Heroes of the Storm


Molten Core Raider
Jugs has a massive AOE. Probably like 3x that of Condemn. I'm not a huge Lili fan because I don't think she brings enough to the table to ever take her over like an Uther or BW but if you're smart with your positioning you can easily get the majority of your Jugs to complete. If they all-in to stop it then chances are they dove hard and your team can get the pick off. One exception is Muradin where he completely shuts Lili down. And since Muradin is currently a high value tank if he's available or if your opponent took him then you simply can't go Lili. Lili's biggest issue is the fact that she offers no support other than healing where other supports offer similar if not better healing but also strong CC.

Oh yeah and her waveclear is beyond abysmal
The AE is larger, but you must be having significantly more luck than I have when it comes to people staying in decent range of any sort of healing during team fights. Besides if the person is remotely good, on Johanna, Muradin, ETC, Brightwing etc. (since they all counter her ult) they just wait till you pop it, the Johnna goes unstoppable and condemns you if you want to stay in range, ETC just slides into you and then facemelts if he missed the slide, Muradin hammers, brightwing polymorphs etc.

Unless you're playing rank 1's, if your channeled ult keeps getting interrupted you're doing something wrong.
Definitely not playing against #1's, and not claiming that I am a crazy awesome player. But I would argue you have as much or more problem at lower ranks because if you want to keep most of the team in the AE, since they are probably spread all out (since once again, lower ranks) you are putting yourself in a position to be neutralized *shrug*


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You don't need the entire team in her AE. Her ult doesn't work like Malfs it basically just makes it so you rapid fire your Q. You just need to make sure the person who needs the heals the most is within range. When I'm Lili it is pretty much the outside of my range which is getting the heals I don't dive in there to R only to have it instantly cancelled.


Confirmed Male
You don't need the entire team in her AE. Her ult doesn't work like Malfs it basically just makes it so you rapid fire your Q. You just need to make sure the person who needs the heals the most is within range. When I'm Lili it is pretty much the outside of my range which is getting the heals I don't dive in there to R only to have it instantly cancelled.
This. Also, it can be used after a huge team fight were all of you are up but low health, with th other team down a few heroes. Jugs is a huge heal and time saver to turn your team advantage into a immediate push, or if you disengage a team fight because you are low health, again lili can jugs to get everyone topped off for an immediate rengage which can catch an opposing team off guard. Basically lili is about positioning antd some minor map awareness. She is a very good healer, not to mention she has her winds ability which is a pseudo heal.

Easy hero to spam q, but to play her effectively you have to learn about good positioning and using her winds only for negating hero damage to your team.

Edit: also once she gets Kung fu hustle she probs turns into the best pure healer in the game just on cooldown Q alone. That's the trick tho, being in a game that goes to 20.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Herbal Cleanse is also amazing. You can pocket your Q when you see a BW is going to Poly your Illidan or an Uther is running up to clearly stun someone and just Q it off them instantly. Then once you get Hustle at 20 she becomes an ungodly effective healer. Which is why I really only take her on maps I'm pretty sure will go to 20 like Garden, Cursed and Dragon.


2 Minutes Hate
My current line up that I'm playing right now is Sylvannas, Johanna and Brightwing. I really enjoy playing Brightwing, one of the only heroes that makes me feel like I'm making a difference on the map. None of the other supports really feel this way for me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
BW is my favorite support as well. Uther is quite good too but a bit more difficult to play and know when to use his Benediction talent appropriately depending upon the situation (ie: double stun or double heal.)


Molten Core Raider

Basically, if you can something like 2-2-2-1. I think that is when you can start effectively playing hero league. Ideally you should continue to practice with high tier heroes you are not good at bringing yourself to or past your 3 per role. That's just my opinion though.
Heroes of the Storm (HotS): Match History: Eidal

In a game where two supports on a team is viable AND most people dislike playing support... you don't really need 2-2-2-1 =P


Toe Sucker
Uther and BW are both crazy good, i need to go back and play Uther again.. i haven't since they nerfed/changed his talents but watching high level play with both him and BW are super impressive and make them look like a lot of fun.

The more i play and watch this game, the more i enjoy it.. definitely one of my favorite games of the past few years. Can't get enough of it lol


Molten Core Raider
Uther and BW are both crazy good, i need to go back and play Uther again.. i haven't since they nerfed/changed his talents but watching high level play with both him and BW are super impressive and make them look like a lot of fun.
Uther/BW/Rehgar are my favorite supports, but I find myself really enjoying Rehgar for solo healing -- focus fire is the most basic "team activity" in a MOBA and Ancestral Healing is a huge, huge boon if its done correctly. If I were equally as good with Uther, no doubt I'd have better results working him into some of my matchups: his stun vs Illidan, for example. But at my MMR I'm playing with primarily Rank 1-5s and Rehgar seems viable and offers more directed healing than BW, good mana sustain, less CC. Proper Rehgar play also involves a lot of body-blocking which really catches people off-guard. His Feral Lunge talent is no joke, either -- an aggressive Rehgar can play pretty hard on squishies while also keeping the healing flowing.


Toe Sucker
Yeah, a lot of higher end players don't like rehgar anymore but i think he's still pretty god damn underrated now

I personally like playing him the most when it comes to all the supports.. although i want to get back into uther again. I haven't played him since his changes lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah Rehgar is really good. I enjoy him as well. Butt Build is my favorite since it adds a certain amount of burst to him as well to help pick off low hp and fleeing enemies.


Trakanon Raider
Rehgar is best for pub games in my opinion because there is always one guy who is too aggressive and the full heal either makes the fight even again or just completely turns the whole fight around.


Confirmed Male
Did they stealth buff tanks? I am noticing a lot of damage output on heroes like Chen, Anub, and johanna. Also, gd Kael's damage output is absolute ridiculousness. I have had games were he has double the DPS of the next highest among all the teams.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Since they're adding automated tournaments in LotV expansion for SC2 I really hope they migrate that over here as well


Toe Sucker
Chen definitelydoesn'tdo more damage, he's pretty garbage outside of his CC barrel and flying kick once he gets the 80% slow

I've been playing around withzuna's zeratulbuild after watching his stream this morning, it feels way, way better than the standard cleave/first aid build. Way more consistent damage and huge burst late game against squishies.

Once you get double bombs, and worm hole you pretty much get the bonus AAD on every hit with rotating all your cooldowns and follow ups. (blink, aa, cleave, aa, blink out) alone does like 1200ish damage and very hard to react to lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea that build has been seeing a lot of play the past couple weeks EU and here, it is a ton of fun and I enjoy it a lot more than the old GP build.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Many pros go all-in and take Marksman as well on level 1. Since you don't take GP you don't need to gank on Zeratul since unlike Nova his effectiveness in a game doesn't have a timer on it. So you don't have to snowball a lead starting at level 4. And he is a pretty damn good laner.


Fan just did a vid on that build a few days ago. He goes Marksman at 1 and Rewind at 20 though. One thing he emphasizes is weaving abilities in between auto attacks to maximize Follow Through damage. Also, Blink and Wormhole count as abilities, too.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I think Marks and Rewind are more common. Nexus blades is questionable since you don't want to be whacking on someone for a sustained time. You want to E in AA, cleave, AA, bomb, AA, bomb, AA, RW, cleave, AA, bomb, AA, bomb, AA then E out. Even doing that full rotation puts you in a fairly dangerous position. The idea is rewind will proc your follow through which will yield better damage than Nexus blades. Though I wonder with Rewind if that makes Wormhole somewhat redundant and you could get better burst by taking his cloak talent at 13.


Toe Sucker
Yeah, i don't like marksman though. I don't think its a viable skill for zeratul since he isn't going to lane as much as a hero like raynor. Also, since you're losing first aid, the health regen actually helps quite a lot late game where as the only time marksman is going to come ahead is when its a very, very long game which most often isn't the case

Rewind i agree with, but if you're mana starved which is very often it's not going to do much really. Theres benefits to both skills