
The Master

Bronze Squire
Pagle + argent squire on the board, mage has nothing. Casts arcane missiles, all 3 hit pagle and he coins to fireball it...

fuck you game
Would be so happy with this. He still has nothing on the board and Pagle went at least 1-for-1 if it didn't draw anything. Plus being ahead on board control when going first and your opponent already coined is pretty big.


Golden Squire
Okay, new top Priest douchebag moment: against a warrior with Grom, Ysera, Cairn, Sylvanas I had 2 mind games Brawls and his Brawl all go my way. Won due to him being out of cards.



I'm on the cusp of getting my working Mage delay/secrets deck *kinda* working. It's winning right now but mostly because it just has some traction against the current meta and it is under the radar.

Freeze is *still* damned powerful and playing with certain conditions is neat even if not long-term effective. I'd never call it decent for tourney play or anything but it is so damned fun to imagine the huge rage on the other side while it is clicking.


Trakanon Raider
Damn Shaman are stupid sometimes. I was playing against a Priest. The only thing I had on the board was a 4/1 Yeti and he had a clear board. He had just holy fired my Fire Elemental and healed himself to 25. What do I do? Double Rockbiter, the Yeti, Windfury him and hit him in the face for 20. Then I hit him in the face with my Axe for 2 and finished him off with a Lightning Bolt. 25 points of damage in one turn when, I'm sure, the Priest thought he was "safe."


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe it is for HS - I'm still newbish here I feel (rank 8 is my peak) - but for MTGO 60% in the mirror is the worst I want to see, but I'm a precise player when it comes to MTG.

60% is decent, but eh - plus was a sample size of 5, 3/5 isn't really long enough to solidly say 60% in the longrun.
Maybe I'm remembering my PTQ days wrong, but I remember mirror matches coming down to luck, individual tweaks to the playlist, but mostly skill. So if you're achieving better than 50% winrates in the mirror and your deck isn't significantly tweaked to do better in the mirror match, then you're more skilled than most of your opponents.

Hearthstone may be more random than MTG, but in the aggro vs aggro matchup I'd argue that it comes far more down to player skill than anything else. Knowing when to try for board control and when to just race to the face is crucial.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Maybe I'm remembering my PTQ days wrong, but I remember mirror matches coming down to luck, individual tweaks to the playlist, but mostly skill. So if you're achieving better than 50% winrates in the mirror and your deck isn't significantly tweaked to do better in the mirror match, then you're more skilled than most of your opponents.

Hearthstone may be more random than MTG, but in the aggro vs aggro matchup I'd argue that it comes far more down to player skill than anything else. Knowing when to try for board control and when to just race to the face is crucial.
Right, I might just be used to being far over my opponent's skill level for precision - 60% isn't far off, but I usually expect closer to 2/3 when I'm mirroring with the people I get paired against on MTGO. (And even better for RL - but my store is a pretty weak pool for daily MTG stuff and never been to the official stuff yet)

Might just be ego talking because I'm too used to outplaying people with similar decks. (Also note, "mirror" in MTG is a little different since 90% of winning a mirror is sideboarding better than your opponent, not really luck - remember it's best two out of three for winning in official MTG and you've got the sideboard - many, many people are precise with play and sloppy/shitty with sideboarding - G1 is probably close to 55/45 with precision vs. luck though - but sideboarding and adjusting play for what you learn of their deck G1 is huge, something that I need to get used to HS not having when trying to compare them)


Watched Strifeco stream on Twitch yesterday.

Wish he would stream more, even tho he was getting owned in rank with that Big creature deck.
He's the only deck builder I've seen that explains his reasoning while hes streaming.

Anyone get to Legendary this round?

I hovered from rank 4 to rank 1 this patch, but not sure If I want to make the final push before the 31st since there is now rewards yet.
Back at rank 4 because I had a aggravating losing streak last night.
Really got the ranking up down to a science at this point running 3 decks depending on what time of day it is.


Poet Warrior
All is well in 'murca.

Actually, I had to share this. I have spent no money yet and have only opened one legendary which was Lorewalker Cho. Just went 3-3 with a Paladin that couldn't get any Consecrates and opened my second legendary, Ysera. Thank you baby jesus! I can't wait to see what I can do with this.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah my first legendary was Harrison Jones, haven't gotten around to dusting him yet. Also have a golden southsea captain that I haven't dusted yet, cause I have a dream of getting golden captain's parrots. Which would probably entail crafting a golden captain greenskin, and well fuck I ain't doing that any time soon.


Molten Core Raider
I wouldn't dust Harrison - with the current meta Harrison is at least a draw 1 vs Rogues, Warriors and Paladins (Rogue hero power, warrior Fiery, Paladin truesilver, Shaman axe.) Also huge card draw vs Warlock Jaraxxus and money against Sword of Truth, or Assassin Blade and Doomhammer.

I've also done pretty solid Black Knight a Tirion into Harrison next turn for at least draw 2.

Plus he is a solid body at a 5 drop.


Trakanon Raider
Only rank 9 this season. I really didn't try as hard this time around. The Mage nerfs, in particular, sapped a lot of the fun I was having with the game. I still play a few games a day to complete the daily and farm up some gold but I've cut WAY back.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
More "adjustments" coming with the reset this time though? All resets thusfar have tied in with nerfs to date, no?