

Mr. Poopybutthole
So after watching Reynad take my zero tracking hunter list and make it work with mad scientist, I no longer think mad scientist is bad for hunter. Losing control of what and when you play your traps kinda sucks, but playing them for free and thinning them out of your deck seems to trump that.

Pretty sexy, and he ground out legendary on EU pretty fast.

The Ancient_sl

I find it hard to believe that you get value out of Hunter secrets when they are played randomly, but I guess I'll take your word for it. I can see how Mad Scientist can work for hunter since the class has easily the best secrets.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hunter secrets are the hardest to predict, they already often get added value just from their opponent making poor plays trying to figure out which secret it is; it shouldn't come to a surprise that a random secret causes inefficient trades.


<Silver Donator>
Hunter secrets are the hardest to predict, they already often get added value just from their opponent making poor plays trying to figure out which secret it is; it shouldn't come to a surprise that a random secret causes inefficient trades.
Well it's as random as what you have in your deck, which isn't really any more random than just playing the secret. Point of the mob is it's a 2/2 that also puts a secret in play, for only 2mana. It's very cost efficient, unless you're a paladin I guess but even then it still saves you one mana. It also thins your deck by removing a card that generally you'd rather not draw and play by playing it automatically. It's generally always a good thing, even though I'd say for hunter it's actually potentially not such a good thing as frost trap I feel you want to try to use at the right time. If it's against a paladin you'd want to clear his 1/1 before you freeze trap. Can still randomly drop it but you lose a bit of efficiency on that. Unlike say iceblock/ice armor which are always good to play regardless of the situation.

Still 2mana for 2/2 that puts a card in play when it dies is good, unless you have much better 2drops, but a lot of classes don't.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I find it hard to believe that you get value out of Hunter secrets when they are played randomly, but I guess I'll take your word for it. I can see how Mad Scientist can work for hunter since the class has easily the best secrets.
That was always my concern with it as well, obviously it can be successful though.


Molten Core Raider
Deathlord lulz


Trakanon Raider
One of the things that annoys me a smidge is that the final wing of Naxx isn't being released until next week. It's not a huge deal because it will be here in a few days but their original wording made it sound that as soon as the other wings were beaten, the last wing would be available immediately. I never fell into the trap of thinking it would be "free" but they really did make it sound that we wouldn't have to wait another week for it.


Ok just fucking around today taking the new decks out for a spin.

De-leveled yesterday from rank 2 to rank 20 to farm golden hero, and just for kicks I wanted to see how far I would get with reynads hunter deck, I'm 3 stars into rank 3 with almost no losses.

That being said that deck has weeknesses.

The other deck i was testing is Kolento's priest, and it just proves to me that Blizzard doesn't test for shit.
Priest is much to strong right now, especially on the high end level. It's pretty much just Miracle alpha 1 all over again.
That deck, and it's variations will pretty much dominate the ladder.


LOL people are still not used to the new cards.

Had someone clear the board with 2x chow and my Auchen, killing himself with a pyroblast.

The other game I had just now. Im at 10 life on my hunter , no taunts up. Zoo powers up leeroy, and had the lethal.
Guy gets cocky starts BMing, and throws out Soulfire on a scientist giving me a freezing trap. He ends up losing haha


Trakanon Raider
I like this play.
When I've had an Auchenai Soulpriest and Chow out and they clear the board, the Chow's restore health. Did the Auchenai survive the board clear or something? otherwise the Chow's should be healing.

I had a Rivendare out one turn and then dropped a Soulpriest next turn and smashed my Chow into a minion to kill it and Pyroblasted him, that was fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Found another use for reincarnate last night, its a 2 mana fireball when used on al'akir, or a 2 mana pyroblast(well not quite since you can't bypass taunts) if a flametongue survived a round. I know this is nothing new and people use it w/ leeroy all the time, but leeroy doesn't belong in the deck I'm running. Also with al'akir he gets his divine shield back. So I think my first impression about the card was about right, its not amazing outside of w/ sylvanas, but the other added versatility it brings can justify putting one in your deck. It has a couple of times been a dead card in my hand for awhile when drawn early game, but its much easier to put it to good use later in a game. And, I don't know, it may be uber good in a kind of deathrattle deck, I may play around with one this weekend for shits and giggles.


Trakanon Raider
So, right now, on Ladder I'm seeing exactly 3 decks. The new priest deck, the huntard deck and Zoo which will never go anywhere. Fuck my life.