inFAMOUS: Second Son


Have to agree with everyone else here so far, game is fun though repetitive after liberating the first few districts but the graphics are fucking amazing. I have a fear of heights that I thought was severe but didn't realise how much so until I was climbing the needle and the fear kicked in, first time I've ever felt that in any game (and I've played the fuck out of Uncharteds, AC's and Tomb Raiders etc).

Also agree that the third power is awesome once you get used to it but fuck the way you get it, doing that was the closest I have come to rage-quitting anything in ages, including Dark Souls...certainly not looking forward to my expert playthrough after that.


Played it at a friend's house and thought it had a repetitive structure similar to games like GTA/Saint's Row. If you're gonna make side missions and exploration the bulk of your game, at least make the main story somewhat distinct.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Also agree that the third power is awesome once you get used to it but fuck the way you get it, doing that was the closest I have come to rage-quitting anything in ages, including Dark Souls...certainly not looking forward to my expert playthrough after that.
I started out on expert. Any idea what the difference is? Do enemies just kill you faster or does it also take more damage to kill them?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
As fuck.

Also, was just watching Workaholics and saw an ad for Infamous and thought damn, that all actually looks like what I played.


Hrm, not really a fan of the third power myself. I think I prefer Neon of the three.
For getting around the third power was by far my favorite, neon's combat powers all around are probably the best though.

I am curious how long a play through would be if you weren't interested in doing any of the side stuff. I cleared 100% of the city and hit rank 5, and my playtime still only ended up being like 12 hours.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just beat it, pretty good stuff. I do wish there were more side story stuff to the game though to pad it out a bit more. The Paper Trail all being in should help that, it's too bad it's on some retardedly weekly release schedule nonsense. Not sure what my playtime was. It didn't exactly feel "short", but it could have been longer.

Definitely the best looking PS4 game yet.
So I have never really played Infamous more than about an hour on PS3. Is the game worth 60 bucks?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Probably, I'd almost say with how often things go on sale, Amazon gift rebates, etc... almost nothing is 'worth' full price these days. Anyways...

It is a good purchase, no doubt. Visually awesome, fun powers, lots of wow to go around. But I also feel there is very little meat on the bone. Other than the intro and maybe two plot points at the very end, the rest is incredibly repetitive side missions / district unlocking. There's some dialog and story, but most of it takes place via cell phone and running between waypoints. Just starting my second play through, this time with good karma.

Intro, Fetch, Eugene, Off shore thing, DUP HQ. I guess there are a couple more events

It is exciting though to think this is the first next gen game and just how awesome they got so many things. Really makes me look forward to the future of this generation.


It is exciting though to think this is the first next gen game and just how awesome they got so many things. Really makes me look forward to the future of this generation.
Yeah that was my feeling. I'm 70% done so far and can agree with Sessler's rating on it (though I dind't want to) but after about the first hour I was more excited playing it due to how things like Uncharted 4, GTA and other ultra-budget games are going to look and play on the system once they have a real feel for the hardware. To me, the best thing about playing Second Son is the promise it gives for the future of the console and it's games...helps that the game is fucking fun though


I just finished my second playthrough on expert and it only took about 7 hours. I wonder if they are going to take the ending that more people receive and use it as the official ending, like they did from 2. I liked the evil side of the story/ending more than the good side, according to trophy statistics at the moment though people are finishing it as good at a rate of like 2 to 1.


I know I'm doing my first playthrough on good side just to get it out of the way so I can go full evil on expert. I figure expert will be same as usual in terms of difficulty and hp disparity that having to worry about not killing people to keep super-power count will just lead to too many deaths from slow aiming while with evil I can just pewpewpew all over the place without worrying about collateral damage or headshots.