Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Dangit I might have to get back into the swing of things after looking at set 2. Gotta setup my 5 color reanimator deck again.


Trakanon Raider
Wizards sues everyone who makes a card game. Everyone eventually settles.
It's a little different this time, in that mtg's patent has expired, leaving them with significantly more dubious claims like customers being confused and buying digital hex cards from inside the hex client thinking that they are really mtg cards ;p


Set 2 is a lot of fun even if I suck at playing it. So far, three color human draft decks seem to do very very well. I have been trying to make a bunny draft deck work - no luck and an orc draft deck work - no luck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Set 2 is a lot of fun even if I suck at playing it. So far, three color human draft decks seem to do very very well. I have been trying to make a bunny draft deck work - no luck and an orc draft deck work - no luck.
Yes they do very well, unless you do not get the colors you need. I had that problem last night. For whatever reason, I have had atrocious luck drafting set 2 so far. If I get a good draft, I get gem screwed. If I have a so so deck, I get whatever resource I need but end up playing somebody with a deck that has bombs. I have drafted 5 times and only made it to the 2nd round once. Well one draft bugged out on the 1st round so 4 times.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
That is why I play swiss drafts for awhile when a new set comes out. I get more value out of them by being able to play more and see more of the card interactions.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I suppose I should have. I think I am getting a better handle on Set 2 now. Bombs have more power because of the lack of good removal. The game that bugged was of course the game that I felt had the best chance as it was mono green with 4 pump spells and good interaction. I feel Blood is still the weakest of the shards and takes an orc/shinare theme to make it work consistently. White's removal is limited with the meek and the really expensive void card. I was pretty upset at loosing that first round to not drawing the right color though. I had 2 human rares that should have worked. Oh well, apparently the river card is failing me.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
In the 2/2/2 environment it really seems like green fatties are the way to go. I splash red if I can grab a combination of 4 or more rift bolts and shield slams. Fliers used to be greens downfall but they now have more sky guard than any other color.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In the 2/2/2 environment it really seems like green fatties are the way to go. I splash red if I can grab a combination of 4 or more rift bolts and shield slams. Fliers used to be greens downfall but they now have more sky guard than any other color.
I think green is certainly the best single color to go. It has the big creatures and skyguard. It also has spell shield(Which does still help) and even the new death touch. I like the new green hero that adds +1+1 to all your creatures. It also has the best Legendaries if you get that lucky. Red appears to have all around the best removal. I made good use of the red 3/2 that when he died gave me a burn spell. Blood has good cards but it is very unreliable in getting them. Fish Hands is one of my favorite surprise cards with the built in reversion. I just wish the card did not give them defense. I will be drafting again in a bit. Would love to see a descent rare this time. Jank BoT while cute, is an immediate pass.


I am loving Timestep Magistrate. It does wonders to any inspire deck, specially one that includes a Royal Falconer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am loving Timestep Magistrate. It does wonders to any inspire deck, specially one that includes a Royal Falconer.
That card has many uses. I want to make a deck with the Filk Ape that reverts everything each turn. Both of those out could just ruin things with cards like buccaneer.

Finally won a draft. Red/Green with trample and block removal. I got gem hossed on one game but so did my opponent on the same game. He was playing triple color humans and literally ran into the same problem I did yesterday not drawing a red gem. I guess that evened out my karma. I am happy now as I got my 1 AA ape.




Lord Nagafen Raider

Hex TCG | HEX Update Welcome to 2015

Jan 9, 2015
A brief overview of the features coming up in the next big patch
Hi HEXers! We hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. We?re all back in the office working hard on HEX Shard of Fate. Overall, we ended the year with a bang. We successfully launched the second PVP set, Shattered Destiny, and ran a release celebration weekend. We also had VIP weekend run well, and a holiday celebration. The game was stable over the break, and we?ve identified the handful of card bugs introduced by Shattered Destiny so we can fix them.
To give you an idea of where we?re headed in early 2015, let?s first talk about PVE and Arena. We have some additional exciting features coming at the same time, like chest opening, but nothing that quite changes the game in the way that Arena does. It?s the first step towards creating the PVE experience we?ve all dreamed of for HEX.
We?ve been developing this feature for some time, and we?ve also been testing it as parts of Arena are introduced into our internal versions of HEX. During this run, we?re also testing decks against the AI, upgrading the AI where necessary, implementing equipment into the game, and everything that comes with our first PVE experience. So, there?s a lot of moving parts that come together in creating this part of HEX.
Anticipation is high for arena, and once it?s complete and tested, we can?t wait to show it to you and release it into the world. Once we?re further through on it, we?ll be able to give you more specifics about its date, features, preview streams, and more. It?s on its way!
Other features that the community has asked for that we?re concentrating on are a system upgrade to chat and two-way log-in authentication. The authenticator is a large priority and a good amount of work has been done to implement it. Hopefully we?ll be able to show you more in the near future. Chat is coming along very well! Over the course of the next couple weeks, we?ll show off a few screenshots of the new chat system.
Auction House Data
For those of you interested in the economy of HEX, we?ve posted a CSV of the auction house data, both from the beginning of time to the fifth of January, and a smaller one that encompasses the time from the previous update until the fifth of January. You can find those downloads in the forums.
*yes I know it' probably be super buggy and incorrectly tuned for months but FINALLY PVE IS COMING.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They have been talking about the Arena for a few months now. The fact that they are not done testing it and cannot even give specifics concerning "Features" tell me they are a LONG way off still. Get excited around.....March. That update actually depressed me as I thought surely the Arena was about ready to go.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't even bother playing my free weekly draft anymore. I log in, queue up, take every rare that comes my way and then drop.