Heroes of the Storm


Blackwing Lair Raider
If they just innately allowed you to hook to allied minions/heroes she would be in such a better place. No kind of escape on her means you get kited by everybody.

I hate to say it because I own him too, but I have a feeling stiches gets nerfed. He is in every single quick match and ranked game.

Played some quick games last night because we were playing with a friend who can't play ranked and holy fuck founder's pack week is in full force. Had one game that ended the same way delly's game ended the other day, with one of my teammate's telling raynor to go to practice. Luckily it was only 1 spot open so they weren't all on our team, I had a tychus dive hard underneath towers at lvl 1 to try and kill me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If they just innately allowed you to hook to allied minions/heroes she would be in such a better place. No kind of escape on her means you get kited by everybody.

I hate to say it because I own him too, but I have a feeling stiches gets nerfed. He is in every single quick match and ranked game.

Played some quick games last night because we were playing with a friend who can't play ranked and holy fuck founder's pack week is in full force. Had one game that ended the same way delly's game ended the other day, with one of my teammate's telling raynor to go to practice. Luckily it was only 1 spot open so they weren't all on our team, I had a tychus dive hard underneath towers at lvl 1 to try and kill me.
Not sure if Stitches himself is innately OP (maybe a touch) but people always gravitate towards hook heroes. Just look at Pudge stats in DOTA2. I'd be more interested in seeing the Stitches w/l in ranked mode.


Not sure if Stitches himself is innately OP (maybe a touch) but people always gravitate towards hook heroes. Just look at Pudge stats in DOTA2. I'd be more interested in seeing the Stitches w/l in ranked mode.
The upgraded range on his hook is pretty OP, the fact that there's no windup time and the missile speed is fairly fast is also something I'd tell them to reconsider.

The windup time is pretty important when not very many heroes have blink or movement skills.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also I'm starting to think, at least for me, Valla is better than Tychus. As long as you're careful not to get engaged upon (Tyreal will ruin your day) you can just put out absurd damage with full W build and just spamming it. I can see at a higher level Tychus is a safer pick due to FA + Stone + Odin but at my level of play I get more mileage out of Valla for sure.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The upgraded range on his hook is pretty OP, the fact that there's no windup time and the missile speed is fairly fast is also something I'd tell them to reconsider.

The windup time is pretty important when not very many heroes have blink or movement skills.
It is usually pretty obvious when Stitches is going for a fishing hook. If you aren't juke jiving around when a Stitches is near you're doing it wrong. Most of my pro tier hooks come from morons just standing around auto attacking not even surrounding themselves by creeps. The hardest is if he's in the fog of war and he has vision upon you and hooks you from bushes. But once your movement becomes predictable against a good Stitches you are going to get hooked each and every time.


Played a few games last night and I was utterly embarrassed leveling Valla. I'm only player level 8 or 9 as I never really played much after the last alpha wipe.

Anyways, is there a YouTuber who I should follow with good commentary that puts up videos regularly? I'm thinking someone like Kripp and his Hearthstone videos that I can watch while eating lunch to hopefully learn something and not feel like such a scrub when I have time to play.

Something like this video from Zuna of C9 is pretty good, but he doesn't seem to upload regularly and it's also kinda old.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Check out reddit's heroes of the storm sub. There are a few people who put out character specific content. Schamtoo puts out a video weekly by selecting a f2p weekly hero.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
On town hall heroes one of the designers outright said they're going to be nerfing Stitches. I'm guessing they'll probably nerf his poison trait.


Molten Core Raider
On town hall heroes one of the designers outright said they're going to be nerfing Stitches. I'm guessing they'll probably nerf his poison trait.

Stitches doesn't even seem overpowered, he's just actually decent in a pool of shit tier characters.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah he's powerful but I still personally prefer Arthas. He seems more reliable than Stitches to me and more disruptive.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I forgot how fun/good a gank focused Arthas can be. Especially if the other team is moronic and constantly pushing deep in lane.


Yea he's a pretty great hero. Catching someone in a w is such a clear burst cue for your team as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
His wave clear is so good too so on maps where you can easily navigate to top or bot from mid at level 1 I just stand in the wave, E it down quickly, retreat to fog and run to a lane to gank. I played on Dragon Shire and I think secured maybe 3 early game kills doing this. It allows you to give gank presence without actually losing out on XP which can sometimes result from ganking.


Diablo's kit just seems backwards. His charge should have the throwback attached to it like sobeks, and his other ability should just be a knockback. It's ridiculous how many times I can't chase or initiate because using the charge to catch someone is counterproductive and I just cannot get in range for a toss back.


Diablo's suplex combos well with Kerrigan's pull or Stitches' hook. Not sure why it isn't seen more often though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You can get SOME milage out of a battle momentum lightning breath Diablo but yeah ... he's in a bad spot