E Darkflight/Disengage Human engage, Worgen disengage. Swaps what form you are in. Worgen hits harder with basic attacks, but human is range
Q Gilnean Cocktail for Human, target hit small damage, targets in ae behind take 3x that. Worgen version is Razor Swipe, small dash forward and ae
Heroic Marked for the Kill Human fire Silver bullet, first target becomes vulnerable for 25%, you then leap as a worgen to the target. As a Worgen it's Go for the Throat, 3 attacks, if you kill the target you can use it again free in the next 10 seconds. Seems like you actually have to choose between the two, unlike the other abilities it isn't different for what form you are in
Talent it at 20 to let it refresh for every time you kill someone with it