Hero's Song by John Smedley - ARPG/MMO Lite


Not gonna donate cause 16 bit pixel nostalgia shit needs to die in a fire.

Lol yeah thankfully all these hipster blue hair companies are flopping no matter how hard Game Informer tries to say 8 bit is the next thing.

Die in a fire indeed.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't have a problem with it and don't see what the uproar is about. Isn't this the exact thing Chris Roberts did? Isn't he worth a pretty penny as well? Wasn't kickstarter started on the idea of bringing games, etc to people who may not have that opportunity with other formats? Why would Smed put forth his money if he didn't have to? I don't think the game is worth $25+ in any variation of package but it may be worth $15. This kickstarter has a far higher chance of working out than many I've supported that didnt make their goals. So the reward is likely and there are no hidden fees that I see.

There is a lot of hipster talk here but there have been some damn good concepts that didn't make it on kickstarter. Some retarded shit like potato salad has though. So no reason for sudden indignation. There is no Illuminati conspiracy with Smed just wanting someone else to pay for his development. Developers do that all the time. Anyone that thinks rich people take risks frequently doesn't know any rich people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I would have preferred a single player RPG beginning a new IP or something. This just doesn't get you hyped in anyway.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I would have preferred a single player RPG beginning a new IP or something. This just doesn't get you hyped in anyway.
This I can get behind . I agree that this kickstarter hasn't gotten me really excited at all.

Free money? Contributors get a product just like most other businesses. If Smed doesn't want to go deeper into debt or try to push other angles of asset acquisition, then so what? No one has to mindlessly donate here though. I'm sure the game will be available on steam at some point and probably cheaper than $15 as well.


Got something right about marriage
It's only a matter of time before outside investors start looking at KS as a barometer. I honestly cannot believe Pantheon got outside funding, it makes no sense.

"Dear soandso,

I appreciate your enthusiasm and vision(tm) when it comes to making quality video games that cater to a certain audience. However, looking at this particular game's past fundraising failures it would appear that audience has spoken. I regret to inform you we cannot comfortably invest in what appears to be, by all accounts, a losing proposition.

P.S. Next time don't do a free survey that asks the public to put their money where their mouths are before asking for private investment. That was pretty dumb"

Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sources will eventually be the last resort they were meant to be. But for now I guess we still not so savvy investors willing to ignore what's right in front of them.


Trakanon Raider
I can't really stand this KS trend for funding games by well known developers who could easily self fund or find investors. However, I don't blame developers or the game industry in general. It's the idiots like Soygen who are eager to fund these games that are to blame (kidding, luv u). Same goes with stupid shit like pre-orders, DLC, and so on. If the teeming masses would stop ponying up for shitty kickstarters, pre-orders of shitty games, and shitty DLC that should have been in the base game, then developers and publishers wouldn't bother. But unfortunately there's a bunch of idiots out there who like being milked like cows, apparently.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I can't really stand this KS trend for funding games by well known developers who could easily self fund or find investors. However, I don't blame developers or the game industry in general. It's the idiots like Soygen who are eager to fund these games that are to blame (kidding, luv u). Same goes with stupid shit like pre-orders, DLC, and so on. If the teeming masses would stop ponying up for shitty kickstarters, pre-orders of shitty games, and shitty DLC that should have been in the base game, then developers and publishers wouldn't bother. But unfortunately there's a bunch of idiots out there who like being milked like cows, apparently.
This entire industry is running on my dollar!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If they were pixel nostalgia graphics it'd be one thing, but they're a lot higher rez than that, yet look like poo.

That said, the basic idea for this game is pretty fucking neat sounding. Not sure I care enough to back it, but I'd play it for sure.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Right now it looks as if they are not gonna make it. Only 70k $ and 100 comments in 2 days, thats pretty bad...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Y'all gave Luckey Palmer seed money, so that he could get paid billions. Did any of you get ownership in the company?
At the time of the Oculus KS it would have been illegal of them to offer any profit or shares in the business. Crowdfunding was approved much later in Q4 2015 with the JOBS Act.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At the time of the Oculus KS it would have been illegal of them to offer any profit or shares in the business. Crowdfunding was approved much later in Q4 2015 with the JOBS Act.
If you had $1,000 of equity, you should have gotten 145,000 back when FB bought the company. I don't care who passes what, you don't get give people seed money for free. All you nerds have done is replace "angel investors" who would have been paid a profit, with free NSA money. It's a hell of a deal for one side.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
So true. Fuck this pixel shit, I don't see the appeal of making games look like trash on purpose.
Art is typically the most expensive part of making a video game. With this recent increase in pixel "art", it allows developers to save a shitload on costs while couching it in the language that they're hip/retro and playing on "nostalgia". It's just the most recent gimmick studios are using to cut a shitload of costs and a lot of gamers are eating it up.

Pixels had their day, back when it was the best you could hope for on 8 or 16bits. Now? It looks like trash and is a way for designers to be lazy. If I was that nostalgic for the art of yore, I'd just go back and..you know, play those games?