Heroes of the Storm


Blackwing Lair Raider
Learn to expect nothing and just assume everyone has no idea what is going on. I'm the world's #1 pinger telling them every intention I have and every intention I have of them. You'll be shocked how well people respond if you ping their hero then ping where you want them to go. I feel many people love to play the hindsight game in Heroes where they never explained their intention and just expected the team to be mind readers. Even if what you were doing was the obvious thing to do. Expect idiots and be happy when they're not.
Problem is the real idiots, at the bottom of the barrel, who you ping and type in chat what to do and they just don't listen. Perfect example with those pugs last night I was complaining about, we were left side on raven lord map, we are in the middle of killing our boss when an inconsequential tribute spawns in the top right, exact opposite side of the map we are on. I tell them its too late to contest, just push bot lane w/ boss. The two pugs go to the tribute and die, after the tribute had already been collected I might add. They did listen later in the game in a similar situation though, so its not as if they are foreign or illiterate. We were out of position to contest and it was meaningless so I pinged retreat at the tribute and pinged the fort we should attack and one of the pugs says "WAKE UP TASS" like I, the person constantly pinging the map, was somehow unaware there was a tribute spawning. Luckily he did listen that time and it was a turning point in the game, we were down 2 lvls at the time and we evened out from catching someone out coming from the tribute and a fort. Unfortunately they managed to throw the game again later.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It happens. But the majority of the people aren't completely toxic idiots. But they can be turned into this if they're baited into an argument by Captain Hindsight after a poor engagement. Some people are completely toxic idiots, though. But even with your example they may have just been unaware that sometimes giving up a tribute is the right call and possibly they learned their lesson after going as 2 and dying. In games like this I have developed a very thick skin and someone can be berating me the entire game and I just don't care. I usually ignore them at the end of the game though to avoid getting matched with them in the future.

There is also the n0tail approach where just because you know the right answer and correct plays but your entire team refuses to do this often times it is best to just follow the retard. I've said it before but 5 people doing the wrong thing is better than a few people doing the right thing.


Molten Core Raider
I usually ignore them at the end of the game though to avoid getting matched with them in the future.
Does this actually work? I've heard both ways but it's hard to tell since I rarely get grouped with the same pugs regardless


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've never personally been matched with someone on my ignore list. If the code is actually in place to disallow this grouping I can't say for certainty.


Trakanon Raider
I've been matched once with someone I ignored. It was a week apart. Didn't even realize it until everyone on my team started complaining about him and then I realized I already had him blocked.


Damn I'm trash tier just to be a hipster goblin. ROFL

Edit: Looks like I'll give Tassadar a go then.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If there is one thing I've learned from playing and watching SC2 for so long is that the metagame is often influenced by high level play and low level players accept this meta as fact and if you disobey it you are a moronic piece of trash despite low level players playing a much different game than high level players. If you have success with a hero deemed trash by the pros I wouldn't worry about it.


Well I mean I've won a fair amount of games off the gazlowe split push - but it wasn't really that fun at all getting raged at for not team fighting in the middle of the map after objective takes.

Plus I have no interest in playing that playstyle, I thought gazlowe would've been more like Heimer (Bursty mage with god turrets)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
To be frank the only way you can win a game as Gaz split pushing is if the other 4 people on your team are carrying and are better than the 5 on the other team. Split pushing doesn't add much like it adds in more traditional MOBA.


Molten Core Raider
Free brightwing this week, never tried her before. She seems incredibly fun even with the base talents.


To be frank the only way you can win a game as Gaz split pushing is if the other 4 people on your team are carrying and are better than the 5 on the other team. Split pushing doesn't add much like it adds in more traditional MOBA.
Oh yeah I quickly realized this in my run to level 5 with gaz. We either won with me over 100k in siege damage or lost with the enemy team shitting on us 27-7 takedown wise.

Wayyyyy too dependent on having a good team to be viable as a casual pick.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
He can still be playable but you need to play him teamfight and not AFK split push. His ult is still really good especially if you can set it up with a stun. There was a very, very brief time Diablo + Gaz was somewhat popular where Diablo would ult when the other team was clumped and Gaz would drop a bomb there as well.

Unfortunately since he CAN merc really well you'll see people just wonder around taking merc camps and pushing while the entire team gets slaughtered at objectives and in team fights.


Yeah the issue is that at early levels you don't unlock grav-o-bomb or other talents for alternate play aside from Merc/Seige damage boosts so it feels like that's the only thing you're good at.