Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I gotta wonder how long maps will be free. The resources they're spending on maps could be put towards more heroes or skins which will get them more money. But new maps, while keeping the game interesting, don't directly put any food on the table so to speak. Maybe they'll open map making up like SC2 once the game releases.

That said, have they said which heroes are under development? Sylvanas is next of course, but then who? I've heard rumors of Kael'thas, Dahaka, and D3 Wiz, but that's about it. Oh, and ppl begging for D2 Necro.
Sylvanas is the next confirmed. When the Diablo themed map drops (next after Spider map) they're also supposed to have Leoric, Butcher, Crusader. But I'm sure there will be some filler heroes here and there as well but I don't think anything confirmed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I kind of wish they would stop with the maps and just focus on more heroes because at this point when the new map hits, you will only have a 1/7 chance at playing on it so woop-de-fucking-doo.

They are taking far to long to add heroes right now anyways. 34 heroes is nowhere near enough to keep matches varied and interesting.

It's crazy how many characters they can have in this game with their lore from multiple game worlds yet the list is so small at this point. If the sylvanus patch isn't even hitting this week that's just ridiculous. That patch should have been last week already.
The idea is to rotate maps in and out. So if they add 2 more lets say that also means they remove Mines and Blackheart.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Illidan benefited both from direct buffs (documents/undocumented) and a great deal of hero nerfs. The primary undocumented buff (that's probably a bug) is how his W in the last patch gives him CC immunity - it's not supposed to do that. Illidan squirts out of a lot of death situations right now merely by pressing W, and it's pretty unlikely that it'll stay that way. Indirectly Illidan was GREATLY boosted by the complete gutting of tank heroes in the game. In particular, the fall of Arthas and Chen helped out Illidan a lot. Both Arthas and Chen had strong enough damage/CC that Illidan really couldn't live when diving into a team that had either.

Basically, two patches ago, Illidan flowchart was -

Go in --> Get focused --> Die to full team + damage tank while being unable to avoid CC.

This patch Illidan's flowchart is -

Go in --> Get focused --> Team doesn't have enough damage --> Team can't CC you because you get to use W for invul frames.

Basically in short, Tol is right, and Tenks is incredibly ignorant about how patch changes can drastically have an effect on a Hero's viability.
Illidan isn't the only CC immune character. Pretty much every character with a dash type ability can avoid CC. Here is a short video on it in case the others here aren't aware of it. Very useful if you get the timing down.



Don't get me wrong, I like the variety of maps, but at this stage in the game with what is going to be 7 maps, I think the priority should definitely be shifted to getting champs created faster.


2 Minutes Hate
so why should it be only one map when it's the same type of game with their own variances?
I'm not saying it should I guess, just my opinion. To me it's like a sport where the field is always the same. I like a static field to measure my success on, not an ever changing array. I get while people like it, but my opinion is different.


Trakanon Raider
Just started trying the game out (already got some retarded fps stuttering issue I guess the game has had forever)

What are the best supports? Been playing Li Li mainly and kinda enjoying her.....beyond her W skill that is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Only support i play is Rhegar. Dammage shields, chain heals, a massive full heal on short cd, instant wolf form.... hes a boss. All that + i dont like the aesthetic aspect of the other support classes.
He also soak dammage good. I dont feel paper thin playing him.


I really despise the passive healing on Brightwing. Sure, her healing adds up over the course of the game, but it just doesn't feel good. I also dislike her immobility in that you have to pick a lane and stick with it and you can't just zip around with her z due to the cooldown. Actually, she's like the polar opposite of Rehgar who has great burst heals and is super mobile. But her polymorph can be so disruptive against dive heroes like Illidan.