i'm beginning a Crusade against Manginas


Treasured Member




Blackwing Lair Raider
To be fair, if you're staring at your avatar and worried you might be gay, or because you're attracted to it; you might need psychiatric help. It's a game ffs.
Because I guess getting surgery to make yourself look like said avatar doesn't constitute psychiatric help?


Mr. Poopybutthole
anyone representing themselves as a female on these boards is going to have to provideINDISPUTABLE EVIDENCEthat they are indeed female or will faceDIRE CONSEQUENCES.

this is your first and only warning, manginas. i don't know what it is about this site that attracts you fucking freak shows but i'm putting an end to it. brace yourself, it's gonna be a cold winter for all you creepy fucks.


keg out
We must assist Grand Inquisitor Kegkilla on his holy quest!


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
sounds like you're still a bit rustled about Trex. don't worry little guy, you're safe here. she can't rustle you anymore.
Yeah I am pretty annoyed that a 20ish daddy's money vapid cum dumpster shit all over the boards and had batman levels of plot armor because Tyen was that desperate for pussy. I have no issue admitting that openly. I am just pointing out the irony of you, the living avatar of testosterone, going on a shemale hunting crusade for the good of the community when you were flirting with the cuntasaurus who drove the entire community out in the first place. I also know that if you will bang an ugo your girlfriend caught you with and dumped you over AFTER getting caught, you pretty much cannot say no to your dick at all, so clearing out the three legged whores on the board minimizes the chances of a Crying Game episode for you. I view this as squandered potential for future board entertainment.


The Big Mod
flirting with Trex? you must have me confused. i'm the guy who made a fake contest to get her to send me her tits, then mocked them and posted them for everyone to see. i'm not really sure what else you're rambling about, but you seem a bit paranoid. go get some fresh air or something.

anyway back to the task at hand, Anemone is public enemy number one right now. he has all the tell tale signs of a Mangina and is out on a trolling spree right now. i recommend ignoring him completely except for an occasional "shut up faggot" when appropriate.


Keg, I'd also like to assist in your righteous cause. We need to get a team in deep cover ASAP. It will take years for them to build up enough rep to infiltrate the underground mangina ring.

PS - I have a feeling Phazael is the tampon string inside of that giant mangina organization. If we keep pulling, eventually we'll find our way in. Let's not lose track of him.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I am old, married, and liberal. Frankly I could care less who has a penis and who doesn't. What I do care about is keeping enough freaks in here to provide long term entertainment and Keg's crusade runs counter to that. If some of you guys accidently open a IRL Fedor spoiler, then its good entertainment as far as I am concerned.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Keg is confirmed mad that he, like the rest of FOH except for yours truly, was bamboozled into sucking the cock of the false-prophet Evelys.

Tastes good man?


The Big Mod
not gonna lie, that shit cut me deep. Evelys was pretty benevolent towards me and wasn't the type to lock me in the rickshaw half a year for rustling a few jimmies. I was pretty hyped when she (he) was launching the site. I wept many tears when it all came crashing down.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I didn't even pick my avatar. Some clueless mod googled anemone and picked a random pic that looked cool. Anyone that took the time to know me would know that I'm not about the sea anemones, and I'm more of a land flower gay.





The Big Mod
Keg, I'd also like to assist in your righteous cause. We need to get a team in deep cover ASAP. It will take years for them to build up enough rep to infiltrate the underground mangina ring.

PS - I have a feeling Phazael is the tampon string inside of that giant mangina organization. If we keep pulling, eventually we'll find our way in. Let's not lose track of him.
yeah he's definitely way too protective of manginas, well keep on eye on him.