

Molten Core Raider
Best thing this game did was the stupid shit to click on while waiting for your opponent to play. And smooth animations for cards being played/attacks.

Aka. Yeah. blizzard polish.
I love playing with those things. I just wish there were more "permanent" ones on more of the screens. I like the one where you can break the buildings...


Trakanon Raider
I really wish they would add the following 2 emotes:

"Hurry the F up!"


"You had 2 cards in your hand and it still took you 10 minutes to decide to assassinate my Archmage Antonidas?"


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lol, yeah I love when they have the perfect play in their hand to something and they'll think about if they want to do it for 60s before actually doing it, they'll mouse over the different minions on your board thinking who they want to target, and you're just like really? Did you really need to think that long to play spellbreaker and silence my 10/10 lightwell?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I would also like to add,Die in a firepeople that play priests
That is all.


Trakanon Raider
Lol, yeah I love when they have the perfect play in their hand to something and they'll think about if they want to do it for 60s before actually doing it, they'll mouse over the different minions on your board thinking who they want to target, and you're just like really? Did you really need to think that long to play spellbreaker and silence my 10/10 lightwell?
Omg it's infuriating. I mime what I believe to be their thought process out loud in a retarded voice all the time. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. I feel like it's a clueless 5 year old playing or something. What the fuck.


Trakanon Raider
There are 2 "yes, please!" answers, maybe the trick is to select the bottom one.

@Caliane and the boards/being able to click things. I just don't know why there are only a measly 3 boards? How difficult would it be to have some art direction make another 3-4, or even a dozen. It could be a F2P thing the way DOTA2 does, user submitted boards. I'm easily affected by my ambiance and I would love some dark swampy boards, foresty ones or some ice levels etc. So much potential here. I can't believe I was still discovering new things to click after 250+ games though, you'd be surprised what little things you haven't found or didn't notice.


<Silver Donator>
So that was all the card changes, not just the nerfs. I assumed there would be buffs to cards too, guess I expected too much. And I didn't see a mention of bug fixes for cards being bugged(swapping around, going under another card in your hand, staying on the board).

The Master

Bronze Squire
Excited for the patch, mostly because I think the next couple of days will have a lot of people online wanting to check it out which I think will probably make for some nice easy arena runs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So that was all the card changes, not just the nerfs. I assumed there would be buffs to cards too, guess I expected too much. And I didn't see a mention of bug fixes for cards being bugged(swapping around, going under another card in your hand, staying on the board).
I did see the returning minions to hand thing mentioned, but yeah, nothing about minions swapping or cards stuck under one another in hand.

But yeah, can't wait to get home and play some ranked now.

Also the adjusted arena rewards scare me, if 12 wins now equals the same thing that 9 wins was giving I don't see me playing arena much anymore.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Europe normally patches 1 day after us for blizzard. Works out better sometimes for y'all though! Like when the d3 us ah was ruined because you could create any amount of gold you wanted they held the patch off for europe.


Vyemm Raider
12 does not equal the same thing that 9 used to, the new rewards go above and beyond they said. I'm really hoping they increased the sub-6 wins reward, and I hope they increased the payout of 9 vs. 8 wins... if I'm at 2 losses on 8, I don't know if I'd want to risk trying to get TWO more wins to get a better payout.


Blackwing Lair Raider
At least if I get a golden card reward I know it'll be golden! (I hope.) I'm still missing/looking to create cards so I was still going for the 9 wins for a chance at a second pack.


<Silver Donator>
Based on initial reports, they just decided to fuck bad players by reducing the rewards at low wins. Might be more consistent now though, but there seems to only be 3rewards, 1 is a pack, then it's gold and dust or a card. 7wins apparently is 150ish g so that'd be the break even point. Need more results though before any serious conclusions can be reached.


Trakanon Raider
The minions swapping position on board bug is still around, and seems much worse. Just played a match as warlock and every turn my minions were playing musical chairs, leading to Argus only buffing 1 of the 3 minions in play, etc.


<Silver Donator>
On the upside if you play warlock atm, blood imps are currently bugged and heal for 1 then add 1 to max health.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The way buffs are applied in this game it kind of always did heal for 1 and add 1 to max health or do you mean like it legit took a 5/2 armani beserker and changed it into a 2/4 unraged beserker?

Due to the way buffs effecting health work, that is, adding 0/+1 increases both maximum and current health by 1 and subtracting 0/-1 only decreases maximum health by 1. Damage amounts equal to or less than the buff amount essentially are not applied if you then remove the buff.
A) Silencing a (toughness) buffed minion that has taken damge, but not below its base health will not carry damage over to its unbuffed health. For instance, say I have a 4/4 that has blessing of kings on it and it becomes an 8/8. Say that 8/8 takes 2 damage, becomes 8/6, then I silence it. It will go back to being a 4/4 with no damage on it.
B) Your opponent has a stormwind champion(6/6 +1/+1 to your other minions) and a bloodfin raptor (3/2) now buffed to a (4/3). You are playing a mage and have 6 mana. You anticipate killing the stormwind champion with a fireball and ping the raptor with your champion ability for 1 bringing it to 4/2 assuming you'll be able to remove it with your ability next turn. But you fireball the stormwind champion and the raptor becomes a 3/2. (Obviously you should fireball then ping, just trying to create an example.)


<Silver Donator>
Yeah no it heals, then add 1current/1max, so it increases def by 2 if the creature is wounded. Not sure why it does that now but that's what I read. Maybe they're working on changing the order of buff removal so you can like holy nova 2/2 that have a blood imps buffing them to 2/3 and kill them. Would be a nice enough nerf to blood imps. Making them only adjacent would help too.