

Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I don't understand why Druid and Shaman got 3 good Jade Golem cards, while Rogue got 2 extremely conditional ones (and not even a third).

I feel like Rogues are perpetually fucked over because of some of their base utility cards like preperation and shadowstep. They turn what would be a perfectly balanced card for another class into a potentially overpowered card when used in conjuction with their utility. As a result I think far too many of their cards are balanced around the potential for abuse and they are fucked over constantly.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Rogues are permanently fucked over because you take too much damage from killing creatures with weapons. That's why midrange shaman never worked very well before Whispers, and even then it didn't rely on weapons for board control until Karazhan brought the obnoxiously broken spirit claws along. Blizzard also really murdered format diversity when they didn't print an adequate healbot replacement, but the lack of a viable neutral heal outside of reno hurts rogue far more than it hurts anyone else.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Dropping bombs with this rogue deck.

Went from rank 12 to 8 really quick. Only deck I seem to really struggle against is aggro warrior.

2 x backstab
1 x counterfeit coin
2 x prep
2 x cold blood
2 x conceal
2 x small time buccaneer
1 x swashbuckler
2 x eviscerate
2 x sap
2 x fan of knives
2 x questing adventurer
2 x tomb raider
2 x azure drake
2 x gadgetzan
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Lol, I can laugh at myself. I made a renolock, played a few games, all aggro, each time I never drew reno despite getting pretty far in the deck. Run into a control warrior, down to my last card, never draw reno, so I'm saying to myself, wow, what luck, reno is the very last card. Only it wasn't reno, lol. That was the first neutral card I thought to myself I wanted to add and just started adding other neutral cards and didn't realize I never actually added the reno.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
VS Report is out:
vS Data Reaper Report #29 | Vicious Syndicate (vS)

Top 3 "Most Played" decks at Legend:
Aggro Shaman
Miracle Rogue

Rogue is actually the 2nd most played Hero after Shaman at Legend ranks.

Matchups: (Jade Druid is not favorable against Aggro Shaman :p)

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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
The interesting one is Reno Mage. Good vs Aggro Sham, Aggro War, Reno Lock, and Miracle Rogue but bad vs Jade druid, priest, and Jade Shaman.

Related to nothing, but sometimes this game is just depressing. I'm playing midrange jade shaman, and just get an absolutely awful mulligan of like nothing but 4 and 5 drops. Here comes an inner fire priest, of all things. He then proceeds to whoop my ass by turn 6 with double lightwells, northshire, and draws both divine spirits and inner fires by turn 6. I never got either of my lightning storms, portals, or hexes so there was just nothing I could do as he hits me with a 28/28 lightwell. I guess I could have tried to make him overdraw, possibly, but still :(
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<Bronze Donator>
The problem with miracle rogue is that you just get crushed by aggro. It wouldn't seem so good but aggro is usually underrepresented at legend
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If they were doing it before The Argent Tournament, they were just being ADHD. But there's reason to now I spose.

And people have been doing that shit on priest since the dawn of time, way before Arcane Giant existed. Shit's always annoyed me, just pass the fucking turn you don't have to do something.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
rip hunter & paladin

Hunter always comes back. Might not be among the top classes for a while but I bet someone comes up with a way to make it meaningful again before the next set. It really hasn't been very strong since the CotW nerf though so its certainly on a downswing now.

Paladin is perfectly viable in wild IMO, but people are playing it less there too it seems. Which is fine with me because fuck MC, but I think there are probably plenty of builds and archetypes where paladin could find niches for wild at least.
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Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
I wish there was a way to leave a note with people on your friends list, just so I'd know who the rerolled bros were and who the randoms were.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Priest being viable really shits on any warrior that isn't aggro being viable. Tried doing an anti-aggro warrior list and of course I run into nothing but priests after running into nothing but aggro all day.
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Molten Core Raider
Priest being viable really shits on any warrior that isn't aggro being viable. Tried doing an anti-aggro warrior list and of course I run into nothing but priests after running into nothing but aggro all day.

Standard shit. It's like the game wants to fuck you. I had a 5 loss run on an anti-aggro jade shaman. Faced like 3 Reno locks, priest and mage. I hop on to play a few games on my jade druid, face 5 aggro decks in a row including 3 pirate warriors that my shaman was ESPECIALLY teched against. Had enough.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I honestly think they purposefully do it to try and force ppl to ~50% win rate.
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Trakanon Raider
What is the deal with this tavern brawl? i played one match and it just seems like a regular game with premade decklists and some animations thrown in. Didnt really feel like a brawl. Except for a handful of cards i didnt own already being in the list, it could have been a regular game.
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Molten Core Raider
This is the first custom set I actually read all the way through. Great ideas here. Hope blizzard uses some of them, particularly adding aura cards which could help combat aggro in a lot of ways.

Also more creative "when this is drawn" effects.

How the Lich King Stole Winterveil - A Hearthstone Adventure (trailer and cards) • /r/hearthstone

Good effort by that guy. I do wish Hearthstone stops this Kara/MSG trend of wacky cartoony art/themes. I feel like i'm playing Animaniacs Adventure.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Blizz response to that custom adventure:
Love the mechanic, we talk sometimes about how best to do permanent or semi-permanent board effects and this is a pretty clean implementation of that. Good stuff, clearly a lot of effort went into it!

Also, Yogg still delivering undeserved wins, this time for me. Against Jade Druid as a Reno Mage, he has like 40 power on board and popped my ice block, im at 1 health and Reno in hand, he has 5 health after I attack with my board, no way Reno saves me so I pop Yogg. He poly boars one of my minions and gives the guy curse of rafaam for the win lmao.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are Tavern Brawls always this dumb?

nice, your jade golems are now up to 6/6 - here, let me drop an 8/8 doppelganster.

What a joy of playing a game with big guys without any sort of hard removal :D
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