

Mr. Poopybutthole
With oil going away, Rogues needs some friggin help in this expansion but nothing revealed so far really stands out for them to be more competitive. All these new deathrattle cards means that the Rogue's removal options are even more diminished.

Goddamnit Blizz
Uh, what? Miracle rogue is already better than oil rogue and is losing absolutely zero cards to the standard rotation. Or maybe 1 card if you run Loatheb. And since Miracle Rogue's biggest problem (minions deathrattling out more minions) will be almost completely gone, Miracle will be gaining an incredible amount of power relative to the meta.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Holy shit that is fucking terrible.



Trakanon Raider
It's a low cost minion and the cards you get are all pretty good for enabling combos. His stats are a bit low but adding those two cards helps. I think he'll see play if Rogue is viable.


<Bronze Donator>
Odd that one of the toxins is basically a spare part while the others are much better.

That warrior weapon though...wtf?


I'm kinda surprised that they didn't make a Deadly Poison / weapon buff toxin. Wonder why not as it fits the 'toxin' idea. There's already a pseudo Shadow Step, Cold Blood, and Eviscerate


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Odd that one of the toxins is basically a spare part while the others are much better.

That warrior weapon though...wtf?
If you mean stealth, probably because this legendary will be in a miracle type deck and rogue will love to stealth up the auctioneer but rogues don't want to run conceal anymore usually. All the options are good and only 5 cards means decent consistency. The shadowstep will bring back OTK nightmares now that you can shadowstep 3,4 or more times if you roll well. (Raptors and/or brann can get you more than 2 toxins).

Warrior weapon is so confusingly bad. If you're a fatigue deck then you want to clear minions and control board, this doesn't do that. It can put damage on a minion to execute it but lol.

If you're considering this card then you better already have 2 gorehowls in your deck.

Only justification I can think is that they wanted to give control warriors something to do with their leftover mana during control matchups. It's a 2.5 mana steady shot and an extra legendary when you can play monkey


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd say it's just because they wanted a stealth related effect and anything more powerful would have been too powerful.


Holy shit that is fucking terrible.

That's now the worst card in the game. Two years and six expansions in, they print a card that's worse than everything prior. That's insultingly bad design. That's an insult to paying cutomers. You can't opt out of getting these cards when you buy packs, so they have an obligation to notknowinglydesign cards that are literally worthless. It's fucking inexcusable. Not every card needs to be great, but they shouldn't go out of their way to intentionally create awful content that people pay for. That's fucking rock bottom design, I really thought they'd moved past that shit. How can a game developer not feel like shit when he knowingly designs something that's meant to be trash? In what other line of work is that not a total moral bankruptcy?


Mr. Poopybutthole
pretty impressive overreaction. I doubt they were intentionally trying to create a shitty card. An infinite weapon is potentially very powerful, they just erred too far on the side of caution when balancing it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wouldn't that be good for fatigue type decks? Like even if you're behind on the board, you can just infinitely trade that and clear while fatigue ticks away ? Eventually you have fatigue + 2 dmg every turn? I dunno.... I agree its pure shit, just trying to think of a reason they'd put it in.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I'll actually probably try that weapon + an upgrade + captain greenskin in my reno/elise warrior deck just for shits n giggles to see. Don't forget they are losing death's bite too, not that this card can come anywhere near filling that slot, but they'll need something to bash enemies with. And in a deck like that its common to go to fatigue so its just another guaranteed legendary at the end.


Lord Nagafen Raider

I actually love this card. If we live in a world where we're not getting combo'd out of games anywhere near as often along with all minions getting a solid power down after the Shredder fiasco, there's potential we'll be playing in a meta that isn't anywhere near as fast.

I don't have the nuts to call it some sleeper card, but I'm a stupid control player who tries absolutely every last idiot durdle card.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

I actually love this card. If we live in a world where we're not getting combo'd out of games anywhere near as often along with all minions getting a solid power down after the Shredder fiasco, there's potential we'll be playing in a meta that isn't anywhere near as fast.

I don't have the nuts to call it some sleeper card, but I'm a stupid control player who tries absolutely every last idiot durdle card.
Problem is, Gorehowl exists. In fatigue battles you want Gorehowl over this shit.... 2 of them even!