Heroes of the Storm


Lord Nagafen Raider
Blizz cant magically ''create'' a community for the game with moar tools. Its has to come from the players. It was the same with sc2. We're in an age where its never been easier to form communities. If the players dont want a more lively place, there wont be one. The only part where blizz can play a role is by making the game deeper with more nuances and have the players something to build and bond over.

If we managed to build a community over quake2 using gamespy, we can do whatever the hell we want with all this facebook integration crap we have nowdays.

Regarding hots, its right up my alley for where i am in my life. 15-20 mins of mayhem with my buds then i can drop off and go cook dinner for the wife.


Toe Sucker
I'm torn on how i feel about him, i think he feels really fun once he hits 16 and you take zealot charge.. but before that he feels really lacking? i'm not sure. (probably just need to play him more)

I don't like his Q at all, i wish it could be a 2 part ability... press Q to a direction, activate Q again to dash back or something. That way he can use it to get the fuck out of a bad situation.

W is fun once you talent into the charge version

E is incredibly short, which is weird because he has no way to rush somebody down until 16 to get real use out of it.

R i really like suppression pulse, it shuts down auto attack carries for 4 seconds in a very large radius and it's only a 50 second CD, i havent used the beam yet but it seems kinda lackluster compared to the massive aoe attack/blind he can do on a 50 second CD.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If he had a good disengage he'd basically have no gaps in his arsenal. I guess if you take the blinding R you could use that as a disengage.


Toe Sucker
Yeah.. his beam seems really good too, i really like his heroic options depending on who you're facing

He's a lot of fun regardless, specially in a double tank comp

The Master

Bronze Squire
He doesn't have a real engage or a disengage. I THINK he does more damage than Sonya at high levels with slightly better sustain, but has no way to slow enemies or speed himself up so he can't chase well at all. I think he'll be a great bruiser in organized play and pretty bad in HL.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I haven't played him yet (but will 100% buy him on Tuesday) but from what I have seen so far if you go for the charge on 16 your chase problems go away. I like these bruiser type of heroes, pretty pumped to pick him up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm going to dick around with him more tonight. I *think* many of his D talents are trap talents. What you really want to survive is to actually hit shit more often. So if you take triple strike at 13 and charge at 16 you can refresh your shield faster and live longer than if you actually spec into the shield. You probably also want the talents on your dash to lower your shield CD and refresh faster at 50%. I only got two games in with him yesterday but the first game where I specced for all-out offense he felt more durable than when I specced for all-out shields.


Wasn't really impressed with what I saw of him last night in a few games. Now the one game with sonya + abathur + tassader on the other hand, my team might as well have sat at fountain.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Had a day off so i was on him all day. Like poster before me, not impressed. His skill shot is like a gimmick atm. Hardly a skill shot and more a '' oh cool i got lucky on that ''. Many times it feels the orb goes right on the ennemy only to do nothing, since the range is just so short. Using it to break a line at the beginnign of a fight works half the time. Youll end up using it on the warrior since no assasin with half a brain will be in front waiting. Doing that leaves you in a worst position than the other war. His Q is cute but really feels like a trap. It can leaves you so exposed and its really easy to cc.

So after a day its,
-lack of mobility
-lack of cc
-average ultimate, not terrible, neither awsome.
-weak skillshot.


<Silver Donator>
He's also kinda squishy if you CC him once he proced his shield once, since preventing him from attacking basically makes him unable to proc the shield a second time and then he falls like a sack of potatoes. Felt tanky when like 1 or 2 heroes attack him, but felt squishy as shit when all 5 just focus him down. He does pretty good damage at higher levels though it seemed and the beam is annoying as shit when fighting on cap points. Kinda weird tank.
Medic now, however, is pretty beastly
There's a couple nice LT Morales plays in this vid. One is a medi-vac backdoor. Other is stim / healing on Abathur and he tanks down The Butcher.

^ This whole series is pretty good.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have this suspicion that even though the two games are in no way similar once Overwatch comes out the streaming community for this game will be absent. I'm just looking at Solid Jake's stream and it already features Overwatch artwork, ZP's stream has an Overwatch logo in the corner, Nick HotS has already said he'll be switching over. I just think the community will dry up.


<Bronze Donator>
I have this suspicion that even though the two games are in no way similar once Overwatch comes out the streaming community for this game will be absent. I'm just looking at Solid Jake's stream and it already features Overwatch artwork, ZP's stream has an Overwatch logo in the corner, Nick HotS has already said he'll be switching over. I just think the community will dry up.
I'm pretty sure this is accurate. HoTS never got big on the streaming side to begin with though


<Silver Donator>
I have this suspicion that even though the two games are in no way similar once Overwatch comes out the streaming community for this game will be absent. I'm just looking at Solid Jake's stream and it already features Overwatch artwork, ZP's stream has an Overwatch logo in the corner, Nick HotS has already said he'll be switching over. I just think the community will dry up.
I also think Overwatch will be a lot more fun to watch people play, especially good players. It isn't like lol or dota where you can watch your favorite player pick his strongest hero(or champion lel) and put on a clinic and shit, it's all very same-ish on stream in hots imo. Like you can watch a rank1 and a rank 15 and while one plays kinda better, there isn't much of a difference between a win for either because playing well doesn't give you a personnal massive advantage so the games look the same, just one with a bit less shittier plays overall.