vpn and then they FINALLY must've fixed the node like that next week because I haven't had to use the vpn or had disconnects/lag since then. It all boils down to we're running out of internets .


Commong bug or just my luck. Played a match this morning and when the other guy went to play a card the game hung. He never got the warning time was running out and it never switched to my turn. After 5 minutes I just quit to get out.
This just happened to me two days ago for the first time in months. Of course, I had lethal next turn. Wonder if the latest patch did something.

Edit: Wasn't a disconnect issue on my end as I was playing on my desktop not over wifi.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Edit: Wasn't a disconnect issue on my end as I was playing on my desktop not over wifi.
Wat? I get disconnected on my desktop. Has nothing to do with your internet connection, sometimes you just get disconnected from the match and have to reconnect.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
So sick of trying some new deck ideas in Casual (shaman with Maly and Auctioneer), only to play against copy/pasted netdecks time after time after time. Why play optimized zoo, secret paladin or tempo mage in Casual? FFS people.
You have a separate MMR for Casual, so Casual is just as try-hard as you. If you want to try something new against less-than-ideal decks, concede a bunch of games before you try it out. You'll also make some people happy that their off-class dailies were easier.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You have a separate MMR for Casual, so Casual is just as try-hard as you. If you want to try something new against less-than-ideal decks, concede a bunch of games before you try it out. You'll also make some people happy that their off-class dailies were easier.
This sounds like pure speculation. Does anyone actually know what the parameters of the hidden MMR even are, or if your recent win rate has anything to do with it? If there's an official explanation of it I'd love to know.


Anyone else sick of the complete heal card? I've had multiple stompings robbed by just that one card. Today I ran over a guy in ranked. I was full hp. Full board. He was at 1hp. gets a complete heal and ends up turning it around.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know, I think the inconsistency of reno decks due to they're having 30 different cards ends up balancing out the full heal. Its always telegraphed so you should know when you're facing a reno deck and you have to decide if you think you can burst them down before they draw reno or play more conservatively because you don't think you can burst them down. You said you had a full board so there was most likely an over extension and he had the right cards and you got punished for it. Plenty of times ppl would over extend against me while playing reno decks, but I didn't draw the right cards in the right order so I wasn't able to punish them for it.


Trakanon Raider
Whenever I recognize a Reno Deck I go full board control and I hold back as much as I can until I'm ready to go for the kill. Generally the Reno Deck wants you to run out of threats by wasting stuff. So the goal is to have a commanding board presence when Reno comes down so it can be killed off and you can regain the offensive. As such you need to focus on board control and efficient trades (which in today's environment of death rattles isn't always that easy) because the Reno deck wants you in a position where you have no board and no cards in hand.


Trakanon Raider
One other thing specific to Reno Lock (the most common Reno deck by far). You need to be aware of their board clears. They run a LOT of them. Demonwrath at 3 mana to do 2 damage to all non-demons. Hellfire at 4 mana to deal 3 damage to everything (including the heroes). Shadowflame at 4 mana which kills one of their minions and AOEs for it's attack power. And Twisting Nether at 8 mana which is a no holds barred kill everything card.

Also expect Mortal Coil, Dark bomb, Imp-Losion and Siphon Soul.

It's an extremely hard balance of keeping board control without over extending or running out of your own cards. Pretty much on any turn you can expect to see your entire board wiped so it's extremely important to make sure that the opponent's board is also going to be cleared as well.

I just played against and beat one which reminded me of the AOE. And I had to deal over 80 points of damage to actually kill the bastard since he dropped Reno, Antique Healbot and Lord Jaraxxus.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Whenever I recognize a Reno Deck I go full board control and I hold back as much as I can until I'm ready to go for the kill. Generally the Reno Deck wants you to run out of threats by wasting stuff. So the goal is to have a commanding board presence when Reno comes down so it can be killed off and you can regain the offensive. As such you need to focus on board control and efficient trades (which in today's environment of death rattles isn't always that easy) because the Reno deck wants you in a position where you have no board and no cards in hand.
I feels good to beat them when you do. I played aggrodin against one and got my Mrrggleton out. He used 3 board wipes and Reno at 6 life. Still pushed his shit in. It was pretty awesome and one reason aggro will never go away.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know, I think the inconsistency of reno decks due to they're having 30 different cards ends up balancing out the full heal. Its always telegraphed so you should know when you're facing a reno deck and you have to decide if you think you can burst them down before they draw reno or play more conservatively because you don't think you can burst them down. You said you had a full board so there was most likely an over extension and he had the right cards and you got punished for it. Plenty of times ppl would over extend against me while playing reno decks, but I didn't draw the right cards in the right order so I wasn't able to punish them for it.
Whenever I recognize a Reno Deck I go full board control and I hold back as much as I can until I'm ready to go for the kill.
Agreed. That's why druid can present such a lopsided matchup for reno locks, they don't give a dick, just hold you around 15 give or take until the kill shot can happen. The thing about reno is if you weren't playing before (maybe you were) the meta was lousy with fast aggro face decks, namely fucking hunter. Reno reallly helped keep the meta more honest. Aggro still has a place (though the king is more shaman now) but it can't run rampant across the meta like it used to.

I've said before I'm actually more worried that reno will become too inconsistent in standard with loss of healbot/chow/belcher to help them survive the initial onslaught, which might lead to a resurgence in face hunter and other all-in aggro styles. That shit is pretty annoying too, at least reno you can strategize around, not just sigh and watch some dickwad blow you up every other match.


Trakanon Raider
Well this was the fastest I've hit Rank 10(my normal goal is Rank 10 and if I get Rank 5 even better). 99% of my games with Secret Paladin and I'm 74 wins from Golden Paladin. I kept getting 1 star from rank 10 and then dropping back 3 or 4 stars. I finally played against a Hunter where I curved out perfectly and he was playing Mid-Range. Face Hunter is a 50/50 match for me as a general rule but Mid-Range is, usually, in my favor.

The meta is almost all Warlocks right now which I think is a weekend thing. It's a good deck but I tend to see a lot of Zoo Lock on the weekends. Surprisingly enough I had very few Paladin mirror matches and I only recall one shaman (who is a terrible match-up for me).

Think I'm done for the day but the goal is to push towards Rank 5 and the last 74 wins I need for Golden Pally over the next couple of days.


<Bronze Donator>
My Reno deck runs Leeroy Faceless Power Overwhelming, so don't assume a Renolock can't kill you. That shit wins so many games.

Done with it now though, got Golden Warlock. Hunter and Warlock down, I guess I'll work on Paladin before it turns to trash. 146 wins to go.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
My Reno deck runs Leeroy Faceless Power Overwhelming, so don't assume a Renolock can't kill you. That shit wins so many games.

Done with it now though, got Golden Warlock. Hunter and Warlock down, I guess I'll work on Paladin before it turns to trash. 146 wins to go.
Damn. My fav decks are Lock but just got golden with it as well. Closest to me is hunter with 355 wins. Need a solid 300 more wins for both pally and mage after that.


My Reno deck runs Leeroy Faceless Power Overwhelming, so don't assume a Renolock can't kill you. That shit wins so many games.

Done with it now though, got Golden Warlock. Hunter and Warlock down, I guess I'll work on Paladin before it turns to trash. 146 wins to go.
Umm what Reno lock doesnt... Leeroy synergy with Mind Control Tech or Flame is a staple.

Zoo does good against Reno tho that is why you so see so many of them on the ladder.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Probably more importantly that its considered to match up well with druids andsecret paladins...