Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm also noticing at my MMR in hero league that my teams are trying to make the squishiest groups possible and get steamrolled by opponents with a solid front line every time. I'll play Muradin to offset it, but 9 out of 10 its muradin and 4 squishies against complete counter teams to our picks, lol. I wish there was more time in the draft to talk it over, some people don't say anything till there's 5 seconds left in their pick and by then they've already made up their mind to play Raynor when there's 6 other top assassins available


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think it is a problem mostly that people just tend to build 1 tank 1 support 3 damage. I've been on the 2 tank 1 support 2 damage hype train for a long, long time now. I feel it is easier to execute that composition than the normal 1 tank set up. But sometimes getting even 1 person to play tank is hard enough let alone getting 2.

Another curiosity is on most 3 lane maps people still love doing 2-1-2 splits. Even though depending on the map you should almost always overload a lane. Mid especially I like to overload because it gives the highest potential of gank rotations.

Also Raynor is decent enough. I actually think he's one of the biggest carries in the game. At the very highest level it is hard to use him because everyone is playing well so you can't have god-tier positioning and AA down fools but I have a decent win rate with him. If you're a yolo face checking Jaina probably you shouldn't consider going into Raynor, though.


TownHall Invitational finale between C9 Maelstrom and Tempo Storm from last week

And a great breakdown of the last few team fights by Fan



Toe Sucker
why do people still stubbornly only play one character regardless of comp? then they just throw the game for the other 4 people they play with. Do they watch ZP and think LOL KEWL IMMA DO A (X) CHARACTER QUEUE TOO!

Last game on mines, i get sylvannas, other guys pick leoric, zeratul, malf and the last guy picks stitches so we have no DPS and get destroyed by a jaina/butcher and the rest of their team being pretty pointless lol


Trakanon Raider
why do people still stubbornly only play one character regardless of comp? then they just throw the game for the other 4 people they play with. Do they watch ZP and think LOL KEWL IMMA DO A (X) CHARACTER QUEUE TOO!

Last game on mines, i get sylvannas, other guys pick leoric, zeratul, malf and the last guy picks stitches so we have no DPS and get destroyed by a jaina/butcher and the rest of their team being pretty pointless lol
Had a guy tonight bitch at me (I was last pick) for taking leoric instead of a healer......even though the fucker took tass. Needless to say, the game was a train of pwnage. We steam rolled them and in the end top hero damage with leoric again.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I got pretty out drafted last night on BoE. It should be pretty well known by now that melee assassins have a rough time on the map in general but then my team didn't even build themselves properly. I was on my girl Jojo. We had a Tassadar who went full support build. We had a Lili that 5th picked Lili and didn't inform us that was his only support. BoE being possibly Lili's worst map -- Mines maybe worst. Not to mention in pre-draft chat he claimed we already had Tassadar so why does he need to play support. We had a fucking Thrall. On fucking BoE who continued to feed and claim it was the entire team's fault. I don't even remember the last 2 but neither were assassins. We had less than zero damage and I don't believe I actually got shielded by Tass once. On yeah 1-4-7 Tass went fucking god damn Conj Pursuit ON FUCKING BOE, Healing Ward, MULE. Then proceeded to go Archon into E, E. He was hitting like a fucking wet noodle and we had no damage to speak of anyways.

Oh yeah now I recall. We also had a first-pick Gazlow. So the picks went Gazlow + Tass, Johanna + Thrall, Lili. Who the fuck told any of these idiots Gazlow is good on BoE needs to be shot. I'm also assuming he went Robo at 10 because I never saw a single Gravity Bomb. The entire team was full of retards. Worst part is the Tassadar was R1. Somehow. Somehow he got to R1 without even understanding how to build a hero.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think boe is one of the better maps for gazlowe, but that doesn't change the fact the hero is terrible in 99% of cases.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not of the opinion Gazlow actually has a good map. The hero lives and dies by getting his self wombo executed properly. That is on the player. You either execute the combo in a team fight or you fail to execute and your team dies a horrible death. The idea of him being a space and zone controller is false because it requires quite a few turret talents to get that done. Talents that eat into your ability to wombo. So unless the objective is so strong you can outright win via the control it gives you (Sky Temple is the only argument you can make -- even then you are required to team fight) if you're a bad Gazlow you're going to lose the game regardless of if you have this notion he is strong because the objective is based upon static zone control.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not a big fan of Gazlowe either.. him and vikings are the only 2 heroes I don't have (and I have ~40k gold atm). I just don't like him at all. He can be ok in the hands of a decent player, but there's just so many better heroes.


Molten Core Raider
His design is just shit, he's a no defense melee with a boring gimmick. Same reason murky is bad, 5 second countdown grenades just dont fit in the game at all.


Trakanon Raider
Murky is pretty great when teams pick too many melee heroes. When they dive just throw a fish, grab em and everyone pounce. Its a good way to counter-initiate when melee teams try to dogpile you. I wouldn't pick him until 4th or 5th pick in HL though just so you don't get completely countered.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Murky just falls off at top tier play because supports know to actually take and use Cleanse. Which completely obliterates Murky's viability. But your random Joe Hero League will still prefer to take Enduring Growth on Malf at 7 instead of Cleanse even if a Murky exists in a game. And if for whatever reason they early pick Lili Murky can go ham in that game.


Toe Sucker
murky octo grab + anub web blast is legit as fuck though lol. web spin the healer to negate cleanse is $$

but yeah, pretty much need something to long term a support in order to make him viable


Blackwing Lair Raider
Murky is pretty great when teams pick too many melee heroes. When they dive just throw a fish, grab em and everyone pounce. Its a good way to counter-initiate when melee teams try to dogpile you. I wouldn't pick him until 4th or 5th pick in HL though just so you don't get completely countered.
Gazlowe is good in that same regard and why I said he's only terrible 99% of the time. I saw him as a counter pick to a butcher/kerrigan in a tournament game and the gazlowe wrecked them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Its funny I often times find pro HotS kind of boring because you see pretty much the same toons over and over again. Then I do my annual DOTA2 binge during TI and I remember even DOTA2 with their 100+ pool has the same issue.


Toe Sucker
if you want to play you can add me Tenks, Alone#1281

I agree that pro hots is pretty shallow, i can only really watch a few games of it before i get bored lol

edit: hoping to see the nova bundle this week considering shes now in the F2P rotation and it fits the release schedule (going off the diablo bundle they had in between hero releases)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm starting to think Valla may be the best hero pick in the game. I'm starting to get decent at her Q build and the build is fucking amazing. Especially against melee heavy and dive comps. W is still outstandingly strong against ranged damage heavy compositions. On the off chance you go up against triple warrior or sustain comps you can go into AA build. I feel like when I play her I can carry the game pretty hard.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, valla has so many viable builds and your talent choices can have such a big impact on the game.