

<Silver Donator>
Wasn't hunter winning most of the time even before the mad scientists anyway? Every tournament lately have had a hunter deck doing well, once in a while it loses to other top tier decks but generally, a bit like miracle, if you draw the stuff at the right time you kinda can't lose.


Trakanon Raider
I think Webspinner, of all things, started to put them over the top again. It's simply too good of a card and it's, almost, never a dead draw. Even the game I pulled an Angry Chicken with it, I still won easily. It's a fantastic turn 1 play and later on it's a great activator for Kill Command or simply as fuel for the Starving Buzzard draw engine. The fact that it draws a card, some of which can swing the game in your favor pretty drastically, puts it head and shoulders over it's nearest competitor the, lowly, stonetusk boar.

Mad Scientist just makes an already good deck better. His two attack is key because that lets him trade with the most common two drops (knife juggler, faerie dragons and so on). It also means I don't have to worry about juggling mana to play secrets and, in fact, if I pull a trap in my opening mulligan, it's an auto discard now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
yea the hunter is strong.

I think Im like 8-1 with the deck atm.

I've had webspinner draw me Krush 2 games in a row, and last game got Mukla lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, it's not Webspinner. It's Haunted Creeper and then Mad Scientist giving Hunter quality 2 drops that has put the deck over the top. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a playable 1 drop beast, but it's the 2 drops that are really powering up the deck because in the past that was a pretty dead slot.


Molten Core Raider
Both Webspinner and Haunted Creeper are what made Midrange Hunter viable again, before Naxx it wasn't that great of a deck after they nerfed Unleash.


Trakanon Raider
I'd actually argue that the crappy Angry Chicken and Parrot are better draws than King Krush in a lot of games. They're, definitely, not as sexy but they provide fuel for Starving Buzzard and they are easy activators for Kill Command. King Krush just isn't very good. He's just too damn expensive. It's fun to get him out and smash someone's face in with him but it's simply too hard to play him in most games.

As for the Haunted Creeper, I can see why they make Huntard more over the top powerful. Especially when your opponent uses them... I love popping the bigger spider and getting extra card draw and dogs from Unleash.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I removed the two feral spirits from my shaman deck and replaced them with death lords and I think they work really well in this deck. In many cases one 2/8 > 2 2/3's and with two flametongues in the deck, the death lord can take a serious beating while removing lots of minions. And most importantly you get to avoid the overload cost of feral spirits, which can so often really screw things up.
Here is the decklist if anyone wants to play shaman, been using this very similar deck for awhile and has always been consistent. If you see a lot of hunters though, hunter has always been a bad matchup for shaman, but this deck can beat anything with the right draw. Just play the control game, but you have potential for huge burst with rockbiters and doomhammer/al'akir.
Shaman - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

Edit - Ohhh yeeeaahhhh! Obviously you're not going to get reincarnate/sylvanas every game, but when you do man, when you do...


Just a Nurse
I got an Angry Chicken and played it, but then realized I got trolled because it only gets +5 after being hit. Obviously you have to buff it to even be viable. But, is this an actual troll card or do people really use it?


Trakanon Raider
There's been a few decks built around angry chicken, but they are purely for laughs and not in the least competitive.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its been 20 min and no one's said anything along the lines of Kuriin is learning how an angry cock works or something more clever? I'm disappointed guys....


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I removed the two feral spirits from my shaman deck and replaced them with death lords and I think they work really well in this deck. In many cases one 2/8 > 2 2/3's and with two flametongues in the deck, the death lord can take a serious beating while removing lots of minions. And most importantly you get to avoid the overload cost of feral spirits, which can so often really screw things up.
Here is the decklist if anyone wants to play shaman, been using this very similar deck for awhile and has always been consistent. If you see a lot of hunters though, hunter has always been a bad matchup for shaman, but this deck can beat anything with the right draw. Just play the control game, but you have potential for huge burst with rockbiters and doomhammer/al'akir.
Shaman - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

Edit - Ohhh yeeeaahhhh! Obviously you're not going to get reincarnate/sylvanas every game, but when you do man, when you do...
I'm not sure I like death lords, but feral spirits have always seemed like a weak link in the deck. They're great for refilling the board/putting pressure on late, but my god do they really suck early. They just get run right over in most matchups, and you're still overloaded for 2.

Definitely worth experimenting with other stuff in the slot.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I normally like to mitigate rng in my games so thats why I said not too long ago I don't know if I like death lord that much, but so far its worked really well in this deck and it does fill the role of feral spirits nicely without the overload. It seems like the death lord can also save you early removal in a lot of cases, so that in conjunction with the hexes and flametongues and you normally have an answer for whatever comes out. And I hate to say column was right, but I think he was the one saying death lord pulling out a minion with a battlecry is cash, and it is.


Trakanon Raider
I actually feel differently about Feral Spirits and it's probably because I don't play Shaman very often. I find them to be an unmitigated pain in the ass. I understand the overload drawback but on turn 3, but, for me, it's very hard to get through 2 2/3s. I probably feel this way because I rarely play Zoo or Aggro decks so against Control they're a formidable wall of taunts that I have to break through.


<Bronze Donator>
I swear someone had posted a Priest deck recently but I can't find it. I'm looking for a Priest deck to play to do dominance quest, any suggestions? It's one of my least played classes


Vyemm Raider
I swear someone had posted a Priest deck recently but I can't find it. I'm looking for a Priest deck to play to do dominance quest, any suggestions? It's one of my least played classes
Here's the one I'm using, it's pretty good:

Circle of Healing
Circle of Healing
Holy Smite
Wild Pyromancer
Wild Pyromancer
Cabal Shadow Priest
Injured Blademaster
Injured Blademaster
Mind Control
Power Word: Shield
Power Word: Shield
Shadow Madness
Holy Fire
Ragnaros the Firelord
Shadow Word: Death
Northshire Cleric
Northshire Cleric
Auchenai Soulpriest
Auchenai Soulpriest
Holy Nova
Holy Nova
Dark Cultist
Dark Cultist
Zombie Chow
Zombie Chow
Sludge Belcher

The staples of pretty much every priest deck include auchenai, circle of healing, blademaster, power word shield, dark cultist, shadow word death, ragnaros, holy nova, etc. just fill in after that for the meta.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Paladin agro is always going to be bad against Zoo, but I think in other match ups it is getting substantially better. Might even be good against Zoo now, Zoo slowed down a lot.