Heroes of the Storm


Toe Sucker
kael team is quite a bit better on all grounds though lol

shoulda went jaina over butcher and ANY tank but diablo over ETC really

every motherfucker in HL needs to have and know how to play jaina/kael/sylv.


Trakanon Raider
kael team is quite a bit better on all grounds though lol

shoulda went jaina over butcher and ANY tank but diablo over ETC really

every motherfucker in HL needs to have and know how to play jaina/kael/sylv.
Pretty much this. Though as much as ETC sucks nowadays they didn't have a lot of CC to disrupt his dance.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The biggest issue is the on-demand Unstoppable from Johanna so if she engages into the ETC he is mostly worthless since he won't be able to Q or W or R her. But if he gets the engage into her then that is a different story since she can't D while stunned. But the left team has a Lili which will be very difficult at best to contest. Johanna is the only form of way to cancel Lili's jugs and it will mostly have to be done off her R. But there is so much front line between Butcher, ETC, Zeratul that it will be difficult for her to reliably get her R to hit Lili. So if ETC can engage into Johanna and unload some damage into her at the onset forcing her to disengage (hence putting Lili completely out of W range and most likely out of R range) it will be nearly impossible to stop her R. There is also very little hard CC on the Red team to would require a cleanse so Lili in this situation maybe a better pickup than Malf.

No lets move onto the ETC. Both Butcher and Zeratul will absolutely love getting additional attack speed increase from ETC. Is he the absolute strongest tank in the world? No. But he is a very helpful tank especially against heroes that benefit well from attack speed increases. So in an absolute perfect world what ETC would like to do is Q into the middle of the team, W someone away. The Butcher should then E onto the most segmented or highest priority target. Zeratul will R the backline which got pushed even further back by ETC's W. You jump on the segmented team and turn every team fight into, at worst, a 4v5.

Now could a random assortment of HL scrubs pull off this theory? Probably not. But the team is fundamentally sound.


Trakanon Raider
On paper a lot of things work out. Does it mean Butcher is a better pick than Jaina in this situation? Probably close to never unless you're a coordinated team. As much as I hate Lili, jugs is pretty much guaranteed to be successful here so its hard to say anything negative about that pickup. Naz first pick? Eh. Not great but I've seen worse picks like Nova.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I like Naz on Cursed now that his spider build is the most popular. Those fuckers last forever and can push someone off the tribute almost indefinitely. I also don't mind him first pick because Naz doesn't really have counter play now that he isn't just a RS bot. The biggest issue he has in the comp is blue is built more as a burst comp and Naz is the anti-burst DPS hero. A Q build Valla probably would have worked better but sometimes in HL hindsight is 20/20 when you're dealing with strangers.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm just happy when I have ANY tank and ANY support. Too often retards dont pick one when we have none. Even had one person pick sgt hammer against a jaina/kael while we had no support. And the only reason the other team even had the opportunity to pick kael is because I didn't pick him because the sgt hammer wasn't saying anything and the guy before him had a support highlighted and we needed a tank. Then the 2nd to last idiot, the one that had support highlighted says we need a mage and switches to jaina at the last second because he's too fucking stupid to notice the very first pick in the draft was jaina so of course it auto switches him to a 2nd tank. So yeah, while the other team on paper is slightly stronger, I wouldn't be very upset by that draft.

Edit - But yeah, would have been a really solid comp had butcher taken jaina, two melee assassins is almost never good.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also if you blow up the Johanna in that comp it basically turns into a 3v5 because Abathur's only real viable target to hat is Johanna


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Edit - But yeah, would have been a really solid comp had butcher taken jaina, two melee assassins is almost never good.
I don't really put Zeratul into the same category of melee assassin as like Butcher, Thrall, Kerrigan. He operates and plays a completely different way. He shouldn't be eating the same AOEs or getting in each other's way like if you paired together a Butcher with a Thrall.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Johanna can die quite easily to a coordinated focused attack. She has a middle-of-the-pack health pool and most of her sustain comes from people chipping at her so she can use her 20% heal and D a few times in a battle. But with that team until she got 16 and took Imposing they could easily blow her up. After Imposing they'd have a much harder time and would probably need to focus on one of the ranged heroes.


Toe Sucker
If Johanna is dead who will peel allowing Valla to stand there dink dink dink'ing away at the team?
If their tank is dead then yeah, no shit she isn't going to do much.
May as well say if rehgar dies, whose going to heal them all!!?!?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If their tank is dead then yeah, no shit she isn't going to do much.
May as well say if rehgar dies, whose going to heal them all!!?!?
But a Q or W built Valla can do something without someone peeling for her. That is the main issue with auto attack Valla is she gets engaged upon and she's basically fucked.


Toe Sucker
right, i completely understand that but my point was she is a viable target if she goes for that build. Doesn't mean she plans on it, but it's an option lol

anyway, i love Leoric's E, its soooooooo good for mobility. Specially if you use it to flank their team and march through their back line into your own team lol


Confirmed Male
Been taking a long break, but logged in to buy the Leoric pack. Started playing some PS4 games (Batman, and Witcher 3). Just got done with Batman, starting Witcher 3 then I will be back playing HoTs again. Curious about Leoric, I heard you basically play the game non stop, even after you die. Interesting concept.


Trakanon Raider
God I hate those kind of games, where 3/4 of your team play like they are potatoes....rather have bots on my team.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Starting to have a rough time in HL, I climbed to rank 22 consistently and now hit a losing streak back to 25. I feel like my games are being sabotaged by idiots, as if I fell into the noob bracket and can't get out. People AFK at the draft screen so it auto picks a second healer and no tank, people rage quitting by level 6, just getting stomped by reasons out of my control. It always seems to start right at the draft too with stupid picks. My QM MMR is over 2800 but my HL is miserable in the 1700 range. I need some people to play with or something! Vittra#1784 is my tag