Heroes of the Storm


Trakanon Raider
It really depends on whos stream you're watching. A lot of the competitive players play together, so most of the time they wreck shit and its not fun to watch. If you watch the actual competitive games there is less stomping, though even sometimes there still is a completely one sided game. This happens in Dota and League as well.. it just takes longer to play out because the first 5-10 mins is farming and then you finally have that team fight where you get pooped on and realize its gonna be a looooooooong game. If you watch Grubby play(old school WC3 Orc player hype) he doesn't stomp other teams because he usually only rolls with one or two people. Obviously his winrate isn't as good as the competitive players either, but at least its a little more entertaining.

I think HotS has the biggest comeback factor in any MOBA made. Winning one team fight after 15 mins could end the game.

Overall I agree that watching HotS in a non-competitive setting is boring. Its just not the same has Dota or League.


2 Minutes Hate
It really depends on whos stream you're watching. A lot of the competitive players play together, so most of the time they wreck shit and its not fun to watch. If you watch the actual competitive games there is less stomping, though even sometimes there still is a completely one sided game. This happens in Dota and League as well.. it just takes longer to play out because the first 5-10 mins is farming and then you finally have that team fight where you get pooped on and realize its gonna be a looooooooong game. If you watch Grubby play(old school WC3 Orc player hype) he doesn't stomp other teams because he usually only rolls with one or two people. Obviously his winrate isn't as good as the competitive players either, but at least its a little more entertaining.

I think HotS has the biggest comeback factor in any MOBA made. Winning one team fight after 15 mins could end the game.

Overall I agree that watching HotS in a non-competitive setting is boring. Its just not the same has Dota or League.
I still enjoy watching soloq LOL streams from the top end players. You still get to see some interesting plays, especially in the early/mid games. But I agree for the most part of what you said.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I thought I saw people with it always on. I don't like locking the camera though. I only use spacebar to center the camera really quick.
This game has pretty good key roller recognition so if you really need to hold down spacebar you can. Same deal with skills to use them off cooldown. With Lili often times in teamfights you just hold down your Q to spam heal on cooldown.


This game has pretty good key roller recognition so if you really need to hold down spacebar you can. Same deal with skills to use them off cooldown. With Lili often times in teamfights you just hold down your Q to spam heal on cooldown.
I have a lot of trouble with this sometimes when trying to fastfire W-Rclick-Q-Rclick-R combos with nova. If I do it too fast it completely skips the Q.

Any way to disable ability input queues? I've lost a lot of fights due to the interface skipping inputs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think input queue was a "feature" added a few months back. I don't know if there is a way to override it.


I think input queue was a "feature" added a few months back. I don't know if there is a way to override it.
That's lame, literally all of Nova's abilities act like a lee sin kick with the windup time when cast in succession due to the input delay. Really throws me off the burst plan, and against some of the sustain heroes like tassador etc it's important to gib someone from half to dead within a 1 second window.

Input queue messes that up pretty bad.


Here's how quick match goes for me in a nutshell. Pick a tank? no healer. Pick a healer? no tank. Pick a dps? Have a 3 dps and 2 specialist team. As someone who always picked what the team needed in other mobas it's fucking infuriating.


Vyemm Raider
Here's how quick match goes for me in a nutshell. Pick a tank? no healer. Pick a healer? no tank. Pick a dps? Have a 3 dps and 2 specialist team. As someone who always picked what the team needed in other mobas it's fucking infuriating.
Try picking auto-select if you aren't picky about which hero you play and want to make the team more well-rounded. I pick auto-select and I've had very few games with incomplete teams, mostly the tank is missing. This week it means I've been playing Malfurion, Brightwing, Sgt. Hammer, and Valla or Sonya once in a while.

Edit: Free hero rotation this week is: Arthas, E.T.C, Kerrigan, Li Li, Nazeebo, Tychus, Uther


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Auto select would be more viable if not for the retarded talent gating they refuse to back out. But yes auto select will try and round your team out. Not that it matters much once you unlock ranked mode.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Good free rotation this week, was thinking about buying ETC, LiLi, and Tychus to get my 10 glad to try them first.


Trakanon Raider
ETC is awesome. All fairly low CD abilities, meaning a mini stun for any channeled abilities, a knockback (which if you don't suck balls, its just a little worse than Stitches hook), and a self heal that pretty much can be cast forever if you get the lower mana cost.. which you should be. Not to mention his two heroics, catch at least two people out in his dance and its easy pickens. The jump is situational but great for catching people who barely escape or split pushing/objectives.

If Stitches hook didn't go through normal terrain I could see ETC jumping up the rankings.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I still haven't leveled up my ETC but everytime I play him he suffers from being able to be bursted down and he doesn't have a reliable escape. He also has a bit worse HP pool than Stitches. He also lacks a proper way to initiate and secure kills like a brawler expects. He is in a fairly similar limbo spot as Muradin but just seems worse than Muradin. I see ETC as possibly a reliable pick if melee assassin heroes become more meta than one-off (like a Thrall + Illidan comp or something) but he simply can't get in to get a proper mosh off against ranged assassins. So he sits there jamming on the opponent's tanks while he just eats all the burst from the ranged. Or if you do manage to slide in and get a great mosh chances are someone will be around to interrupt you out of it. He's fantastic in lane of course due to his self sustain but his kit seems to fall off towards the latter part of the game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
ETC doesn't have reliable escape, wut? The only tank better at escape is anub if his dive isn't on cooldown. His initiating does involve your opponent making a mistake though, but they only have to be ever so slightly out of position. He is great at catching ppl out though because even if you don't powerslide through the hero just stunning them can sometimes be enough. He is very good against heroes with channeled abilities since he can easily, reliably interrupt them and he is great against nova because she can't stealth once you have the move speed on ability use talent.

It can be difficult getting a good mosh pit off(especially against a brightwing, eff you polymorph), bolt of the storm helps at 20, but it would be pretty op if it weren't, as a good one is absolutely devastating.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
His escape is a short slide away. That pales in comparison to Muradin's leap, worse than Arthas' W when used to disengage and worse than Tyrael's sword teleport. It doesn't go far enough to reliably disengage from slows/roots/stuns so it usually means if you get caught out chances are you are going to die. He has the HP pool one step up from the brawler class but one step below the HP sponge class (who also lack reliable escape.) So like I said the most similar hero (who also has the same HP and scale) is Muradin and I don't see a compelling reason to choose him over Muradin in the current state of the game but I could see him being better than Muradin against a melee heavy lineup.


I did just notice ETC has Relentless where Muradin lacks it. So in a CC heavy lineup he'd probably be more ideal than Muradin. Taking Relentless + Stoneskin could probably solve some of ETC's native tanking issues. But not being an ETC expert I'm not sure what you give up taking those at 13/16.