Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I really don't get the Falstad buffs, yeah make his mage build stronger but he's literally a top pick right now in every game competitively, does he really need to be stronger? I don't play artanis so can't really say much to his changes, I just doubt his problems was ever with shielding but more his level 16 power jump.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
But firing arrows like a machine gun with stim is so much fun.
Truth. That will be a glorious 2 seconds until you get collapsed upon and die with Valla's 5 hit points


Bronze Knight of the Realm
While the actual skin is quite nice those animations and bonus art assets are absolutely amazing


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tried messing with some of the different valla talents last night. If you go auto attack you need to go manticore/searing attacks. Tried caltrops and really its just a useless talent. You can definitely notice the increase in her auto attack power, if I get to push a wave in I can take down 2/3 of the structures in a wall down with manticore/searing attacks before the towers can clear the wave. And you noticeably clear camps quicker, I tried vampiric assault and really its such little heal I'd be left with about the same amount of hp after taking a camp had I just taken manticore.

Think I'll dick around with some hatred builds next time, if you take punishment at 1 and repeating arrow at 7, q>w>e>q would pretty much give you full stacks if you took tempered by disclipine at 13, might give her the sustain she needs to take advantage of auto attacks.


Toe Sucker
Her usual auto attack build was pretty good to begin with, it only shined when the meta was double or triple tanks (moreso triple) though so it's pretty niche :\


Potato del Grande
I love that the demons come out of lockers and are in tank-tops and shorts too. Will finally have something to buy with my bnet gift card.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
I tried vampiric assault and really its such little heal I'd be left with about the same amount of hp after taking a camp had I just taken manticore.
Vampiric Assault is only about laning longer, you can't really use soloing camps as a gauge for its usefulness. In any kind of coordinated game, it's a useless talent, but if you're in a QM without supports, it can be effective to give you an XP boost.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah that's awesome - glad to see they're putting some work into more interesting/imaginative skins.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So the first two games I've tried a hatred type build on valla with punishment at 1 have been a smashing success. Its nice always being full on hatred having that extra movement speed and getting it sooner, also makes it easier to get into a good position for rain of vengeance. Tempered By Discipline really is a ridiculous amount of healing.

And third game as well. Found out you can indeed solo boss at 20, though I think you have to take manticore at 4 and I think puncturing arrow accounts for more damage in the pvp side of things. Not that you have very many opportunities to solo boss anyway.