Hulk Hogan hates naggers


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I have news for you. Just because you guys shit up these boards with your racism, doesn't mean that shit flies in real life.

Don't believe me? Make these comments at work, in the presence of a large amount of coworkers, and see if you stay employed until the end of the day.
Just so we're clear, Hogan didn't make these comments at work. He made them in the privacy of his home.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ill just add that unless this is the biggest professional wrestling troll set up of all time that the real motive here isn't fear of advertisers it would instead be fear of bankers cutting credit lines. You have a highly indebted entertainment companies in decline because of the rise of internet stealing customers. Every facebook post, tweet, rerolled post, youtube video watched, LoL game being watched on twitch, LoL game being played is another customer lost to the old pre internet media entertainment industry. The result is for the vast majority of these companies is they are slowly bleeding to death as amount of internet content increases. Costs on the other hand have likely increased. That leads to these companies to living off there corporate credit lines while they try and find a fix. Unfortunately there is no real fix for this problem other then downsizing costs to match a your ever decreasing audience. Most of these companies would rather go bankrupt then admit that though.


Gunnar Durden
Ill just add that unless this is the biggest professional wrestling troll set up of all time that the real motive here isn't fear of advertisers it would instead be fear of bankers cutting credit lines. You have a highly indebted entertainment companies in decline because of the rise of internet stealing customers. Every facebook post, tweet, rerolled post, youtube video watched, LoL game being watched on twitch, LoL game being played is another customer lost to the old pre internet media entertainment industry. The result is for the vast majority of these companies is they are slowly bleeding to death as amount of internet content increases. Costs on the other hand have likely increased. That leads to these companies to living off there corporate credit lines while they try and find a fix. Unfortunately there is no real fix for this problem other then downsizing costs to match a your ever decreasing audience. Most of these companies would rather go bankrupt then admit that though.
da fuq? This is pure retardation.

That just means there is now a market for older hardcore professional wrestling being opened up. You have a world view where you consider the advertisers more important then the consumers. That's not how it works the advertisers are only there to reach the consumers.

If the WWE doesn't fix this problem then they have given away the biggest name in professional wrestling history to a potential new rival, A rival not constrained by PG rating and SJW rules,
They already have done that and it made no difference. TNA, which is a distant 2nd biggest Wrestling company in the US, was able to hire Hogan and all his friends to "save" the company.

It was such a disaster that TNA is now off national Television.

People dont pay to see Hogan anymore. Hes a nice name they can make a few merch sales and DVD bucks off, and fill some TV with, but hes not a monetary draw.

The minute he becomes a liability he was fired, just like anyone in the company.

As for mature wrestling fans, there is no money there. This is a repeat of the goofy early 90s WWF with Clowns, Garbage men, hockey players etc. Older fans of "wrestling" got sick of it, and flocked to ECW. They were the mature content for adults, and couldnt turn a profit. The WWE and WCW stole their ideas, ran them out of business and now we are back to PG era. most hardcore fans looking for more adult wrestling just watch Japanese shit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
da fuq? This is pure retardation.

They already have done that and it made no difference. TNA, which is a distant 2nd biggest Wrestling company in the US, was able to hire Hogan and all his friends to "save" the company.

It was such a disaster that TNA is now off national Television.

People dont pay to see Hogan anymore. Hes a nice name they can make a few merch sales and DVD bucks off, and fill some TV with, but hes not a monetary draw.

The minute he becomes a liability he was fired, just like anyone in the company.

As for mature wrestling fans, there is no money there. This is a repeat of the goofy early 90s WWF with Clowns, Garbage men, hockey players etc. Older fans of "wrestling" got sick of it, and flocked to ECW. They were the mature content for adults, and couldnt turn a profit. The WWE and WCW stole their ideas, ran them out of business and now we are back to PG era. most hardcore fans looking for more adult wrestling just watch Japanese shit.
2015 is not the same as 1990s. There is no indication that professional wrestling can hold onto its existing position in youth market in the face of a ever increasing content explosion caused by the internet. So not targeting older fans would be a mistake. Going increasingly PG is not going to do anything but actually drive the youth market away faster.

To a degree this is really a no win position.


Gunnar Durden
2015 is not the same as 1990s. There is no indication that professional wrestling can hold onto its existing position in youth market in the face of a ever increasing content explosion caused by the internet. So not targeting older fans would be a mistake. Going increasingly PG is not going to do anything but actually drive the youth market away faster.

To a degree this is really a no win position.
Their stock is stable and paying dividends, they are reporting record sales numbers for live events, they have launched their new "Network" to provide streaming content to modern users.

What the fuck are you going on about?

Edit: My god why am I derailing a thread to argue about Wrestlings financial viability.


<WoW Guild Officer>
MMA has probably done some decent damage to the pro-wrestling market. Its hard to keep interest after seeing some hardcore fighting.


Trump's Staff
Unfortunately when you're a public figure you somewhat release your claim to privacy
Also, quite frankly, if you're white, pretty much any proof turning up that you have ever used the word American Inventor in any context at any point in your entire life will get you fired. In fact, the thread title reminded me of a couple years ago I saw someone get fired because one of his co-workers dredged up a six-month old Facebook post where he posted a link to a YouTube clip of the first three minutes of that South Park episode.


Still a Music Elitist
Wow what a horrible company to work for. The co-worker did him a favor.


Mr. Poopybutthole
wtf? you cant do dirty shit anymore? cant smack somebody upside their head with a folding chair or rip the cushion off the turnbuckle posts and slam the opponent into it anymore?
If a guy does an unprotected chair shot with WWE, they are fired instantly. I'm all for it, because the NFL has nothing on the WWE as far as inflicted concussions.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Every facebook post, tweet, rerolled post, youtube video watched, LoL game being watched on twitch, LoL game being played is another customer lost to the old pre internet media entertainment industry.
What are you talking about? WWE has been ahead of the curve, with both going "over the top" and social media in general.

WWE Wins Awards for WWE Network and Social Media | Wrestling-Edge

Cygnosis Sports Media Awards_sl said:

STAMFORD, Conn., April 16, 2015 - WWE has been named the winner of two awards at the fourth annual Cynopsis Sports Media Awards - WWE Network for Over-The-Top Content Service and the top social media award for Overall Social Media Excellence. Boasting some of the hottest properties, campaigns and brands from around the world of sports, the Cynopsis Sports Media Awards took place earlier today at the New York Athletic Club in New York City.

WWE received the award for best Over-The-Top Content Service for WWE Network, beating the NFL, NHL, CBS Sports and PGA. WWE Network, the first-ever 24/7 direct-to-consumer network includes all 12 live pay-per-views, scheduled programming and an extensive video-on-demand library, and currently reaches more than 1.3 million subscribers in more than 175 countries.

Additionally, WWE won the award for Overall Social Media Excellence beating Turner Sports, Showtime Sports, Golf Channel, Pac-12 Network and El Rey Network. WWE's social media team manages 12 major platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Pinterest, where WWE has a passionate fan base of more than 470 million worldwide.

The Cynopsis Sports Media Awards recognizes the most outstanding work in the sports industry from the past year with categories that span television, digital and marketing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
2015 is not the same as 1990s. There is no indication that professional wrestling can hold onto its existing position in youth market in the face of a ever increasing content explosion caused by the internet.
I agree and disagree with the above statement.

The Attitude Era is over, and ratings are down, but it's mainly because the WWE is lacking stars. When the Rock and Stone Cold wrestled, ratings were double for both shows. People I knew that weren't wrestling fans tuned in just to see The Rock or Stone Cold. When they left, those people stopped watching. Don't believe me? When Daniel Bryan wrestled, ratings increased 30% (and decreased that much when he wasn't on). It got so bad with his ratings spike that he was on every 20 minutes in a three hour show. As Dave Bautista (Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy) said it, he loved DB, but you can't have a three hour show based around him. That just shows that no one else gives a shit about the other wrestlers, and that personalities drive the ratings. DB versus the Authority was like Stone Cold vs. Vince McMahon all over again, but with a smaller guy. It became a David vs. Goliath thing, and people at that shit up. CM Punk had a similar, albeit smaller increase/decrease on the ratings.

Now that Hogan is no longer than man, it was clear from last night's show that they are going forward with Cena as their figurehead. I've like watching him at midcard status for the last year, but he's being pushed back up to the main event.

The issue isn't the internet, IMO, it's all of the superhero media being released. Back in our day, they billed Hogan as a real life super hero. Kids have superheroes all over the place now (cartoons, videogames and movies). Wrestlers seem plain jane now. Of course, this last paragraph is strictly conjecture.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I looked at WWE business model and ill admit I was wrong to say they were in trouble financially. They seem to be well ahead of curve compared to others in dealing with the content explosion. They are shifting to a subscription model that provides higher value for money then there existing pay per view model. While still keeping that pay per view option. They bundle all the pay per view, old content and secondary non pay per view content into a package that is only marginally more expensive then paying for one single pay per view event over the course of six months.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I looked at WWE business model and ill admit I was wrong to say they were in trouble financially. They seem to be well ahead of curve compared to others in dealing with the content explosion. They are shifting to a subscription model that provides higher value for money then there existing pay per view model. While still keeping that pay per view option. They bundle all the pay per view, old content and secondary non pay per view content into a package that is only marginally more expensive then paying for one single pay per view event over the course of six months.
WWE is ahead of the curve enough that other sports organizations are copying them. The NFL stole some of the brass from the WWE Network. Probably in a few years, every sports organization will bypass TV altogether, and cut out the middle man. Vince McMahon sees the WWE network as his legacy, it's a big deal to try to make the WWE semi-independent from the cable providers. It also helps them in negotiations, as they have more than one way to go to market.

As far as the economics of it, the real issue was broken down by Dana White from the UFC. He thought the WWE was crazy for giving the whole store away for $9.99 a month. But even he said it, one million subs is not good (because of cannibilization of its existing PPV business), but at two million, they make a killing. The economics of it have also gotten better, because WWE starting running commercials. At first, 100% of revenues came from subs. I sub to it not for the current stuff, but for the Hulkamania and Attitude Eras of wrestling. I can take my kids through all of the old stuff, they cheese at Hogan just like we did. The look on my kids' faces when they saw Hogan come out as Hollywood Hogan was priceless. Anyway, it really was better back in the day.

I just realized, they can't erase all of that time with Hogan. They are Benoiting Hogan. Maybe time will pass and some people will forgive Hogan. But his legacy is tarnished badly now.