

Silver Squire
I got in. Still just trying to unlock the cards for every class. To start playing ranked matches you just switch the little symbol on your deck page?
I got in. Still just trying to unlock the cards for every class. To start playing ranked matches you just switch the little symbol on your deck page?
go to the "play" menu and you can switch in the upper right, its a small hexagonal badge in the color of your current ranking ig copper for you
Got invited into beta a few days ago and I've been having a blast. This game is wicked addicting. I've been watching the pros play for weeks so I had a decent idea about how to play, but I'm surprised at how quickly I picked it up. After going 2/3 and 3/3 on the first day in arena, I've already won 9 3 times in arena and my constructed play is up to masters 1 in 1 day playing a very basic paly rush deck with mostly free cards. Doing well in arena is basically contingent on knowing how to draft, and picking the well rounded cards that are good in most situations as opposed to picking the cards that are really really good in small situations. In constructed, a basic agro deck will take you to masters no prob.


Trakanon Raider
Would you play Diablo 3 if this dropped in game?



Silver Baronet of the Realm

I'm enjoying the game a bit more now that I got a class I enjoy (lock) and a much better grasp of what to do and better deck options. Gotta admit, this thing is a bit like crack. I'm not sure how to play a mage though. I feel hamstrung most of the time for cards on the mage at around level 7


I've realized that I'm pretty decent at playing the game / making decisions, but my drafting skills are terrible. Are there any rules of thumb for how many minions/spells you should be drafting? I haven't really counted, I just approximated a 2:1 ratio of minions:spells/weapons.

Also, in terms of mana curve, what should it look like? Bell-shaped? Flat? Skewed towards 3-4 mana?


I am not the best at arena, but I have been able to average about six or seven wins each round with a few 9-win runs just by focusing on single card threats.

What I mean by that is look for cards that do not need a combo to become a threat, and set up to counter threats that do not require a combo. No one is able to reliably set up combos in an arena draft, and if they luck out and do get one you will have losing odds no matter what you do. Most commonly in arena what will make you lose is a single big creature or many small creatures attacking you. So put a heavy priority on getting at least some aoe clear like consecration or holy nova, and some reliable single target clear. I would say with most classes look for about a two to one ratio of minions to removal.

Put a much heavier priority on taunt minions than you would otherwise, as it is unlikely you will ever have too many taunters. Unless you are a druid or your deck is getting heavy on control and removal, go easy on the 6+ cost cards. Most of the time you will want a slope with very few 1 cards, some 2 cards, and most of your cards being three or four and gradually sloping down from there like a lopsided bell curve.

Once you get to 4 wins or so in your run you will typically only encounter one of four decks in my experience: control mage, control priest, aggro warrior, or aggro paladin. No surprise that drafting one of those archetypes usually gives me the best runs as well. They are just easy strategies to pull off without needing access to rares. They also have some common cards, like fireball, that will be a first pick in almost any group you come across. Grab three fireballs and a flamestrike on a mage and you can facroll to at least five wins.

Finally, when in doubt pick the card that does two things at once. Stitches is an absolute bomb in arena draft because he gives you taunt and board removal in a reasonably costed 4/4 body, accomplishing many roles. The silence owl and elf minions are also excellent picks for almost any deck. Pick self buffing low cost creatures like devouring ghoul and questing adventurer as well and don't be afraid to play them early. If your opponent plays one of his removal cards on it, he won't have it available for your big cost plays. If your opponent doesn't remove it, then it grows to become beastly. Warriors have a troll that buffs itself whenever a creature attacks that I have seen singlehandedly win games.

tldr: 2:1 ratio of minions to removal, try not to pick anything that isn't a threat, a taunt, or a removal card. Can never have too many fireballs.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Buddy got an invite to beta, and he's raging hard over the luck involved with Arena. He hates it, and went 0-3 in Arena. Tried to explain to him that it's not all luck, but he said he followed Trump's arena guide for cards.

Some just not going to get it I guess. There is luck involved, but that's not everything.

Edit: Btw, just drafted in Arena a Warrior deck, and damn, they are kind of fun. Lots of weapons!

Edit2: Oh damn, Warriors are powerful! You can do so much damage by the 4-5th turn.

Edit3: Fuck Warriors! Just lost to a Hunter that I had down to 1 life, but I couldn't finish off. Bad card draw... will be 30 life to 10 life by turn 4-5, and then I can't seem to finish it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Buddy got an invite to beta, and he's raging hard over the luck involved with Arena. He hates it, and went 0-3 in Arena. Tried to explain to him that it's not all luck, but he said he followed Trump's arena guide for cards.

Some just not going to get it I guess. There is luck involved, but that's not everything.

Edit: Btw, just drafted in Arena a Warrior deck, and damn, they are kind of fun. Lots of weapons!

Edit2: Oh damn, Warriors are powerful! You can do so much damage by the 4-5th turn.

Edit3: Fuck Warriors! Just lost to a Hunter that I had down to 1 life, but I couldn't finish off. Bad card draw... will be 30 life to 10 life by turn 4-5, and then I can't seem to finish it.
Number 1 rule of MTG theory that translates directly to Hearthstone: Life is a resource, not a scoreboard.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So I hadn't heard of this Trump fella or his Arena Guide. I did the requisite googling and played an arena with his guidelines (alt tabbing and everything). Went 7-3 with a mage deck. It was pretty heavy on 3's but the only reason I lost the games I did was because I drew my biggest cards in the first several turns and couldn't draw the cards I needed after that to make up the loss in momentum.

tl;dr: Read the Trump's Arena Guide (and the accompanying thread on their forums). It will step up your game if you're not sure what you're doing in the arena.

Trump's Arena Card Rankings | iHearthU.com - Hearthstone News, Articles, Guides Community

Guide Discussion: Trump's Arena Card Rankings - General Discussion - IHEARTHU.com - Community Forums


This game is garbage. The key to TCG's is the ability to play them quickly to advance etc.. this game is so mind blowingly slow and uneventful. Nobody will give a shit about the cute quips your heroes make and the animations after seeing them 10 times.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wow... talk about perfect card draw for this Warlock. He beat me turn 6.
He played 2 Flame Imps first turn, and it was over from there.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So Rogue's pretty much are terrible now? or what did the nerf do to them? I've beaten all of them I've faced in Arena, which wasn't the case pre-patch.


So Rogue's pretty much are terrible now? or what did the nerf do to them? I've beaten all of them I've faced in Arena, which wasn't the case pre-patch.
They nerfed allot of shit. It's classic Blizzard over reaction
They can't buff there weapons to ungodly levels, as well as other stuff.

And Now mages are the new rogues. Its the one class in the game that any retard can win with. You can literally make mistakes, and still win easily.

Coming from someone that has been playing since Beta 1, the game is trash right now.
There's not competitive ladder, no incentive to play, and the new people that are coming in are so bad everyone has grandmaster.

They should treat this game like everyone of there titles ,and release it when its an actual game not this thrown together bullshit.

If you are thinking this is a good game, come back to me in a month ,and tell me what you think...