

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I swear I'm seeing more quadruple+ Swipe druids/etc now with a larger pool of cards than before with a lesser....


Trakanon Raider
I swear I'm seeing more quadruple+ Swipe druids/etc now with a larger pool of cards than before with a lesser....
Omfg I was thinking the same thing, but I'm always bitching so I didn't say it haha, but sooo true. I made a couple of confident plays on my Rogue earlier as well, doing some quick mental statistics about him having an Acidic Swamp Ooze in opening hand, and then again later on... and he had 4. It's like how do people get so many copies of the same card with the huge pool? Annoying.

Oh and damn I'm not even close to any golden hero and I have over 1300 constructed wins. Although granted I have another 1400ish in arena. I only even have 2 classes to 60, Druid and Mage.


Mage mirror earlier: He tries to play the secrets ethereal +/+ guy while I had mirror entity and duplicate up. Later his portal produces 2 drop trash and mine makes Illidan.


Poet Warrior
Crafted Mal'Ganis and made a new demon deck last night. Only rank 15, and didn't have the time to play test it for that long, but it gave me good results in the ~6 matches I played around with it. It struggles against fast decks if you don't draw Hellfire or Shadowflame, but no surprises there. In the control vs control matchup, it's pretty good since there's a lot of big threats to deal with.

I threw in 1x Sacrificial Pact for extra healing. Combos with Imp-losion. Imp-losion also combos with Mal'Ganis for 3/3 imps.

I'm not sold on Mistress of Pain. 2 mana 1/4 just doesn't do enough damage as an early drop, so you have to save a Demonfire or Demonheart for her to be viable.

Antique Healbots are so clutch. A +8 hp heal is outrageous. Drop a Molten Giant or two, and heal up to not die next turn.
Great deck. I swapped out Sacrificial Pact for Jaraxxus. Floating Watcher is a real problem for your opponent if he isn't killed right away.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Powermace into Whirling ZapOMatic is srs bsns. especially when you follow it up with flametongues and rockbiters.


Trakanon Raider
Great deck. I swapped out Sacrificial Pact for Jaraxxus. Floating Watcher is a real problem for your opponent if he isn't killed right away.
It's so ridiculous. I lost to one earlier that had a few extra HP from a Blood Imp and some other shite. Was out of control.


Been running Toshley in my Warrior deck. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite cards. One game he gave me the cloak field, and him being stealth let me Cruel Taskmaster and Death's Bite for lethal next turn.


Skillstone boys



Trakanon Raider
Crafted Dr. Boom (dropping me to 800 dust) and I'm VERY happy with him. Between the 7.7 and the bombs, you get a bit of board clear potential and a big guy that needs to be dealt with. He doesn't fit into every deck but he works great in control.


Trakanon Raider
My Murloc Shaman deck is serving me really well. Fun stuff. It's great owning Huntards. I played a Hunter with 2 Explosive Shots, 2 Explosive Traps, 2 Multi Shots and a Cobra Shot and still managed to clench a win. He thought he could outpace me.

Edit: Lol Neptulon just drew me 2 Warleaders and 2 Siltfin Spiritwalkers. Yummy.

Win Streak: BONUS STAR

This hunter exhausted literally every piece of control in his deck, like 9 cards, and still bit the dust. Shaman Murloc has so much card draw now it's amazing. You'd think it'd be tough to draw with a Murloc Cult Master, but it really isn't and a Neptulon can single handedly end the game. My Neptulon just got Hunters Mark/Arcane Shotted before he did anything, and he still won me the game. It's really fun with Siltfin to be able to switch from face to control, because you genuinely can in Shaman. You set the tempo and pace for both players. It's great. Who would conceive of a non healing class lasting till turn 10 against a Hunter and still having this many cards in hand/on the board?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I lost to a mage last night whom I was running out of steam, but had lethal against the following turn when she finally casted her two unstable portal minions.....a dread infernal and mal'ganis, wtf those odds.


Trakanon Raider
Is this real life?

Edit: I saw 9 in total and my deck list was extremely short because I had so many duplicates of several cards. I think there are only like 16 unique cards in the deck. I also got 3 Goblin Blastmages. I'm going to lose, but at least it'll be to a clear board on fatigue!


Trakanon Raider
My early impression of GvG is that warlock is the OP class right now. In vanilla, they had the best hero power but their demons had severe drawbacks. Now the hero power is even more beneficial because of the self damage to buff the floating watchers and the new demons have no drawbacks. Add in a ton of heLth gain and warlock is sick as fuck right now.


Trakanon Raider
My early impression of GvG is that warlock is the OP class right now. In vanilla, they had the best hero power but their demons had severe drawbacks. Now the hero power is even more beneficial because of the self damage to buff the floating watchers and the new demons have no drawbacks. Add in a ton of heLth gain and warlock is sick as fuck right now.
Yeah, agreed.


Mal'Ganis is so freaking clutch. Another turn to stabilize is so powerful as a warlock. If they don't take him out, you get a free lifetap. The only time I lost when I got to play Mal'Ganis is when the opposing Mage kept back an owl to silence him.