

Mr. Poopybutthole
The only problem being people are so afraid of his proficiency with the deck they ban it instead of Hunter. Led to some 3-0 Hunter wins for him.
Yeah, it's pretty dumb. There is a relatively low skill ceiling with combo decks imo. The only real difference between a good miracle player and a great miracle player is a great player is better at maximizing their chances at drawing into a win out of a bad situation.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah, it's pretty dumb. There is a relatively low skill ceiling with combo decks imo. The only real difference between a good miracle player and a great miracle player is a great player is better at maximizing their chances at drawing into a win out of a bad situation.
What deck is that not true of.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Who's this Hosty guy? Legendary and all they do in chat is talk about his muscles, smile, and hair.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Yeah, it's pretty dumb. There is a relatively low skill ceiling with combo decks imo. The only real difference between a good miracle player and a great miracle player is a great player is better at maximizing their chances at drawing into a win out of a bad situation.
Miracle was actually considered the highest skill ceiling deck in the previous meta. It is a really common question people ask to streamers and all of them always said Miracle. Not entirely sure I agree, but then I think about the other decks most of which are just "play on curve" and maybe it is.
Miracle rogue for me definitely felt like a higher skill deck than most. It usually has more decisions to make in a turn than other decks. The cards you use have to be combo'd or have small damage so there's usually a few different combos you could use in any given turn. In a normal deck its often just drop your biggest thing or use a spell. You have the balance of clearing and sapping, or attacking face, control dagger charges etc. It can be easy if you draw everything you need, but when that doesnt happen, it can be a knife edge of win/lose. As The Master said most of the other decks are generally play on curve; and you generally have standard solutions to most problems.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Is more of that VGVN tourney happening today? I can't find any streams of it. Is it too early?


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Do you mean the Lords of the Arena tournament today?Twitchhas it streaming now
Nah, the Naxx Release 3 tourney, constructed, Hyped and a few other dudes are supposed to play today from B group? Or something, i dunno how these work. I just enjoyed watching some of it yesterday.

I'm watching that arena thing now, but Kripp and this other guy are fucking obnoxious tools so I had to mute them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
ThatsAdmirable takes these three decks to go 5-0 at Blizzcon qualifiers.




Just a Nurse
I just got raped by a rogue (well, and a cleric). Fucking rogue kept busting out VanCleef and shadowstep. What the hell.


Trakanon Raider
Nice fucking bug. I got disconnected mid game (what's fucking new?) despite my internet being fine. It sat there saying "reconnecting" but lied, and they place the "exit battle.net" button right there, so you're not sure if you're supposed to wait or press the button. Anyways, I pressed exit because it didn't seem to be doing anything and restarted, had to wait that 60 second bullshit so didn't get reconnected. Got back on, played a new game, and won, and then after that game ended, my arena said it was finished and I had a new loss, without the win I just got being counted. Fucking infuriating.

Also, another bug with Freezing Trap and Naxxramas cards. Remember I mentioned Freezing Trap on Dancing Swords caused me to draw a card? Well on Dark Cultist it also gives one of their minions +3 Health. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS STILL NOT ACKNOWLEDGED? It's not a rare god damn bug either, it seems like any Naxx card with Deathrattle (aka a lot) and Freezing Trap will pop the death rattle.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Tournaments are really different from ladder. He never has to play that Mage vs Hunter, unless he gets really screwed over and gets 2-0ed by a Hunter. Hunter is the strongest ladder class and Blizzard seems to be primarily balancing around ladder and, to a lesser degree, arena. Like, Mind Control at 8 wasn't a problem in constructed. All the pro guys said it was fine, you just had to play rush or bait the MC before playing your legendaries and in tournaments Priest had a lot of strong counter decks. The issue with MC was in arena, which is why most of the pro scene suggested making Holy Fire basic and switching it with MC. MC, as a rare, would be rare enough in arena to be a non-issue. Blizzard didn't like that so they just nerfed it.

The weird thing is the way they look at the data. They look at the win/loss stats "Oh, this class is winning too much vs this class, we need to change something." I mentioned this earlier, but they changed Buzzard the same patch they changed the original UTH because Hunter was winning to much vs Mage, so they made Buzzard 2/1 so it could be pinged off.... totally ignoring that Hunter OTK pretty much only played Buzzard the SAME TURN they killed Mage. Making it a 2/1 did nothing for that, and changing UTH at the same time made it a two variable experiment, which is silly.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Tournaments are really different from ladder. He never has to play that Mage vs Hunter, unless he gets really screwed over and gets 2-0ed by a Hunter. Hunter is the strongest ladder class and Blizzard seems to be primarily balancing around ladder and, to a lesser degree, arena. Like, Mind Control at 8 wasn't a problem in constructed. All the pro guys said it was fine, you just had to play rush or bait the MC before playing your legendaries and in tournaments Priest had a lot of strong counter decks. The issue with MC was in arena, which is why most of the pro scene suggested making Holy Fire basic and switching it with MC. MC, as a rare, would be rare enough in arena to be a non-issue. Blizzard didn't like that so they just nerfed it.

The weird thing is the way they look at the data. They look at the win/loss stats "Oh, this class is winning too much vs this class, we need to change something." I mentioned this earlier, but they changed Buzzard the same patch they changed the original UTH because Hunter was winning to much vs Mage, so they made Buzzard 2/1 so it could be pinged off.... totally ignoring that Hunter OTK pretty much only played Buzzard the SAME TURN they killed Mage. Making it a 2/1 did nothing for that, and changing UTH at the same time made it a two variable experiment, which is silly.
Blizzard have a pretty horrible track record with balance changes, honestly, pretty much all throughout their history. They're almost always slanted horribly toward one mode of play, and almost always at the direct expense of the other modes. They constantly frustrated me with WoW changes for sake of PVP, always hurting PVE. And yeah, they also frequently seem to have issues actually nailing down the exact problems that need addressed, and/or finding the correct solution.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This mage deck is pretty cool. It may be stating the obvious a bit, but if I never had to play against Hunters, the mage decks I've been screwing around with would be pretty fucking good, lol.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm not impressed with this tournament structure. At first glance, and in theory, I really like the cycling of decks. But HS has so much RNG involved that it really just adds another layer of chaos. MTG, for instance, would have you playing multiple games with the same deck, which helps smooth out any RNG/draw fuckery. By contrast, this HS tourney can see one game where you have the favored match-up against your opponent's deck get draw-fucked, then you're forced to swap to a worse match-up where maybe you finally get your better draw, but it matters much less because of said worse match-up.

Meh. Still entertaining to watch, but I feel bad for the players, honestly.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Also, it's driving me nuts hearing these guys pronounce it "Dupli-kit." I've always thought of it in my head as the verb pronunciation: "Dupli-kayt." Seems like everyone else goes with the noun though. Weirdos!