Heroes of the Storm


Molten Core Raider
If your guys win rate in QM is actually 25 percent then that's fucking awful -- it ought to be 50 percent. Not sure if I believe or if this is just dramatic hyperbole because hating on the matchmaker is what we do here.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm pretty sure if you're Q'ing up as 4, it'll try to Q you against another team of 4 people. Getting Malf over a DPS sucks, but it seems like your opponents had a better 4-man premade comp to begin with.
Yeah, never expect matchmaker to give you a much needed role because it usually doesn't. When I'm queuing with 2 or more friends and we try hard we'll que with the holy trinity.


2 Minutes Hate
The one hurdle Blizzard has to get over (or the community) is that each map is different with different strategies. This means players have to adapt to different comps and metas for each one. So players become less cohesive.

In other mobas, you have one dominate map and set of objectives so players as a whole can consolidate around one accepted strat. This makes it easier for pugs to perform more efficient.


Toe Sucker
Anub'arak is just SO fucking well rounded. With regeneration master by late game he is an unstoppable killing machine, eating everyone for breakfast
Anub is by far the best tank imo, people say johanna is up there but i still don't see it in comparison to him. He has everything a tank needs AND can out dps a lot of assassins come late game lol

6.5/10 by IGN is completely retarded, but it spawned funny copypasta maymayz which is entertaining.


<Silver Donator>
6.5/10 by IGN is completely retarded, but it spawned funny copypasta maymayz which is entertaining.
Really? I never played much LOL or DOTA2 but what I read all over the place is that HOTS has "expected blizzpolish" but is "bland" in comparison. I like it because you know WOW and Diablo Heroes and it plays okayish. Not something I would give up my job and move to korea to go professional pro but still. I bought two heroes so they got my money but to be honest after I get graves I am not so sure I keep playing.


A Mod Real Quick
Anyone have any issues running this game? At first I thought it was my my computer just being old and shitty, but it runs fine on my much older and much shittier desktop.

The game starts to stutter a lot, which I mistook for dropped frames but that's definitely not it. I noticed my GPU is barely kicking on at all, whereas in games like WoW it sounds like a motorcycle and spits out hot air. Any ideas on what to try?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Anyone have any issues running this game? At first I thought it was my my computer just being old and shitty, but it runs fine on my much older and much shittier desktop.

The game starts to stutter a lot, which I mistook for dropped frames but that's definitely not it. I noticed my GPU is barely kicking on at all, whereas in games like WoW it sounds like a motorcycle and spits out hot air. Any ideas on what to try?
HotS runs on the SC2 engine which is notorious for wanting CPU and not so much GPU. But you'd probably have better luck asking on the BNet forums.


Toe Sucker
Anub gunna get nerfed. He's way too strong at the moment.
I would like them to keep anub the same, just buff stitches/arthas up to him/muradins level. I'd like them to just drop sonya as a 'warrior' all together, and make her a melee assassin since thats pretty much how shes played 9 times out of 10 lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Anub currently has good damage, good CC, good sustain, good escape, good initiate .... good everything. He's just way too strong at everything something has got to give. I assume if they want to balance him they could look at toning down his damage across the board.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They could also make it so his beetles don't block skill shots but I don't know a great way of really doing that. He can avoid so much damage by simply having his beetles eat non-piercing abilities.


Confirmed Male
It is pretty simple game really, it blows my mind that people cant grab basic concepts.

1.) Understand how drafting works. I am happy you are a nice guy and dont want to pick a hero the last person in the draft put up as what he is wanting, but there are 8 other people who will more than likely grab said hero. TLDR - dont draft Raynor/Lili with the #1 pick for the love of god.

2.) Soak to 10. Dont die. That means if you have 2 or 3 in your lane, and you are solo. Dont spam ping the map for help. SOAK. Sit back and let them minions die without you getting in the middle of it. Take heart if you have 3 in your lane and they cannot push past your gate, that means you have two other lanes were the other team is outnumbered and can possibly be pushed. DONT DIE, dont try to be some master player where you think you will catch someone slipping, just soak.

3.) Do participate in objectives. It is simple, you see an objective pop, go to it. Now it can be more complicated than just that. Map Awareness is key, for example: if you see 3 heroes bottom lane, and 4 of your heroes are at objective near the top (meaning a 4v2), and you happen to be a specialist who wants to push a lane, then there is nothing wrong with that. But you have to be certain: A.) you dont get ganked & B.) those three heroes dont suddenly divert to the objective. If you dont have good Map Awareness, go the freaking objective.

4.) If you suck at hero, dont pick it in HL because it is your daily. Stick with QM for practicing heroes.

5.) Post level 10, if you are alone, you are wrong. This game is all about teamfights, EG: Stick with your team, and I dont care if you pick Azmodan.

Those 5 simple rules can make anyone better than 90% of current HoTS players.


Molten Core Raider
Since the official release the quality of the players has dropped...A lot more whiny griefers. A lot of solo heroes and people who don't understand those simple rules posted by Dis.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I had several games this weekend the statistically worse player on the team would not stop bitching and telling ppl what to do.

For your #1 Dis I'd say it is the last person in the draft's fault. If I'm last or 2nd to last pick I'll let people know I'll fill. If you are really insistent on playing someone tier 1 as last pick you better have at least 2 other non-garbage tier heroes of the same role you can play just as well.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It is pretty simple game really, it blows my mind that people cant grab basic concepts.

1.) Understand how drafting works. I am happy you are a nice guy and dont want to pick a hero the last person in the draft put up as what he is wanting, but there are 8 other people who will more than likely grab said hero. TLDR - dont draft Raynor/Lili with the #1 pick for the love of god.

2.) Soak to 10. Dont die. That means if you have 2 or 3 in your lane, and you are solo. Dont spam ping the map for help. SOAK. Sit back and let them minions die without you getting in the middle of it. Take heart if you have 3 in your lane and they cannot push past your gate, that means you have two other lanes were the other team is outnumbered and can possibly be pushed. DONT DIE, dont try to be some master player where you think you will catch someone slipping, just soak.

3.) Do participate in objectives. It is simple, you see an objective pop, go to it. Now it can be more complicated than just that. Map Awareness is key, for example: if you see 3 heroes bottom lane, and 4 of your heroes are at objective near the top (meaning a 4v2), and you happen to be a specialist who wants to push a lane, then there is nothing wrong with that. But you have to be certain: A.) you dont get ganked & B.) those three heroes dont suddenly divert to the objective. If you dont have good Map Awareness, go the freaking objective.

4.) If you suck at hero, dont pick it in HL because it is your daily. Stick with QM for practicing heroes.

5.) Post level 10, if you are alone, you are wrong. This game is all about teamfights, EG: Stick with your team, and I dont care if you pick Azmodan.

Those 5 simple rules can make anyone better than 90% of current HoTS players.
Your 2 and 5 contradict each other.


A Mod Real Quick
Haven't posted to the blizzard forums because I'm lazy and it's full of shitters. Can play ultra at 45-50 fps fine, but the issue is almost like I'm constantly losing packets or something. Mostly noticeable when I move my view across the map, everything freezes for 500ms or so. It happens constantly, not an fps issue. At least on ultra I can hear my gpu fan running.