

I'm With HER ♀
The PAXEast booth was truly a sight to behold. There was this strange air of...nervousness in the demo folks and assistants, almost like they knew what they were hawking wasn't up to par.

The D3 PS3/XBox ports look unequivocably terrible. Half the machines they were chugging and had shitty FPS..Which was weird, because nobody else seemed to be having technical issues whatsoever. We might have hit in a lull of traffic but while waiting for someone they actually had girls ushering passerby to the consoles. Didn't even matter if you were wearing an exhibitor badge or not. By the time the doors closed on Friday there were more people hanging around the Solforge Kickstarter booth, which honestly looked and ran better than Hearthstone.


Molten Core Raider
Lol at people in this thread arguing that blizzard sucks, when they have the best product on the market for 3 genres: MMORPG, RTS and Hack 'n Slash. Yeah, I said D3 is the best HnS game on the market, prove me wrong. Despite its flaws (many which are heavily over-exagerated) there isn't a true competitor out there. PoE tried to take every single complaint about D3 and incorporate it into one game, unfortunately they forgot about making a mechanically sound game at the same time. WoW and SC2 are head and shoulders better than everything else. I bet if Blizzard wanted to put a serious amount of development time into it they could put the best MOBA game out there too with blizzard all stars.

This TCC looks fun, I love Warcraft characters and art, I know its from Blizzard so it will be a quality product, and its f2p so even better. Don't worry about anroid, its just that there are so many different products for android it takes longer to port, but they'll get it out there eventually.


Trakanon Raider
Lol at people in this thread arguing that blizzard sucks, when they have the best product on the market for 3 genres: MMORPG, RTS and Hack 'n Slash. Yeah, I said D3 is the best HnS game on the market, prove me wrong. Despite its flaws (many which are heavily over-exagerated) there isn't a true competitor out there. PoE tried to take every single complaint about D3 and incorporate it into one game, unfortunately they forgot about making a mechanically sound game at the same time. WoW and SC2 are head and shoulders better than everything else. I bet if Blizzard wanted to put a serious amount of development time into it they could put the best MOBA game out there too with blizzard all stars.

This TCC looks fun, I love Warcraft characters and art, I know its from Blizzard so it will be a quality product, and its f2p so even better. Don't worry about anroid, its just that there are so many different products for android it takes longer to port, but they'll get it out there eventually.
But the problem is that even though they might be best games on the market right now, their old games still blow them out of the water with features and stories. They stopped improving and their stories are some of the worst on the market.


Vyemm Raider
But the problem is that even though they might be best games on the market right now, their old games still blow them out of the water with features and stories. They stopped improving and their stories are some of the worst on the market.
Ain't no haters like Blizzard haters.

Word on the street is this game is fucking fun. The tears from the haters will fill a new lake in Irvine.


I am really not following the HOTS hate. I am guessing it must be from single player, but who the fuck buys Starcraft to play it singleplayer. WoW hate on HERE I get because a large number of people are stuck in 1999 and fail to see camping Frenzy at the age of 30 would be fucking pointless. D3 justified the hate it got at launch, but its a solid game now. *shrug*

As for this, well I have an iPad so that is fine I will give it a try but TCG were never much my thing anyways


<Silver Donator>
I would argue against D3, mostly because I find PoE to be the superior game, yes the animations and the way it plays are low budget because it's a small studio, at the same time the game didn't release like a piece of shit then took 10months to be finished even though D3 was made with like what 200times that budget? Anyway point of view/matter of taste here, I prefer depths and builds variety over better graphics/gameplay.

No argument against WoW or SC2, both very sound games, WoW isn't what it was but it's still probably the best mmo even though I definitely don't want to play it ever again and SC2 is more or less the only game in the genre? Do people still make RTS? I feel like the last ones were years ago.

This though, looks bad, doesn't matter if you hate Blizzard or not. I don't know how you can look at the game and say "oh that looks like a good game" or even a good "product". It might be fun just like every card game is pretty fun and there's wow lore yay, but the lack of imagination when making this game, the low quality animation, sounds, the "old" gameplay, it's just like something you'd expect a small studio to release, not blizzard off their biggest IP. The only reason to defend this is brand recognition basically, otherwise it seems like a fairly bad copy of MTG, mechanics seem simplified to provide faster games and easier access which I guess is the Blizzard way, but still can't shake the feeling it looks like a low tier game. The technical choices like no mobile support and no trading are also very questionnable.

As for the moba thing, I'd be interested to see Blizzard try to take on Valve or Riot.


Vyemm Raider
You've seen a video. Wait until you play it. From what I've heard the game is very very fun and addicting. It's also free to play. The only thing to gripe about right now is the lack of android support. Huge oversight.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If Diablo 3 is getting ported to consoles you can be guaranteed this will hit mobiles soon enough.


Potato del Grande
Lol at people in this thread arguing that blizzard sucks, when they have the best product on the market for 3 genres: MMORPG, RTS and Hack 'n Slash. Yeah, I said D3 is the best HnS game on the market, prove me wrong. Despite its flaws (many which are heavily over-exagerated) there isn't a true competitor out there. PoE tried to take every single complaint about D3 and incorporate it into one game, unfortunately they forgot about making a mechanically sound game at the same time. WoW and SC2 are head and shoulders better than everything else. I bet if Blizzard wanted to put a serious amount of development time into it they could put the best MOBA game out there too with blizzard all stars.

This TCC looks fun, I love Warcraft characters and art, I know its from Blizzard so it will be a quality product, and its f2p so even better. Don't worry about anroid, its just that there are so many different products for android it takes longer to port, but they'll get it out there eventually.
SC2 and WoW sure, I'm playing SC2 at the moment and played the last WoW patch. Diablo 3 is inferior to Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile in every way other than the fluidity of character movement.


Molten Core Raider
Talked to the solforge people at pax and they said it'll be on Pc in the next few weeks.
I tried it, its well, hrmm.

Ok if it was balanced and had oh shit wow moments.

That's what makes MTG great IMO, you pull that one card that changes the game, I have yet to get that feeling in this game


Trakanon Raider
Watched someone play through Skype, game looks to be super fun. Only two complaints are no Android (wtf my Kindle Fire!), and no trading, which is because Blizzard don't want a secondary market in this game.... at all. With no trading you have no AH, no farmers, no Paypal transactions, so I guess I can understand that. Personally I can't wait till they open up Friends/Family to give it a whirl, apparently you start with good enough cards that you don't really need to pay-to-win, and you get card packs automatically upon ranking up.


Vyemm Raider
If you wanted to, you could sorta play it now through Cockatrice since the rules are known and all of the cards have been datamined and imported. I've watched a few streams of it, you don't get the purdy graphics like the full game, but it does show you how the cards will interact with each other, the strength of abilities versus their cost, and the general flow of the game.