

Molten Core Raider
I've done blessing of wisdom on ooze on turn 2, it's pretty hilarious because either the opponent can answer it or they are boned. I've had paladins coin consecrate versus it.


Trakanon Raider
I've done blessing of wisdom on ooze on turn 2, it's pretty hilarious because either the opponent can answer it or they are boned. I've had paladins coin consecrate versus it.
Yeah it's pretty awesome.

Just played an Arena game against a guy that had x3 Leeroy. Not even kidding. Wow. Worst I've ever had was x2 Rag. But x3 Leeroy is a whole new level of wtf...

I'm trying to make Pirates work atm (without having Greenskin). It's really fun when it goes off. I just don't understand why Murloc Warleader gives +2/+1 and the Pirate guy only +1/+1. So lame!

My Blood Knight + Ooze deck is a ton of fun as well and much better than you'd expect as well.


Trakanon Raider
Tyrion is not essential but you would want at least one sword. If you run a single sword then I suggest using dark iron dwarves as 4 drops (no good deathrattles at 4 anyway) or not using the eggs, because it's hard to activate them and you do not want 2 kings. Something like:

2 undertaker, 2 spider, 2 eggs, 2 loot hoarder, 2 sunfury, 2 aldor, 2 golem, 1 sword, 1 draw thingy, 2 DID, 2 truesilver, 1 kings, rivendare, loatheb, thaddius or 2 belcher, sylvanas, cairne, lay on hands. Fill in the rest with what seems appropriate, possibly more 1 drops.

The important thing with a deck like this is the curve. You don't need too mcuh draw as you get minions from deathrattles. You don't need much healing as you have limited comeback potential anyway. The taunt givers are essential though, not only to stop a face rush but they activate your eggs and giving sylvanas taunt can be a game winner.
Thanks for the advice. "Draw thingy" Blessing of Wisdom or Divine Favor? Also, no Argus?

Handlock? No sir.

Annnnd a rematch:

Annnnd another rematch:

KT ramp has been the most fun I've had in a long, long while. Faceless Manipulator on KT doesn't bring back 2 copies of each minion right? Seems like a dumb question, but who knows when KT and Rag are so fucked. Happy to discover that at least KT brings back Druid minions with the right stats (i.e. Ancient of War as a 5/10 Taunt rather than a 5/5). Would be funny to have KT/Rivendare/Sludge. They attack into Sludge and at end of turn you get 2 Sludge's and 3 Slimes lol.


Divine favour. You could use argus instead of DID if you want. It's hard to fit both in as you have truesilvers at 4, and I really like that single kings in there.

You could swap our the divine favour for something else. You do want a little draw, and I do not think that wisdom fits the deck very well. Funnily enough, a cult master might work instead. I know that it is rarely seen in constructed, but it would combo with all the tokens (including the ones from deathrattles).


Vyemm Raider
I got a gold nozdormu today in a pack, any reason I should not DE it for a better legend? I only have malygos and the black knight ATM, thinking I need Leroy, sylvanis, rag or Alex.

Normally play priest divine fire or hunter mad scientist. Thoughts?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My first ever legendary was a Golden Gruul. I kept it and do not regret it at all. Golden Legendaries are sooooooooooo rare. I would never DE a gold legend.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Personally, being a shitty legendary that is never used, I absolutely would. I'd consider keeping it if it was actually useful or ever played.


Trakanon Raider
My first ever legendary was a Golden Gruul. I kept it and do not regret it at all. Golden Legendaries are sooooooooooo rare. I would never DE a gold legend.
I've never gotten one and I've opened ~20 legends. Statistically I should have opened 2 by now, but no dice. Then again I also only have 3 Golden Epics and I've opened ~60-80+.

Highly recommend this KT Ramp deck I made for fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wish you guys ever linked to decks that are cheap... Hahah. I check the pictures and get excited, then see 3+ legendaries I don't have and go back to my trench tier games grinding a pack of cards a day.


Molten Core Raider
I've never gotten one and I've opened ~20 legends. Statistically I should have opened 2 by now, but no dice. Then again I also only have 3 Golden Epics and I've opened ~60-80+.

Highly recommend this KT Ramp deck I made for fun.
As a fun deck I can see it...but with limited removal and high end casting costs...I don't see this as workable in this Meta, for real play.


Molten Core Raider
Wish you guys ever linked to decks that are cheap... Hahah. I check the pictures and get excited, then see 3+ legendaries I don't have and go back to my trench tier games grinding a pack of cards a day.
How deep is your card pool? We have a number of players that could build you a decent deck for cheap. Zoo is super cheap...And so are many of the hunter options. Shaman doesn't need to break the bank either.