Heroes of the Storm


Confirmed Male
I'm the same way. The only way I can play more than 1 or 2 games is if I'm playing with a friend and drinking beer. A small part of the reason, I think, is that the game is so PVE focused (the map mechanic) that if you have a player on your team that makes poor decisions, or just ignores PVE, you tend to lose more often than not. Maybe I haven't grinded Hero League enough to get my rank up where this doesn't happen anymore? Dunno.

However for me personally, I think the game gets boring because of the PVE. All I need to the objective to destroy the nexus. I like the idea of three lanes, killing turrets and beating back the other team. All the extra stuff becomes a chore and it gets boring for me.

Not sure what matches you are playing, but I battle heroes way more than I ever did in any other MOBA. Course I briefly played DOTA2, and LoL because, loooooooooonnnnnnnggggggg matches. I cant do that. The main draw of HoTS for me is the intense hero action that happens early, mid, and late.

On another note, I sniffed 19, sooooo close, then I got grouped with new folks, and I got dropped back to 21. One of them rank 48 said he was practicing Anub, after he picked him of course. I immediately facepalmed. Yea, it didnt go well.

Edit: My one non-gameplay gripe about the game is how Blizzard does their bundles. It kinda of punishes those who spend full price for individual purchases of heroes and/or skins. I wish when they bundled something you could get the price of the bundle (discount) minus the cost of the already purchased items in the bundle itself. I dont understand why they dont do this, kinda of irritating.


2 Minutes Hate
PVE is all the different objective based things you're fighting around in constantly intervals. Turning in tokens, collecting tokens, playing king of the hill etc. I'm not saying you're not constantly fighting at all and that's fun in it's own right. Personally I prefer the more simple approach of DOTA/LOL with their maps.


Really close game 3 (skip to 1 hr 15 min mark) between C9 Vortex and compLexity. Sound is a little desync'd and the observer sucks though.



That match was so hype, I was surprised C9 went in like that since they were mostly playing it safe that entire weekend. Also Zuna being added to Tempo Storm playing Illidan makes them seem so untouchable currently.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Pre-notes insights

Developer Insights: Patch Preview 6/23/2015

Daze Tech

We are changing the way many of the knockbacks in Heroes of the Storm currently work. Previously, the majority of abilities that moved an enemy character also applied a stun during the movement. This means abilities like Tychus' grenade or Raynor's Penetrating Round would double as a Stun for channeled abilities. With this new tech, many of these knockback abilities will no longer stun mobile channeling abilities including Tychus' Overkill, Li Li's Jug of 1000 cups, Sonya's Whirlwind, and Valla's Strafe. Knockback effects that we'd like to apply a stun, Muradin's Haymaker for example, will keep the stun, but it will be explicitly part of the ability and called out in the tooltip. As an added note, stationary channels such as Mosh Pit and Ravenous Spirit will still be interrupted by a knockback effect.
This seems like an enormous change


Toe Sucker
That would be cool if they go back and redid the current map mercs to have a theme towards their map... spider brusiers/siege for spider tomb etc.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well tomb uses the sky temple mercs because tomb is underneath of sky temple. So they share a unified tile set for that reason. The others are distinctly Warcraft inspired and I feel the giants and knights fit that aesthetic.


Toe Sucker
Hero Level 9 -- A new 750 Gold reward has been added.
This Gold reward will also be retroactively granted to players for each Hero that reached level 9 prior to today's patch.
Aww yeah gurl, i should get a solid 5k or so from that lol

Jaina losing Sprint kind of sucks, but i've been taking ice block moreso than it recently anyway i guess lol

Illidan got shit on but he'll still be good lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Tychus got a few nice buffs this patch. Looks like his range is moving from 4.5 to 5.5 and now you can't just knockback his Q. Tychus mains of the world rejoice!

Also Illidan actually received a massive nerf with the removal of his unstoppable frames


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dunno about your BW assessment. Between Unfurling Spray, Mistified, Revitalizing Mist and the reduced cool down on mist already, I think he will heal more overall. We'll see I guess.

Can't believe they buffed Kael though.. wtf. He's already retarded.
Blue post RE Kael change:

"One other important note: Kael'thas' Living Bomb cooldown is 8 seconds on PTR, but this change was unintended. The cooldown will once again be 10 seconds with our patch on June 30."