Abathur - Hero Talent Calculator
That is my general purpose Abathur build for pubs. You don't spend much time in hat instead you are more concerned with keeping mines on cooldown. The slow on the mines is absolutely annoying and you can give your team complete vision over objectives. When a team fight busts out you just UE since your hat sucks anyways. Then at 16 you add annoying split push into the equation which then puts the opposing team on a timer since the locusts can and will push down structures.
But also remember Abathur is somewhat difficult to play in terms of knowing when and where to body soak, when to back off and just symbiote soak and you need to be aware when 1v1's or 2v1's occur. Basically if someone on your team dies and Abathur didn't know it was going to happen the Abathur player needs to work on their map awareness. He's very easy to play terribly.