

Trakanon Raider
Lol how does anyone listen to Trump?Hearthstone: Trump Gets Beat up by Trash (Tavern Brawl) - YouTube

Finally a use for my golden Hallazeal.

Haha omg this game was so hilarious. Played a cancer hunter and he "well played" the turn before I Alextrasa'd back up with a Sloggoth the Slitherer in front. And then I played an Alakir and played around Freezing Trap and killed him. Played Yogg and everything, and Yogg even fully healed him rofl. I love premature well played's, so satisfying. What an idiot. I played Golden Monkey, I coulda had a Reno or anything. Soooo satisfying.


Trakanon Raider
Fucking arena

10 wins, 170g, Mortal Strike, Golden Effigy, and a pack. Seriously? Ugh
Yeah dude, it's fucking rage inducing isn't it? I'm getting fucked over so bad with most of my runs ending at 9. Browsed a few forums and other people feel like upper arena rewards have been reduced as well. Or just that overall gold is less likely to happen. I visited the official arena forums from time to time just for the hell of it, and there has never been this many people complaining about it. Every day there is like 7-8 threads on the front page dedicated to it atm. I'm sure an arena streamer has noticed by now? Just want them to make a post on reddit with stats so the info gets out there and we get answers.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Welp, gave up getting Legend with the Hunter list, spamming Shaman now. Need 230 wins for Golden. Was playing Infusion shaman until I saw the Tides list above, really fun and seems good. Going to see if I can get back up the ranks. Fell to 4 from 1 playing Hunter/Warrior mainly. Probably won't get Legend before OW release now, then depends how much OW I play.

The Tides list does really well against all the flood decks atm, also beat a Freeze mage and Miracle Rogue rather easily. Only loss so far was to C'Thun Druid, but that was my first game with the deck and didn't have it figured out yet.

The Freeze mage had to be so tilted.
Got Alex'd --> Healing Wave for 14
Pyroblasted --> Healing Wave for 7

Later on he bursts me down to 11 with fireballs...

Halazeal + Ele Destruction on my own minions to heal back to 30.



One notable game during my decline to 4 was beating reckful with Infusion shaman. I turned on my stream for it, should be the last recording. Wasn't anything fancy, just outlasted. I need to find the game on his stream, assuming he was streaming, he usually talks mad shit. Be neat to hear all the names he called me. Edit: Doesn't look like he streamed it. Here's the boring game on my channel:Twitch


Mr. Poopybutthole
heh, maybe volajjzjzjzj isn't so bad.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Welp, gave up getting Legend with the Hunter list, spamming Shaman now. Need 230 wins for Golden. Was playing Infusion shaman until I saw the Tides list above, really fun and seems good. Going to see if I can get back up the ranks. Fell to 4 from 1 playing Hunter/Warrior mainly. Probably won't get Legend before OW release now, then depends how much OW I play.
Did you remove n'zoth from that hunter list? I tried it without and it really hurts in the control matchups and the card has secured a win for me a number of games.

I finally stopped fucking around and trying to hit 5 now so I can fuck around again. I couldn't find a deck I really liked, but that hunter list doesn't have any really poor matchups. Once I'm done that I want to try an aggro n'zoth paladin and/or druid, bunch of low cost cards, divine favor, and n'zoth. Druid has innervate to get n'zoth early, but lacks the card draw.


Can I get a little advice on the Warrior vs. Warrior mirror and the playing of the Golden Monkey? It seems from bits I've gathered here that it is advantageous to play your Monkey second. I assume that is because you know once he plays his Monkey that he has no more removal. On the other hand, isn't there some first mover advantage to starting the legendary spam before your opponent?

In my last game, we were both playing Cthun Warrior with Elise. I was in control and winning throughout midgame. He had played his Cthun (which I removed) and Monkey'd first. I still had Cthun, but no more removal. He proceeded to play 2 Nexus Champions which started my downfall. The extra resources he got included a bash and an absolutely soul-crushing Mulch. Fucking RNGstone... I played Cthun and Monkey'd a couple turns later, but it was too late. He kept board control with his legend stream (Onyxia, etc.) and there was nothing I could do at that point.

So, in summary, what is your Golden Monkey strategy in the Control Warrior match-up? What is the best play?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can I get a little advice on the Warrior vs. Warrior mirror and the playing of the Golden Monkey? It seems from bits I've gathered here that it is advantageous to play your Monkey second. I assume that is because you know once he plays his Monkey that he has no more removal. On the other hand, isn't there some first mover advantage to starting the legendary spam before your opponent?
Typically no, usually whatever gets played by whomever monkeys first will be removed at very little cost. I'm curious what happened earlier in the game or what your deck list is that your opponent was able to monkey before you and you didn't have enough/any? removal. I've literally never ran into that scenario and I play warrior more than any other class. If you have no removal though then you may as well monkey up, unless cthun was in your hand then you could cthun then monkey.