

<Prior Amod>
Annoyed at the meticulous planning Quinn had for 1 hour, only to be taken down by a bumbling carrie. he shoulda pressed the button!


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm not sure if I buy that ending to this episode. It was shocking yeah, but we can't be talking about the guy who was so fucking paranoid that he made Quinn take 3 buses just to meet him when he was working with Carrie... for an entire season.

Also, how does General McHandsome know who Dar Adal is? When did they meet?


I'm not sure if I buy that ending to this episode. It was shocking yeah, but we can't be talking about the guy who was so fucking paranoid that he made Quinn take 3 buses just to meet him when he was working with Carrie... for an entire season.

Also, how does General McHandsome know who Dar Adal is? When did they meet?
Maybe he's there for diplomatic reasons? Remember, Lockhart asked Carrie if she had heard anything about back home. They were "shopping for his replacement" and that "something was up" or some such.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Dar Adal seems like the last person who would want to be so out in the open like that. Of the entire series, he seems to the most true Spy-Type character. But whatever, it will certainly be very interesting.

And Carrie needs to just die already. Every other character is more interesting than she is. Solving problems with bi-polar crazy is just.... ungh. I've never grown to hate the main character, but love the series for any show I've ever watched.


<Bronze Donator>
Dar Adal seems like the last person who would want to be so out in the open like that. Of the entire series, he seems to the most true Spy-Type character. But whatever, it will certainly be very interesting.

And Carrie needs to just die already. Every other character is more interesting than she is. Solving problems with bi-polar crazy is just.... ungh. I've never grown to hate the main character, but love the series for any show I've ever watched.
This is a weird complaint for me. Unless you want to base the entire show around Saul, Claire Danes is without question the best actor on the show. None of the casting is bad, but none of them are capable of carrying this like she is (outside of the previously mentioned Mandy Patinkin).


I am not sure what to think about this ending... there is a big potential for shark-jumpy / absurd stuff like what we got in the 2nd season, but their track record has been pretty good in season 3 and 4 so far, so hopefully this will be good.


A Man Chooses....
This show is so terrible now. I hadn't watched since season two and I just caught up. Jesus H Christ. Where did the great, compelling, somewhat plausible show from season one go?

Fuuuuck me.


<Bronze Donator>
Do you dudes think that while binge watching the show that it might be possible for seasons 2 and 3 to sour your opinion so much that you don't realize that season 4 has actually been pretty good?

I mean, I'm in full agreement that season 1 is the best. That was an incredibly well acted and cleverly told season of television and as far as single seasons go I think it stacks up to almost any show (like season 1 isn't quite as good as 1-4 of The Wire but could be in the discussion or it's right there with S4 of Dexter). It's pretty much perfect.

I don't think season 4 has been perfect. It's a massive improvement over what we got with 2 and 3 though and I think the show is back to being really good.


<Prior Amod>
s1 was great, and original, no dumbass csi, magnify the license plate and create a linux app to track the bad guy shit, with a great cast. Pretty much all the eggs were put in s1, then they're like wtf do we do, now that we got renewed for s2?

much like lost s2/s3 much like heroes s2/s3, they were fucked.

currently s4 is an apology for s2/s3 and it's a damn good apology.


A Man Chooses....
You don't have to agree with me, that's fine. If you just want to enjoy the espionage crap and you're willing to turn your brain off and pretend it all somehow makes sense then feel free. I just can't do it. Watching it all in like a week I have lost all respect for the characters, the writers, the narrative, and pretty much the show. These people are terrible at their jobs, Carrie would be in jail or a mental ward not running anything for the CIA at this point, and the whole Brody in Iran thing was so ludicrously implausible that it basically killed the show for me. I mean white bitch puts on a head scarf and now she's undetectable by the Muslim world? A super-terrorist plot that only works if their single point of ingress is unprotected or under surveillance. Brody braining the third highest ranking guy in Iran with a desk ornament then always knowing the exact number by which to call Carrie's multitude of cell phones despite her being in the field. It's just too much. The show does not respect itself, so why should I respect it? It's literally less coherent than The Walking Dead, and this is supposed to be an intelligent spy thriller. Come on.


<Bronze Donator>
Looks like you're bitching about S2 and S3, which most anyone here would agree with. While being clear that S4 is nowhere on the same level as S1, can you at least see improvements over 2 and 3?


A Man Chooses....
No, see that's the problem. I stopped in season two because it was silly. I came back now because everyone is saying how great season four is. Yet this season, for me, has been just as ridiculous as two(not as much as three, I'll give you that). First, you have the terrorist who kills his own family to fake his death, even though he could have faked his death without losing nearly as many of his kin. Why? Just to be evil. Then he goes to the meet with his nephew, who he knows has been followed by* the CIA, and then gets out of the car and well into drone-death range before showing Saul and using him as a shield. There are a lot of problems with that meet that could have easily ended with him being blasted from existence before he makes his dramatic reveal. Then, Carrie is too busy fucking TigerBoatBoy that she won't answer her phone, despite her being perfectly capable of doing so while still under cover. Then we can go back to Saul being told by the guy who is fucking in on the plot(lead negotiator guy) to meet someone from ISI(British hunky Brody-lucination) who isn't, conveniently forging a relationship for psycho Carrie to conveniently LSD trip into the arms of. Then their convoy gets hit by three RPGs, all of which clearly hit, and all we lose is DrunkyMcAwesome. At which point the entire terrorist plan is revealed to be to take a tunnel that leads directly into the US fucking embassy in one of the two or three most potentially dangerous locations in the world for such an institution that is apparently guarded by a single padlock. Then, once they get in, despite there being 20+ CIA operatives and who knows how many other military personnel they take the building by somehow entering directly into the central coordination room without making anyone else aware of their presence first, and finally the CIA director, unmoved by the killing of three people in front of him, suddenly gives in and gives up basically the entirety of the assets in the region because he holds a knife to a fourth one who happens to be a known character. Then, only after they give up the list and knife PrettyArabChick to death does Peter Quinn Ghost Recon go into action and shoot them, right when they can get away. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAH.

Come on people. The last episode ended with fucking Dar Adal in a car with untinted windows riding with Osama2.0 in a public spectacle as a sort of dramatic reveal, one that makes no fucking sense. I could go on and on and on. This show is silly fun but it's not a good show. Aside from Quinn I literally hate all the characters now, even Saul who was this badass competent intelligence guy and who is now responsible for two of the derpiest moments in CIA history sandwiched around singlehandedly conquering Iran's hardline stance in like four months or some shit with one guy turned who somehow made the ayatollah's come to their senses.

On a positive note, evil ISI chick running Duck Phillips is hot as shit. So that helps. Which reminds me, why is Mrs. Duck using her belt going to implicate her but giving him his belt when I guarandamfuckingtee you they'd trace it back to her is not? Show you make no sense!!!

I could go back and find 50 more, as I think I dislocated my corneas from eye rolling throughout the season, but you get the gist. Season one was fucking amazing. Aside from finally killing Brody I don't think this season is any more coherent than the last two though. Sorry if that offends people but while it's more entertaining I guess I still don't think this show is good. Neg away if you can't deal with an opposing opinion I guess, but I don't care. I am thoroughly disappointed.


<Bronze Donator>
No, that's pretty well thought out. There's some dumb stuff happening to advance the plot. When they send out "all the marines" to the RPG SUVs of course in real life protocol wouldn't actually send out ALL OF THEM, but that's what they told us happened in the show so whatever. I think those plot holes are much bigger and more absurd in S2 and S3, but I got you. There is still some dumb stuff though.

You end where I am though. I think this season is entertaining. I did not feel that way about the last two.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
No, see that's the problem. I stopped in season two because it was silly. I came back now because everyone is saying how great season four is. Yet this season, for me, has been just as ridiculous as two(not as much as three, I'll give you that). First, you have the terrorist who kills his own family to fake his death, even though he could have faked his death without losing nearly as many of his kin. Why? Just to be evil. Then he goes to the meet with his nephew, who he knows has been followed by* the CIA, and then gets out of the car and well into drone-death range before showing Saul and using him as a shield. There are a lot of problems with that meet that could have easily ended with him being blasted from existence before he makes his dramatic reveal. Then, Carrie is too busy fucking TigerBoatBoy that she won't answer her phone, despite her being perfectly capable of doing so while still under cover. Then we can go back to Saul being told by the guy who is fucking in on the plot(lead negotiator guy) to meet someone from ISI(British hunky Brody-lucination) who isn't, conveniently forging a relationship for psycho Carrie to conveniently LSD trip into the arms of. Then their convoy gets hit by three RPGs, all of which clearly hit, and all we lose is DrunkyMcAwesome. At which point the entire terrorist plan is revealed to be to take a tunnel that leads directly into the US fucking embassy in one of the two or three most potentially dangerous locations in the world for such an institution that is apparently guarded by a single padlock. Then, once they get in, despite there being 20+ CIA operatives and who knows how many other military personnel they take the building by somehow entering directly into the central coordination room without making anyone else aware of their presence first, and finally the CIA director, unmoved by the killing of three people in front of him, suddenly gives in and gives up basically the entirety of the assets in the region because he holds a knife to a fourth one who happens to be a known character. Then, only after they give up the list and knife PrettyArabChick to death does Peter Quinn Ghost Recon go into action and shoot them, right when they can get away. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAH.

Come on people. The last episode ended with fucking Dar Adal in a car with untinted windows riding with Osama2.0 in a public spectacle as a sort of dramatic reveal, one that makes no fucking sense. I could go on and on and on. This show is silly fun but it's not a good show. Aside from Quinn I literally hate all the characters now, even Saul who was this badass competent intelligence guy and who is now responsible for two of the derpiest moments in CIA history sandwiched around singlehandedly conquering Iran's hardline stance in like four months or some shit with one guy turned who somehow made the ayatollah's come to their senses.

On a positive note, evil ISI chick running Duck Phillips is hot as shit. So that helps. Which reminds me, why is Mrs. Duck using her belt going to implicate her but giving him his belt when I guarandamfuckingtee you they'd trace it back to her is not? Show you make no sense!!!

I could go back and find 50 more, as I think I dislocated my corneas from eye rolling throughout the season, but you get the gist. Season one was fucking amazing. Aside from finally killing Brody I don't think this season is any more coherent than the last two though. Sorry if that offends people but while it's more entertaining I guess I still don't think this show is good. Neg away if you can't deal with an opposing opinion I guess, but I don't care. I am thoroughly disappointed.
You can literally do this shit with any show if you want to ruin it. Rerolled has voted. You are wrong.


A Man Chooses....
Yes, but other shows aren't built around intricate plots and characters whose motivations and actions are predominant and the act of figuring them out are 99% of the entertainment value. There is simply a higher standard of narrative construction for a show based around international espionage than there are for most other shows. Also, that is not true for all other shows. Breaking Bad did not have these problems. Thrones doesn't. Season one of this show was on that tier. It was coherent, it was enthralling, and I honestly can't think of a single problem with it. Then it went in a ditch, and now everyone is saying it's back, and I disagree completely. It's not unwatchable like a lot of season three was, where you were basically just saying "fuck me, would you kill Brody already?". It's just not very good. I honestly wish they would get rid of Carrie and Saul now and just reboot it around Quinn next season.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah. I even liked S3, it was fine, haters gonna hate. S2 was pretty bad, but if you're going to get into that level of picking shit apart even S1 had major, major flaws. So what? Calm the fuck down and enjoy something for once.

When I saw Dar Adal I was all "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?" so mission accomplished, writers. Totally made up for me being pissed off at Carrie for getting in the way of men's work. I have no idea how they tie this shit together.