

Blackwing Lair Raider
I thought almost all warrior decks were a bad match for zoo. The vs report shows that.
Hmmm..I didn't track my games, but that seems really off to me. Rank 3 to L was mostly otk warrior and I only lost to one who got the full combo w/ 12 cards remaining; honestly I'd say I had ~90% win rate in this match up. People were talking about it being a bad match up for warrior at seat story cup and I believe it was forsen who said that warrior just needs to play the tempo game with them and getting tempo off this deck is very hard. I will say if you're warrior playing against this deck I think you may HAVE to save wild pyro for commanding shout turns. It just isn't enough clearing the zoo's board, you have to clear their board while keeping minions of your own. It has no way to do 1 damage outside the 1 mortal coil so it's highly likely whatever is still on the warriors board sticks allowing them to take the tempo. Plenty of times facing this deck warrior would clear my board, multiple times some games, but it wasn't enough to stop the onslaught.

Other warriors, only saw maybe two tempo and won both of those I believe, couple of pirates and won those too as far as I can remember; so can't really comment on the matchup. Cthun warrior is practically dependent on if they get both brawls or not, much closer matchup, but I'd still say I probably won 55-60%. The worst of the lot is probably dragon warrior and even then several of those had to be pulled out by deathwing/varian so I'd still say I was slightly favored in the matchup, about 55%. Like littles I'd say about half of my overall opponents were warrior and I went from 9 to legend in probably about 100 games if I had to guess because I know for certain 3-1* to legend was less than 30 games so obviously I had to fare fairly well against them. Not sure if this zoo is any different from others that it makes it any better against warriors. Also, if you didn't already know keep imp gang boss in your mulligan against warrior, it's a horrible card for them to deal with, kork'ron elite is the only card that trades evenly with it and its only in dragon warrior. -Edit Oh and you can keep it against shaman too if you have a 1 drop because if you can drop it w/ board its very difficult for them to deal with also.

But yeah, when I say I don't think the deck has a bad match up, I literally don't think I lost more than 50% in any matchup. Most decks I usually play it seems have really great matchups and really poor matchups. This deck has good match ups and ok match ups.


Mr. Poopybutthole
aggressive warriors will have a rough time against zoo but control warriors are definitely favored against zoo if the control player isn't retarded.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well luckily I know for a fact there are a lot of retarded control warriors out there.


Molten Core Raider


Molten Core Raider
Tempo might use the Grimoire, not sure if it has room.

Imp probably still isn't enough to run succubus in your deck, kinda broken with Doomguard though and there is the dream of having double imp out which turns discard spells into draw engines, so maybe?


Vyemm Raider
Holy fuck that imp is amazing. its basically always going to draw you a card because you only need to play it before you doomguard/soulfire. So 1 mana draw (at least one or two) cards and leave a 1/3 behind.


Just to comment on the talk about Zoo from the 'other place'. I had the three warlock wins q today to knock out and Zoo actually de-ranked me from 11 to 13 before I had finished it.
Suddenly seeing a fair bit of Handlock on EU and the warriors always had the dream draws on me. As ever, the meta shifts.
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Unelected Mod
Call of the Wild is so much fun. Always hated hunter, so much so that I barely have any games played with it. Alternating now between midrange and locknload yogg and finally having fun with this class.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Heh, I had a nearly unbroken streak from 15 to 5 between yesterday and today with Zoo. Was sorta worried I wouldn't hit 5 before the season ended.
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Molten Core Raider
Kinda had the same thing with dragon warrior. Was doing arena for most of the season.
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I caught five (to three even) kinda early on. I rarely even go for five anymore but a combo of face-war, drag-war, mid-sham and zoo made it seem charmed.

Then I dropped from three to eight in a few days, with an ~35% win rate. Go figure!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I gotta get dem free golds man! Gotten forbidden healing, forbidden shaping, and twilight summoner from the end of season rewards so far, and opened a golden call of the wild last week.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I've been having a blast the past day with a 3 God druid monstrosity that Kripp played on a video. I changed a few things but it has been surprisingly robust for such varied goals. I have to say that neutering druid when the expansion hit was a fantastic idea. Who would play hardly anything but combo?


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I've been having fun with a 3 God druid deck Kripp posted earlier. Lots of fun and the unfocused aspect hasn't hurt it yet. Mainly won with the predictable C'Thun part but the deck even plowed a secret pally on wild earlier today. Can't wait for the next expansion already. Amazing how quick this game can get a bit stale even though I'm still enjoying Whispers a lot.
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<Bronze Donator>
Looks like I might not get 5 this month. I guess I should play more

Nevermind we did it, the world is safe. Bog Creeper Shaman #1 for lols. Sucks ass when you pull nothing for the first 15 cards though.

Edit: I did take out the Ancestral Knowledge from Frodan's list for Elise for chuckles. It hasn't had an impact though.
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Molten Core Raider
So, i'm switching back and forth between US and EU servers. I've already blown like $100 on EU stuff, including both of the current adventures. Any chance they'd be willing to transfer those adventures or whatnot to my US shit, or is that a no go?
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