

Molten Core Raider
New vS Data Reaper Report is out (#16).

vS Power Rankings (Dashboard).png
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I thought it was completely fucking retarded for Tempostorm to put tempo mage in tier 1 just because of babbling book, lol
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, the meta will shift in response to the resurgence of hunters, although I don't know what actually counters them right now. Maybe people will just double down on aggro shaman since it's lightly favored, and if aggro shaman pushes hunters back out, warriors will come return to counter shaman, which will bring hunters back.
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<Bronze Donator>
Aggro shaman was doing alright even with warrior everywhere. It was still a T1 deck.

The reason I'd prefer an abundance of warriors because of how many archetypes it supported, even down to that silly OTK variant that I still don't understand how it got as popular as it did due to the horrible MUs it has.

A meta full of shaman and hunter will likely just bring back zoo, not warrior.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Aggro shaman was doing alright even with warrior everywhere. It was still a T1 deck.

The reason I'd prefer an abundance of warriors because of how many archetypes it supported, even down to that silly OTK variant that I still don't understand how it got as popular as it did due to the horrible MUs it has.

A meta full of shaman and hunter will likely just bring back zoo, not warrior.

Every single version of warrior matches up favorably against zoo, so a resurgence of zoo means a resurgence of warrior a week or two later. And the main reason OTK warrior was so popular is because you could still get wins in unfavorable matchups because people didn't know how to play against it. Now that people generally know what to do you're much less likely to win unfavorable matchups. Secondary reason was that the deck obliterates zoo and matches up well against druid.

I've been playing worgen OTK on and off since people first started experimenting with it and the main problem that gimmick OTK decks have is that people can tell almost immediately what your deck is and then start playing around it. As soon as I see a warrior play a loot hoarder, I know that I have to avoid playing into a big pyromancer turn and try to have taunts ready to go after emperor is dealt with.
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Molten Core Raider
Aggro shaman was doing alright even with warrior everywhere. It was still a T1 deck.

The reason I'd prefer an abundance of warriors because of how many archetypes it supported, even down to that silly OTK variant that I still don't understand how it got as popular as it did due to the horrible MUs it has.

A meta full of shaman and hunter will likely just bring back zoo, not warrior.

Exactly this. First thing i did at the start of this season is fire up a Zoolock. We'll see how it goes.
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Molten Core Raider
I just got Prince Malchezaar'd... in arena. He then drew and play 2 of the legendaries he got from Malch, one of which was tinkermaster Overspark and I got screwed on THAT rng as well.

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<Bronze Donator>
I'm going to try the fuck out of Malchezaar in constructed and see what I think. First game with a Reno Mage I only got to draw 2 of the legendaries (playing in Wild) and got Baron Gedon and Trogzor which decimated the Tempo Mage I was playing against
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Did they playtest heroic netherspite at all? A single voidwalker or annoyotron completely shuts him down.

and yeah malchezaar should be a lot of fun tomorrow.
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<Bronze Donator>
The whole romp through Karazhan give me the impression they didn't test ANY of the heroics. Like, heroic Nightbane I was expecting just him to start at 10 mana, not both of us. Nope, instead he has some...I don't even fucking remember. Picked one of my control ladder decks and destroyed him.

With how easy Heroic Karazhan has been, that reminded my that I still had a few in BRM and all of LOE to do. First off, fuck heroic chromaggus. BRM and Naxx were maybe slightly overtuned overall, but chromaggus specifically was fucking stupid.

I feel Heroic LoE had the exact right amount of challenge. Figure out how to build your deck, tweak it over a few tries, win. Slitherspear was the only real hard one. Perhaps my own fault because I really wanted to beat him with a mill deck(and did).
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I never lose to normal mode adventure bosses and just lost first try on the final Medivh portals one. Think I'll come back with control warrior maybe.
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<Bronze Donator>
It's pretty lol when someone is fatigue and you still have 5-10 cards left in your deck from Malchezaar
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Trakanon Raider
I never lose to normal mode adventure bosses and just lost first try on the final Medivh portals one. Think I'll come back with control warrior maybe.
Yea, that one was tricky because they didnt tell you anything about it (not even the hero power) beforehand. I chose the wrong deck to start as well. Got it on my 2nd try after seeing how the fight was structured. Used a yogg mage setup, made sure to not have many minions out by time I beat the orc since he always twisting nethers at the switch, and just attrition'd the fight out.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
On a streak and then my last 3 losses, top deck leeroy with no other cards in hand for exact lethal, totem golem from tuskarr, pyroblast by yogg; fuck this game.
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