

This game. Playing Zoo and just had a dragon warrior with double brawl. Which, ofc, was exactly what he needed to win.
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<Bronze Donator>
I was playing Wild Dragon Priest vs Malygos Yogg Druid. He was pretty much always winning the game, had Malygos on the table, I was at 4 health after he attacked. He plays Yogg, it instantly powershots his board clearing it, then draws to put him so next draw is 6 fatigue with him at 4 health, then soulfire my face to kill me :(

What a rollercoaster of emotions
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Sparkletot Monger
How Yogg feels when you play it with 10+ spells on it.


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Molten Core Raider
I posted at the start of this season, agreeing with Slip or Ravishing iirc, about Zoo being a good idea to play on ladder. Except... shaman are now running 2x Maelstrom Portal, 2x Spirit Claws, some are even tossing a Lightning Storm in there... It's a slaughter house... lol!
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I posted at the start of this season, agreeing with Slip or Ravishing iirc, about Zoo being a good idea to play on ladder. Except... shaman are now running 2x Maelstrom Portal, 2x Spirit Claws, some are even tossing a Lightning Storm in there... It's a slaughter house... lol!

I don't think I've ever advocated to play Zoo. But I did say Maelstrom and Spirit Claws were going to be good for Aggro Shaman.

Every time I get into this game I end up getting rank 2-4ish and want to get Legend but it's always end of season. Then the reset kills my desire to try again lol.

I used Slipps Dragon Rogue to knock out a 5-win quest but the deck isn't too consistent imo. Rogue's biggest weakness is no healing. I suggested before that they really need a "Lifesteal" mechanic/card for their weapon.

I actually still have a really good win rate with my N'Zoth shaman and due to having so much AoE, Clear, and Draw, I through in Malch to help against the late game decks and for extra fun.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I always seem to run low on cards and end up top decking by late mid game. Is this just a function of the decks I'm playing or am I doing it wrong.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Weren't you saying you were playing mid-range hunter? That is hunter's biggest weakness right now, lack of card draw. Shaman can be hurting for cards late mid-game too, but they have tools to work with at least. Dragon warrior also can often get in top deck mode, so it may just be the decks you are playing.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Just had a druid go turn 1 coin innervate astral turn 2 y'shaarj.

I am very rustled this morning.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I always seem to run low on cards and end up top decking by late mid game. Is this just a function of the decks I'm playing or am I doing it wrong.

Another problem is if you're "wasting" your removals or overextending into board clears. Depends on deck you're playing for sure. Getting better at the game means understanding when to eat damage and when to extend on board.

Being greedy is a common term for this. It can imply overextending (greedy for board knowing enemy might have a clear) but it can also mean holding a card for later (IE: saving SI:7 or Farseer to use battlecry instead of playing turn 3 without using the battlecry).

Knowing when to be greedy is the 2nd most "skillful" thing in the game. 1st is the mulligan.
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<Bronze Donator>
I posted at the start of this season, agreeing with Slip or Ravishing iirc, about Zoo being a good idea to play on ladder. Except... shaman are now running 2x Maelstrom Portal, 2x Spirit Claws, some are even tossing a Lightning Storm in there... It's a slaughter house... lol!
Zoo *was* slightly favored versus shaman plus still currently favored versus hunter. Zoo is no longer favored versus shaman, so it's not a great deck choice with still a decent portion of warriors out there.
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Molten Core Raider
Zoo *was* slightly favored versus shaman plus still currently favored versus hunter. Zoo is no longer favored versus shaman, so it's not a great deck choice with still a decent portion of warriors out there.

Yep. I just searched back and it was you i agreed with.

I might just crack and make a midrange shaman. I kind of want to get Legend and get the monkey off my back, but meh.
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<Bronze Donator>
I don't think anyone had an idea Maelstrom Portal, Spirit Claws, and even mundane stuff like Wicked Witchdoctor would be that good.

Ok, everyone saw Maelstrom Portal. You could have guessed on Spirit Claws, I want to say it was underrated on average. I'm surprised about Wicked Witchdoctor, but I'm loving playing a totem-centric. Winning games with a deck with two copies of Totemic Might!

People keep saying "just wait until TGT rotates out and Tuskar Totemic and Totem Golem go with it!". Not if they keep up the current trend. That's now 4 releases in a row shaman has gotten some pretty good cards. Current decks may die, sure, but new ones will take their place. Which is honestly not a problem, that's actually good. Perhaps rotating out cards shouldn't be a way to fix the shaman's problem.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just Hearthstone things:

So I have to knock out a Hunter quest, loaded against "zoo".

His Turn 6 he plays Emperor, so now I'm looking forward to some burst shenanigans.
Turn 6 I clear his board and I have a 2/1 leftover.
Turn 7 he casts Forbidden Ritual for a full board of 1/1s
My Turn 7 I'm at 26 health and I burst him down to 1 health, i didn't have hounds to clear his shit.
He has 7 damage showing, needs 19 from hand on turn 8.

1x PO + 7 attacks = 11 damage
Malygos + Soulfire + Soulfire = 18 damage

29 fucking damage turn 8.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
Got a Fuegan (sp*) in my prince reno paladin deck and unbeknownst to me my opponent had fuegan/stalagg in his deck so when his stalagg died it summoned thaddius :(
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Weren't you saying you were playing mid-range hunter? That is hunter's biggest weakness right now, lack of card draw. Shaman can be hurting for cards late mid-game too, but they have tools to work with at least. Dragon warrior also can often get in top deck mode, so it may just be the decks you are playing.

Another problem is if you're "wasting" your removals or overextending into board clears. Depends on deck you're playing for sure. Getting better at the game means understanding when to eat damage and when to extend on board.

Being greedy is a common term for this. It can imply overextending (greedy for board knowing enemy might have a clear) but it can also mean holding a card for later (IE: saving SI:7 or Farseer to use battlecry instead of playing turn 3 without using the battlecry).

Knowing when to be greedy is the 2nd most "skillful" thing in the game. 1st is the mulligan.

Thanks both of these are helpful. Yes playing Midrange Hunter, Dragon Warrior and sprinking in Mage and Shaman. Hunter I run into it a lot.

So as far as overextending and being greedy, where does mana effecient fall into that? Meaning I am trying to play with the goal of using all my mana on each turn as it comes up. Following the curve or whatever the term is. Maybe I need to sprinkle a bit more hero abilities in there as the mid game comes up?

I definitely hold back on minions when I have the board and think he might have flamestrike or something similar. But generally I play to keep his stuff dead and my stuff alive =p
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<Bronze Donator>
I've been kind of impressed by Moat Lurker in arena. It can be huge Tempo and has a ton of potential synergy. I just had a game where I uesd it on my own Voidcaller to pull out a Dread Infernal, and when I got it back it was able to pull another Dread Infernal. That's pretty disgusting. I've also done shit like remove a big minion with it and silence it so they don't get it back, or even Brew it back to hand to effectively kill the big minion. Plus it acts like a silence on things like Ancient of War which is pretty sweet.
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Trakanon Raider
Been engrossed in eternal the last few days, didnt even check this site, sorry for slow reply.

To those asking about eternal, it shares more in common with mtg then hs. Its like they decided to re-design mtg for the digital age and took some cues from things hs did well.
Ex: if you just had a main phase, attack phase and 2nd main phase in mtg, thats what eternal does. You can only cast 'fast spells' in response to opponents spells, when attacked, or at end of turn. Removes alot of the unnecessary complications of priority while still giving you options to respond to stuff. Id say 95% of the instants i cast in mtg were at one of those points anyways.

They use a land/mana system, with a tweak. You play mana, and use generic mana (they call it power) to cast stuff. But, there is a secondary cost to most stuff called influence.
Ill use mtg examples, if you have 2 mountains and 2 swamps in play, you have 2 red and 2 black influence. You can cast two RR spells off of that then, you dont use up your influence, it just checks you have enough played. It really helps against color screw at least.
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