

Mr. Poopybutthole
fandral is good in all kinds of druid, just don't go overboard on choose cards. If you wouldn't play it without Fandral, it probably doesn't belong in the deck. Only borderline card is raven idol.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well this could have been bad...

Forbidden Shaping gives me Ragnaros the Lightlord...with me having Auchenai Soulpriest already on board. I was able to kill my Soulpriest before the end of my turn though...so I got healed, and not killed instead.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That feeling when you get Cho'Gall from a huckster, use him to cast thistle tea, and get 2 extra copies of journey.


more thistle hilarity.



Molten Core Raider
What is your deck list?

I've been refining the list I posted some time ago:


it's now:
-1 Tracking
-1 Snipe

+1 Powershot
+1 Explosive Shot

Was stuck with the old version around rank 10, but I'm winning again (rank 8 atm) since the 2 changes.
Mine is quite different from yours, it was just a brew I made when I was bored and didn't expect to win much at all.

I ended up with this:
The highmanes are in there because I originally wanted to make a Malygos variant (hence the arcane shots), but as with every Malygos deck I make, it ends up being better with something else in there other than a Malygos. So I just went boring and put in Highmanes since they're good against control decks.

So it ended up being a lot less Lock n load focused and went down to one, but I had some issues (was rank 6ish with it). It literally cannot win against face shaman, you can beat a board control shaman but face is literally impossible. Then I tried out midrange Hunter for comparison, and they only win against face shaman like 10% of the time, so it's sort of a class issue. Hunter is bad against shaman in general since their minions all have over 2 health so explosive trap doesn't do jack, and they usually have 3+ of them so freezing trap doesn't do jack either.

I think swipe is a good addition from your list, especially against rogue, so I'll eventually put a few of those in. I think eight secrets is probably overkill from your list though. Snake trap especially has got to be pretty bad with the lack of early game creatures. I think Alex is sort of necessary if you fight any type of priest or paladin, since you can negate their healing for a kill turn.

I'd say there are times where you don't see a lot of aggro around and the slow hunter lists like this can really shine then. It plays like combo rogue but it has some advantages since it's not weak to brawl or being milled out. The night I was playing with it I saw few shamans and plenty of everything else.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You're right, the Snake Traps are iffy. Good with a Bear trap or AC in the early turns, but sometimes they are too dormant. I'll try 2 Snipes instead for a bit.

Do you get value out of the Kill Commands? Seems not easy to always have the animal on the board for full damage.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I woke up from a dream this morning where they nerfed doomsayer and tournament medic of all things. I been playing too much since whispers came out.


Trakanon Raider
Soooo I was dead no matter what but WTF? I used Keeper of Ulduman on the Silver Hand Knight and it buffed it +3/+3!! He discovered it so it was a 5/5 with +1/+1 from A Light in the Darkness, and when I used Keeper on it it gave it another +3/+3 instead of making it a 3/3 lol. You might say the last A Light in the Darkness "bug" I posted was a feature aka Faceless Shambler, and I can concede that even though it seems inconsistent to me since it shows the buff from A Light in the Darkness on it, but whatever, that's fine, not a bug. Now this? I am pretty sure a Keeper of Ulduman played from hand targeting a minion should always make it a 3/3 lol.


Ssraeszha Raider
Anyone got any fun ideas for today's Brawl? I just did mine with Knife Juggler and Forbidden Ritual, but there's gotta be some funny combos.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone got any fun ideas for today's Brawl? I just did mine with Knife Juggler and Forbidden Ritual, but there's gotta be some funny combos.
Just now looked at it. Coldlight Oracle + Naturalize.

Edit: Fawe seems to have beat me to it.

My first opponent is Druid with Innervate and Ironbark lol. Easy.


Ssraeszha Raider
First opponent tried Embrace the Shadow and Flash Heal. Got me to 3 before succumbing to tentacles and knives.


Trakanon Raider
Btw if you get a Coldlight/Naturalize mirror, I'm not very good at math but I'm pretty sure you win as long as you don't drop a Coldlight and they do, which they probably will. This is going to be a great week for farming gold. Games are going to be very quick. Most people will concede if you are their counter... Unless this literally ends up as every single person playing Coldlight/Naturalize and you have to go to fatigue. But even then, it should be quick... Edit: wait unless they catch on as well and don't drop a Coldlight, oh god if that happens then it's whoever went first wins. But if the person going 2nd isn't smart enough to know that and doesn't concede, oh boy, that'll be slow. I think that's the situation I'm in now lol oh god... wait nope, the idiot dropped a Coldlight, gg unless my math is way off. Edit3: TURNS OUT I FORGOT YOU CAN NATURALIZE YOUR OWN MINIONS. Edit 4: Even so, the person going first wins. Edit5: Even if they don't concede because they are dumb and don't understand math and that they went 2nd so they lose, the games are still very quick. Fatigue starts by turn 5 or 6.

Lol just played my Naturalize deck against Unearthed Raptor and Nerubian Egg. Fun times. For me.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Btw if you get a Coldlight/Naturalize mirror, I'm not very good at math but I'm pretty sure you win as long as you don't drop a Coldlight and they do, which they probably will. This is going to be a great week for farming gold. Games are going to be very quick. Most people will concede if you are their counter... Unless this literally ends up as every single person playing Coldlight/Naturalize and you have to go to fatigue. But even then, it should be quick.
Wyrm/Missles counters that list though, so probably wouldnt be worth playing it if you're countered so often


Ssraeszha Raider
I just played against another warrior with my axe/bash deck and all he did was play elven archer for 10 turns and then concede.

What was the other card?!