

They are truly retarded over at Blizzard

Starving Buzzard now costs 5 (up from 2) and now has 3 Attack and 2 Health (up from 2 Attack and 1 Health)
Just delete hunter at this point instead of constantly nerfing them....


They are truly retarded over at Blizzard

Just delete hunter at this point instead of constantly nerfing them....
Considering that the Cult Master is a neutral card, why make a class card worse than it? At least make the new buzzard 4 mana. Or, you could even compare it to Gadgetzan Auctioneer which is a 4/4 for 5. If the Buzzard were a 3/4 for 5 it might be okay.


So... new to this game genre and maybe with built decks it's an actual game but just playing through the classes on normal it's all RNG based which is not fun.

The Master

Bronze Squire
So... new to this game genre and maybe with built decks it's an actual game but just playing through the classes on normal it's all RNG based which is not fun.
Most people tend to feel that card games in general are "basically RNG" when they start out. Hell, ask anyone who isn't a poker player if poker is luck or not, most people will say it is just luck. Yet the same people go to the world tournament every year.

Hearthstone has a lot of randomness, but it is like anything else with randomness. Understand it and play to your odds. If you have no prior CCG experience to pull from and are starting out free to play, you have a long road ahead of you. Check out the getting started guide on liquidhearth to pick up all the free gold/dust, watch arena streamers, play arena with every 150g you get (it'll help you learn the cards and if you get to 3 wins you are breaking even vs buying a pack with the gold), and understand you are going to lose a lot at first because you do not know what cards to play around.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How can you guys compare new buzzard to cult master? The new buzzard will still be an OP card and I guarantee you'll still see 2 in every hunter deck.

Card draw on summon is vastly superior to card draw on death. Hunters will still be viable.

Card draw in general is one of the most heavily priced and OP actions in the game, which is why Zoo, Miracle Rogue, and Hunters have been such bullshit to deal with. Miracle and Zoo will still survive but at least Hunters will finally be balanced. Miracle loses a bit with the Leeroy nerf for sure but the card draw of Miracle is so powerful that I'm sure it won't die completely.


Two health is fuck all though. At five mana it would be better as a 1/5 than a 3/2. If it is intended as a same-turn play with UTH then that's fine but seriously, it isn't going to work for 5 mana.

The Master

Bronze Squire
How can you guys compare new buzzard to cult master? The new buzzard will still be an OP card and I guarantee you'll still see 2 in every hunter deck.

Card draw on summon is vastly superior to card draw on death. Hunters will still be viable.

Card draw in general is one of the most heavily priced and OP actions in the game, which is why Zoo, Miracle Rogue, and Hunters have been such bullshit to deal with. Miracle and Zoo will still survive but at least Hunters will finally be balanced. Miracle loses a bit with the Leeroy nerf for sure but the card draw of Miracle is so powerful that I'm sure it won't die completely.
You realize Miracle is pretty much already dead, yes? Not being played in high level tournaments. The best Miracle streamers have been fiddling with it for a couple of weeks and their rank goes down overall when they play it. Forsen has this new build where he dropped Shadowsteps and Leeroy, added in a Deckhand, Coldblood x2, and a Faceless for a 20 damage four card combo @8 mana. It was decent, he was still losing more than he was winning in legends. Ditto Malygos Rogue, the Alex-Mirale deck, etc. All of them lose consistently in legends even when people like Hyped are playing them.

Cult Master will work on all minions, not just Beasts. It is a move you can do on an active board as opposed to needing to combo everything on the same turn, and as a Hunter you want to be maintaining board control so having a board with minions on it is kind of a gimme. Think how much better Haunted Creeper will be when you draw two cards for its deathrattle spiders. It has better stats (4/2) for less mana (4). Buzzard was the primary reason Hunters actually used their Beast cards. Half the Hunters currently on ladder play the Deathrattle with traps and bow variant which already cut way down on Beast related cards. This'll just cause them to drop the rest.

I guess we'll see, but I'll say it right now: top tier decks in tournaments and high legends will not be using Buzzards. And if they do, they won't be winning. We can come back in a couple of months and see if I was right.


Cult master i also a neutral, so Buzzard should be stronger. The draw on playing a beast is only slightly stronger than the draw on minion death.

With the hunter draw engine being 5 mana, I can honestly see buzzards being replaced by gadgetzans and some beats being dropped for spells.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You realize Miracle is pretty much already dead, yes? Not being played in high level tournaments. The best Miracle streamers have been fiddling with it for a couple of weeks and their rank goes down overall when they play it. Forsen has this new build where he dropped Shadowsteps and Leeroy, added in a Deckhand, Coldblood x2, and a Faceless for a 20 damage four card combo @8 mana. It was decent, he was still losing more than he was winning in legends. Ditto Malygos Rogue, the Alex-Mirale deck, etc. All of them lose consistently in legends even when people like Hyped are playing them.

Cult Master will work on all minions, not just Beasts. It is a move you can do on an active board as opposed to needing to combo everything on the same turn, and as a Hunter you want to be maintaining board control so having a board with minions on it is kind of a gimme. Think how much better Haunted Creeper will be when you draw two cards for its deathrattle spiders. It has better stats (4/2) for less mana (4). Buzzard was the primary reason Hunters actually used their Beast cards. Half the Hunters currently on ladder play the Deathrattle with traps and bow variant which already cut way down on Beast related cards. This'll just cause them to drop the rest.

I guess we'll see, but I'll say it right now: top tier decks in tournaments and high legends will not be using Buzzards. And if they do, they won't be winning. We can come back in a couple of months and see if I was right.
Miracle and Zoo are still decks that players account for when building a new deck. If they didn't add cards that specifically help vs these decks then these decks would flood the scene in a heartbeat. Thus, they are still bullshit decks that must be dealt with. Classes that can utilize card draw engines are just super OP in every case. Once you start eliminating these "engines" you'll find the game much more balanced and you'll see other classes finally become viable.. such as Paladin and Shaman whom have been lurking in the depths for an eternity now.

Hunter has so many strong tools without the Buzzard/UTH combo, that combo simply put them over the top because it allowed them to keep churning out awesome cards. Their secrets are the best in the game, they have great synergy with beasts which is far superior to the demon synergy that warlock are suppose to have, and they are comparable on many fronts when it comes to removal cards and high-end cards. Their legendary definitely is bad though and their hero power is lackluster.

I can see Hunters using snake trap on turn 4 followed by buzzard turn 5 once this change occurs. It would force players to use a removal spell in most cases or otherwise draw a quick 3 cards. Drawing 2+ cards with a 5 mana buzzard will always be worth, and it is not going to be difficult to do at 5 mana.


Molten Core Raider
Hunter Control will be a thing - with Belchers, Pyromancers, Arcane/Deadly/Explosive Shots. Just kill everything and turtle up while mashing your hero power every turn.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Druid runs Savage Roar + Force of Nature as a 9 mana, 2 card combo that kills. I don't know that a conditional Buzzard + UTH at 8 mana that draws cards is worth turning your Hunter deck more control focused would be viable. Possible though.


Molten Core Raider
The current hunter decks are winning around turn 8 - they can't wait until then to draw cards. Turn 5 is a big turn for taunts, and Buzzard+UTH combo helps you find the Hunter's Mark you need to push through enough damage. Having to hold 2 cards until turn 8 is bad, because it won't win you the game that turn like FoN+Savagery does.

There already was a Hunter Control deck to battle Zoo before Naxx came out - it should still be viable.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Playing Zeta's priest and I don't see how you can rank with this thing. Without that opening undertaker it gets real sad.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I really dislike the nerf, others have come up with far more creative ways to make the card more balanced than this like making the buzzard only trigger on beast death. The current iterations of hunter and miracle are just fun to play, where as playing with/against something like priest or control warrior is as fun as watching paint dry. I have no desire to play 40 minute games of hearthstone which is where they apparently want the game to go.

Of course I say this as someone who has played miracle/hunter for quite awhile now so ymmv.


Tranny Chaser
It's just a lazy change. +1 power, +1 toughness, +3 mana cost. There would have been nothing wrong with making it the more efficient class card version of Cult Master.


<Bronze Donator>
Miracle and Zoo are still decks that players account for when building a new deck. If they didn't add cards that specifically help vs these decks then these decks would flood the scene in a heartbeat. Thus, they are still bullshit decks that must be dealt with. Classes that can utilize card draw engines are just super OP in every case. Once you start eliminating these "engines" you'll find the game much more balanced and you'll see other classes finally become viable.. such as Paladin and Shaman whom have been lurking in the depths for an eternity now.

Hunter has so many strong tools without the Buzzard/UTH combo, that combo simply put them over the top because it allowed them to keep churning out awesome cards. Their secrets are the best in the game, they have great synergy with beasts which is far superior to the demon synergy that warlock are suppose to have, and they are comparable on many fronts when it comes to removal cards and high-end cards. Their legendary definitely is bad though and their hero power is lackluster.

I can see Hunters using snake trap on turn 4 followed by buzzard turn 5 once this change occurs. It would force players to use a removal spell in most cases or otherwise draw a quick 3 cards. Drawing 2+ cards with a 5 mana buzzard will always be worth, and it is not going to be difficult to do at 5 mana.
Both Paladin and Shaman are completely viable, and can beat both Miracle Rogue and Hunter. Paladin in fact has a pretty good match up against both, and imo Shaman is like 60%


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I just beat a miracle rogue with all my heath left. It gives me a special kinda boner.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Both Paladin and Shaman are completely viable, and can beat both Miracle Rogue and Hunter. Paladin in fact has a pretty good match up against both, and imo Shaman is like 60%
Im talking about the pro scene... you always see hunter/warlock/rogue/warrior and then it's like wtfever.. Shaman probably used a little more often than paladin. Notice how the top classes have the best card draws.

The Master

Bronze Squire
You left out Priest, which has been ubiquitous the last month in the pro scene. Also Rogue has been nearly non-existent, if you're talking about recent events you can take that off the list. If you're talking about ladder, Warlock, Priest, Hunter, and Warrior are getting the highest win percentages and are nearly all you'll see in legends.

You don't need to add specific cards to deal with Miracle. Loatheb and Sludge Belchers, yeah, like those aren't already in every deck. Even Hunters are running Sludge Belchers.