Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Regardless, the military follows rules of engagement and shooting a child in the stomach with a sniper rifle and proudly proclaiming it when they weren't a threat violates those rules.


Regardless, the military follows rules of engagement and shooting a child in the stomach with a sniper rifle and proudly proclaiming it when they weren't a threat violates those rules.
Why wasn't he tried and found guilty then?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
And of course, anyone supporting Trump and his crime family complaining that someone else didn't serve is so laughable you should be ashamed for making that post but we're in a post shame world.

My grandfather, father and uncle all served with honor and distinction in this countries' military and though I grew up in an era where, until 9-11, war was a thing considered of the past, and we lived like it, I still respect our military and our country and its traditional values, which includes upholding the rule of law and the Geneva Conventions.

Die mad about it


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Because his trial was for knifing the boy who was already wounded and someone else stood up in court and took the blame for that.

The jury of five Marines and two sailors — one of whom is a SEAL — had to decide if the boy was stabbed to death, or died from wounds sustained during an airstrike with Gallagher being falsely accused by disgruntled subordinates. The jury began deliberations Monday in the court-martial at Naval Base San Diego.

Seven SEALs have testified during the trial over the past two weeks that Gallagher abruptly stabbed the teen prisoner on May 3, 2017, just after he and other medics treated the boy.

Two of them said they witnessed Gallagher, a 19-year-veteran, stab the teen. But one of them, Special Operator Corey Scott, who is also a medic, said he was the person who killed the boy when he plugged his breathing tube with his thumb in an act of mercy. The admission stunned the courtroom.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
On Monday in closing arguments for the prosecution, Navy Cmdr. Jeff Pietrzyk told the jury that while the detained Islamic fighter was not a sympathetic figure, he was under the control of the U.S. military, which meant he was no longer a lawful target.

Pietrzyk also said that text messages sent by Gallagher prove his guilt. One message said: "I've got a cool story for you when I get back. I've got my knife skills on." Another text stated: "Good story behind this. Got him with my hunting knife."

Pietrzyk then showed a photo of Gallagher holding up the dead prisoner's head by the hair. "The government's evidence in this case is Chief Gallagher's words, Chief Gallagher's pictures, Chief Gallagher's SEALs," Pietrzyk said, according to The Associated Press.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Not sorry I have values and ethics and that I'm willing to stand on them and don't give a flying fuck what a flock of retards on the internet think about anything.

I didn't get myself 60 grand in student loan debt and spend decades of my life teaching myself to put the truth and what is right before what is convenient, comfortable or that helps me socially or whatever.

I did that because I want to believe as many true things as possible and disbelieve as many untrue things as possible and this whole situation is a test of that and I intend to pass it. My values are on trial in this situation, in my view, and I intend to defend them in the court in my mind with vigor.


And of course, anyone supporting Trump and his crime family complaining that someone else didn't serve is so laughable you should be ashamed for making that post but we're in a post shame world.

My grandfather, father and uncle all served with honor and distinction in this countries' military and though I grew up in an era where, until 9-11, war was a thing considered of the past, and we lived like it, I still respect our military and our country and its traditional values, which includes upholding the rule of law and the Geneva Conventions.

Die mad about it
Hmmm I'm pretty sure the US committed much more egregious war crimes during both WWs and were seen as necessities, especially in the Pacific during WWII and very few people were tried, much less convicted. Its almost as if war is hell.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Ukraine's defense is our defense and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't understand geopolitics and their opinion is absolutely worthless

America exists in a geopolitical sphere that is international in scope. A draw down in the Ukraine is a step backwards for our empire and a step forwards for our opponents empire and only idiots willing cede that.

How is ukraine vital again? soviets don't exist and the succesor state is gonna have their military manpower halved in like a handful of years, remember when soviets rolled tanks into hungary? yeah not vital
  • 1EyeRoll
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Not sorry I have values and ethics and that I'm willing to stand on them and don't give a flying fuck what a flock of retards on the internet think about anything.

I didn't get myself 60 grand in student loan debt and spend decades of my life teaching myself to put the truth and what is right before what is convenient, comfortable or that helps me socially or whatever.

I did that because I want to believe as many true things as possible and disbelieve as many untrue things as possible and this whole situation is a test of that and I intend to pass it. My values are on trial in this situation, in my view, and I intend to defend them in the court in my mind with vigor.
Hahahahahaha 60k. How is that anthro degree working out for you?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You're all in my thread, its my element by definition. Go fuck yourself if you need me to educate you on the basics of geography and geopolitics.

Asking stupid questions you already know the answer to, expecting me to bother giving you an answer you won't listen to and don't care about, is just a stupid ploy to get us mired in dumb shit circular bullshit and you can, every single one of you, go fuck a rake on that shit.


You're all in my thread, its my element by definition. Go fuck yourself if you need me to educate you on the basics of geography and geopolitics.

Asking stupid questions you already know the answer to, expecting me to bother giving you an answer you won't listen to and don't care about, is just a stupid ploy to get us mired in dumb shit circular bullshit and you can, every single one of you, go fuck a rake on that shit.
Oh, your thread? Sure report people for posting in a thread. I'm sure they will get thread banned since you own this thread


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The soviets were crushed in 1991, it's just people who want forever wars and expand nato east that want ukraine.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
nowhere in this rambling TDS screed do they actually say for 1 second why ukraine is important, literally just a healine, holy shit I used to think you were smarter than that

"Nowhere in this article which interviews a chief ambassador to Ukraine under George Bush spelling out exactly why Ukraine is strategically important, that I didn't even read before bothering to respond, says anything I will accept because my goal here isn't honest discussion, its to circle jerk my personality cult fan boys"

You're more out of your element here than anywhere Fana, since you can't edit posts after the fact here.