I do not believe in equality


Bronze Baron of the Realm


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
No, Fana. Everything your ancestors achieved before you was outside of your control, therefore you are lucky to benefit from it. We are lucky to have been born in this time, after so much has been achieved. If we fuck up the planet, those who are born after us will be unlucky to be been born at a time where they are doomed by our actions.Whenyou were born, just as much as where you born, is completely out of your control and therefore nothing but luck.

Don't think that just because your forebears worked hard to make things good for you, that you somehow "earned" that.
That is not what luck is.
You are diluting the meaning of the word.
Been lucky to be born x/y/z race is as trivial as saying, I'm lucky to be alive, when nothing bad has happen to you. Or saying, I'm lucky to he a human. Or saying We are lucky that our ancestors did xyz.
If there is no chance for something, then there is no lock. There is zero chance that I would have been born in a diferent in a different country or era, hence, there is no luck involved.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is some semantic retardedness. I hate this fucking place sometimes. What about fortunate? Are we fortunate to be born in first world country in this era?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is some semantic retardedness. I hate this fucking place sometimes. What about fortunate? Are we fortunate to be born in first world country in this era?
Oh yah, like that word is gonna make a fucking difference here. I DON'T HAVE A FORTUNE THEREFOR I AM NOT FORTUNATE HERP DERP


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
This is some semantic retardedness. I hate this fucking place sometimes. What about fortunate? Are we fortunate to be born in first world country in this era?
you are fortunate is the sense that it deals with "materially well-off; prosperous.". Not lucky.

Look if we don't restrict the use of luck to things that happens at least directly to you, while you are alive, and you had some conscious input on, or due to actions you did, then it truly becomes an useless platitude.

Saying that someone is lucky because 200 years ago people died and created a nation is as useless as the following exchange.

-"I'm lucky to be alive".
-What happen to you?
"Nothing, I could have died in my sleep. Terrorist could have attacked us. I could have died this morning on the shower."


Got something right about marriage
Abe... are you some sort of sorceror? Or perhaps an evil wizard?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
How about unfortunate? Am I unfortunate that I read this thread and continue to do so?


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
As long as you check your privilege while doing so. There could be far worse threads to read...


Deus Vult
I'd say fortunate is a much better word. I agree with Lendarios on the luck thing. That's not luck.