Heroes of the Storm


Toe Sucker

Dear god. and he gets a mount that matches!


Toe Sucker
Monk Info:

At level 1, Kharazim can choose his own trait from the 3 below:

Transcendence- Heals Kharazim through melee combat every third strike
Iron Fist- Boosts his attack damage
Insight- Allows Kharazim to restore his mana

Q Ability:Radiant Dash Quickly teleportjump to allies or enemies, based on charges. Means you can get across the battlefield pretty nippy like.
W ability: Breath of Heavenheals you and people around you. That's your core support ability.
E ability: Deadly Reach, which extends your reach and gives extra damage/attack speed.

Seven-Sided Strike: Become untargetable and land 7 attacks on nearby enemies (heroes prioritized)
Divine Palm: This is a healing buff. You strike an ally and give them an aura. If they die with the aura attached they come back from death.


Molten Core Raider
People at gamescom are saying monk skills are:

Q: Teleport that heals if you get the trait at lvl 1
W: Heal
E: 3 hit combo

U1: 7 Sided Strike
U2: Big Heal (the korean leak video made it look like a mix of Divine Shield AND rehgars ancestral healing.. seems pretty OP)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Man, that would be disappointing to me. I was thinking there'd finally be a champ I was interested enough in to play with friends again, but just a healer with an occasional punch? Not the kind of monk I like


Toe Sucker
his lvl 1 ability picks his trait so it could entirely change how he plays with each ability, i'm very curious to see the full rundown of him


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not sure why you wouldn't always take manticore at 4 with aa build though, particularly if you're taking giant killer, that's sort of the whole point.
I don't think Manticore interacts in any way with GK. Valla's AA builds all sound fine and dandy on paper but in actual in game execution very rarely are you allowed to plant your heels and just AA down a team. Which is why the AA build is not only the least popular but also the most risky. Need 1v1 and burst? Q build. Need ranged team fight damage? W build. So that leaves an odd zone for the AA build which really only answers the problem of there is too much front line beef to effectively reach the ranged carry. So this is the typical comp of something like Leo, Tyrael, Butcher, Jaina/KT, Support. A comp focused around keeping their RDPS alive while disrupting the front line. Even in this situation you could possibly make an argument for Q build for immediate sustain during engagement and just trying to burst down the Butcher.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It doesn't specifically interact with giant killer other than the point of the build is high damaging auto attacks to wreck their front line as it does interact with rancor at 1 and searing attacks at 7. Rancor, manticore, searing attacks, giant killer, + bfb = one unhappy tank. I know you can stutter step and hit the same target 3x, its especially not difficult when its always the same target that is the closest.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm just saying that is all-in auto attack. Anyone who sees a Valla go that build will just initiate upon the Valla and destroy her.


Definitely has a damage bias on it.

Second skill doesn't look like it heals for very much. I wonder if it's a targeted heal or just whoever's lowest hp nearby.

Also, what's up with the Stasis effect on his healing ult? Can't move / can't be hurt during the ~1 sec activation?


Trakanon Raider

I think before you get into HL it should be required to watch some of Fan's analysis videos. I've been playing mobas for 10+ years and still feel like I learn something.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
RE: Shitty players in HL

Why is italwaysthe specialists that allow me to know I'm going to get stomped in a game? Especially if that specialist is Gaz, Murky, Zag, Abathur or Naz. The only one that occasionally attracts players of competence is Sylv. I had somebody go Murky just now on fucking Blackheart's Bay, instead of support. Because..you know, that constant lane pressure issoeffective when they just keep bombarding our base, because we're not only down a support, but we are 4v5 in every teamfight. Specialists are the fucking worst, because they attract players who just want to fucking PvE all game long, park in a lane, and never move. Peel off and help out in a team fight? Nah! Better take this merc camp that is going to exit right into their frontline and get shredded! Way to waste that camp, champ!

My absolute favorite though? The players who go Abathur on maps that require capping an objective. Because being down to only 4 potential cappers instead of 5 sounds fucking great!


Trakanon Raider
Zagara is great imo. Wouldn't pick her over Jaina/Kael but Zag is good all game with damage and utility. Naz even has his lineups but unless they make his heroics better he is in an awkward spot.

If someone highlights a bad hero I just make sure to ask them why they think that hero will be good this game. At least if they give me a semi-good reason I'll know what their thought process is. Sometimes people will just flame me too in which case I check their MMR and proceed to hate Blizzard for then next 20 minutes or so.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Depending on the map I prefer Zag to Jaina or KT. She absolutely shits on PoE and is incredibly good on Tomb as well. But you can also tell a good Zag from a so-so depending on how much she lays creep throughout the game. So many I play with don't creep the entire middle on PoE or forget to creep her blind spots in the mid game.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Oh, Zag and Naz are both great heroes. Doesn't change the fact that they attract the absolute shittiest players. Like I said, they attract people who just want to sit there and lane all game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Starcraft medic confirmed but I can't post videos and stuff from phone, looks AMAZING. Really liking all the new announcements this week.