

Molten Core Raider
I saw him play that yesterday and i faced it on ladder immediately after... obviously. :D

Seems strong. Hagatha is huge for value. At the same time tho, i'm not ready for shamanstone again. PTSD is still strong from the WoG meta.
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<Bronze Donator>
I played 2 games with that Shaman deck and absolutely destroyed an Odd Paladin and a Spiteful Druid

That's after the patch today, so he didn't get to drop Spiteful till 7, and then I hit him in the face for 19 and killed him. I think the elemental package is probably good. Grumble seems like it could be pretty great value. Being able to do something like Fire Elemental on 6, on 7 attack with it, then Grumble and play it again, is pretty nuts. Especially if you have Kalimos to follow up with on 8. Grumble is also pretty great with Saronite
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
After watching Zalae and Firebat stream for a bit today, I already hate watching Shudderwock games and can't believe they thought it was a good idea to leave that shit in the game. These devs are fucking retarded.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
This brawl can suck a cock. Took me 15 games to win one. Turn 3 double Dr. Boom hurrrrrr.
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Molten Core Raider
Friendly bump for this dead thread.

And the only reason i still play this game.

Hearthstone Screenshot 05-31-18 23.25.29.jpg
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
This game isn't even fun to watch on Twitch any more.

I haven't played in more than 18 months, but just watching Shudderwok Shaman do stupid shit, and Quest Rogue still do stupid shit, and this absolutely fucking stupid Taunt Druid mind-numbingly cheat out 9 and 10 cost minions is just boring as fuck.
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<Bronze Donator>
I think this was it for me. No real last straw, just completely whatever about the game and decks. For me the game was most fun when it was just about playing cards that did normal things. OG Control Warrior vs Handlock type stuff. They do things, you play well and correctly dish out answers, you win game. It just doesn't feel like that anymore. Too many cheating cards, too much op shit. Decks that if they have enough time they just automatically win and you can't do anything about it. So many completely non-interactive combo decks. IDK. The fact that cards like raid leader are seeing play, and those decks are good, really means we fucked up somewhere. The power level of too few cards is waaaaaay too high. I just can't get into arena anymore either.

All this is coming from someone who has spent like $200-250 on each expansion for at least the last like 5. During the era of adventure's I was pretty free to play.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yup I'm mostly in same boat. I've been doing Arena almost exclusively. Just knocking out 1 quest a day while doing Arena.

Arena is trash though and whenever I lose to bullshit I question why I'm even still playing.

I liked Control Warrior / Handlock too. I've yearned for the return of Control Warrior, and every expansion lets me down.

But mainly I'm disappointed that the Hearthstone team has not given us a different ladder system or new/better competitive modes. Talk about wasted potential.

Then I see FortNite devs pump out changes, updates and new modes every week and it is like a breath of fresh air.

Right now I'm logging into HS mostly on Tablet and sometimes as a cooldown after playing FortNite so I can chill and watch a stream or something for 10mins.
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<Bronze Donator>
Y'all know what you need to do.

Actually, I'm not sure. I'd been happily playing Gwent in a very casual manner(got top 10k just doing dailies) but then they released a balance patch and it became frustrating to play again. I surmised that learning a new meta on a casual playtime is extremely frustrating. CCGs are kinda in a sorry state atm.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I just can't imagine how they keep pumping out cards that allow classes to cheat out the highest power cards in the game. I mean, maybe if every class had access to reliable removal that would be okay, but it just doesn't make a single ounce of goddamn sense to allow the kind of power creep that cubelock and taunt druid introduced. How in the fuck do you introduce the most powerful 9 mana taunt demon in the game in the same expansion that you introduce a 5 cost weapon that cheats it out and a 5 cost minion that cheats out 2 of them? This is after taking into consideration that both those methods can also cheat out the most powerful charge minion int he game whose only drawback relies on it not being cheated out. Then, after months of watching these insanely overpowered minions get cheated out way too early, they go and make druid cards that ensure it will get even worse.

Just fuck Blizzard and everything they stand for at this point. It was only crazy to see these insane combos a few times, not it is just infuriating.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm also sorta in the same mindset. I still play casually on the phone just to do quests but other than that I really don't care anymore. My guess is a good chunk of the playerbase that plays this game for any length of time probably winds up with that mindset. Which is actually pretty bad for Blizzard. Your game has issue when it's no longer about players bitching about nerfs and OP cards, it's about players not giving a damn. When the players don't care about your game anymore, you have no game. Is it even taken seriously as a competitive/esport anymore?
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm not a hardcore player. I get rank 5 each month from doing dailies and sitting on the toilet, never really pushed legend. So take me with a grain of salt -

But I'm kinda amazed by the diversity that I'm seeing at rank 5 right now. Last night before the ladder reset, I played about 10 games as murloc pally. I faced 2 pallies - both were odd pally. I faced a big spell mage and what I think was elemental mage, a shudderwock, control warrior, taunt druid & token druid, and 2 locks.

I don't think there are phenomenal t1 priest decks right now, and I think rogue is in a just barely slightly better position. There are both spell and beast hunters that are being played right now.

If the problem is that the game doesn't feel fun, then that's a separate issue - but the balance right now feels pretty incredible. I know it's post-nerf balance, so it'll calm down in terms of diversity, but I thought we were in a pretty darn solid place!
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not a hardcore player. I get rank 5 each month from doing dailies and sitting on the toilet, never really pushed legend. So take me with a grain of salt -

But I'm kinda amazed by the diversity that I'm seeing at rank 5 right now. Last night before the ladder reset, I played about 10 games as murloc pally. I faced 2 pallies - both were odd pally. I faced a big spell mage and what I think was elemental mage, a shudderwock, control warrior, taunt druid & token druid, and 2 locks.

I don't think there are phenomenal t1 priest decks right now, and I think rogue is in a just barely slightly better position. There are both spell and beast hunters that are being played right now.

If the problem is that the game doesn't feel fun, then that's a separate issue - but the balance right now feels pretty incredible. I know it's post-nerf balance, so it'll calm down in terms of diversity, but I thought we were in a pretty darn solid place!

Balance might be fine right now, or meta is still working itself out. idk. Like I said in my post, I'm more annoyed at lack of new competitive modes. I know they're working on Tournaments but c'mon. This game is so old now and it's the same ladder system and no new competitive modes at all.

I'm really amazed at how much potential they've blown here. I know it's still a billion-dollar game and still one of the top streamed games, but it could have been so much more.
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Molten Core Raider
I think that, diversity wise, this post-nerf meta is the best meta the game has had in a while. There's a bunch of viable decks and practically every single class has at least one good deck. Some have multiple, which is really rare.

The point however, as most people are pointing out, and as i see it, is that the game, in so far as the meta is concerned, has become all about cheating out minions and cheesing. The main culprits of this bullshit are Cubelock and Spiteful decks. Even before them though, there was highroll priest and the like. When i last quit the game, what tilted me was that my ladder experience was basically either face Quest rogue (at play 4 and 5/5) or highroll priest (draw Barnes on 4, pull Yshaarj). Card design is boring as fuck, but what's more important, or rather more alarming, is that this shit gets through their game testing.

Now, in so far as the more important point goes, the fact that we are still playing the exact same game as in 2014... is... ridiculous. Aside from the bones we're thrown during adventure release or expansion release (PvE mode stuff), there has not been a single new mode or any sort of addition made to the game since its release. That's insane. Just insane. Multi-million dollar company, hundreds of staff... "The game has been favorably reviewed by critics and is financially successful for Blizzard, making as much as $40 million per month as of August 2017." You'd think they'd have more competent people on it or at least a more aggressive approach.

I've been gaming for decades. I've spent more money on Hearthstone than all other games i've ever played... combined... x5. I think that says something about their product, but at the same time it speaks to the potential of the product.
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<Bronze Donator>
I don't think it's that there aren't enjoyable decks to play, more that none of the decks are enjoyable to play against. That's where the problem lies. Using my earlier Control Warrior vs Handlock match example, you could do things and play in certain ways because of the match up. Being good and understanding how to win mattered. I feel like so many of the decks now, that just isn't a thing. It's more did they draw the cards or not. It's way more helpless.
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Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Honest question, Why the fuck doesnt spiteful eat the spell it reveals? its bad enough that people abuse it by making 28 minion decks but why the fuck do they just reveal it instead of using it
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