Interstellar (2014)


Ssraeszha Raider
The waves were one of the best concepts. Explain though, how does a ship, much less the crew, survive the crushing force of a black hole? I was under the impression that the gravitational force of a black hole prior to entering would rip a ship apart. If a ship gets torn apart, then a body suit would soon follow. I guess I am wrong?
People don't realize there's different types of black holes that can exhibit slightly different behavior. For a black hole the size of the one in the movie, you can actually go pretty deep into it before you get torn apart.

While the tesseract bookshelf thing is theoretically possible, I agree it's extremely unlikely and a bizarre a way to get the message across.

Edit: As for the wave, an easier way to think of it is that the "giant wave" was actually stationary due to the black hole. The planet's rotation is what brought them in and out of what appeared to be a wave. While it was definitely more dramatic than what you'd expect, it still had a strong basis in reality


Mr. Poopybutthole
Watched this last night and it's probably one of the best movies I've ever watched, if not the best.

Read this entire thread and some of you are fucking ridiculous. I don't know how you enjoy anything with all the nitpicking you do.


Goonsquad Officer
I enjoyed it mostly. Was not a fan of how they handled the ending. I really wish they would have just acknowledged that the human race fucked up and while valiantly trying, they just could not be saved. It is the price we will pay in the future if things do not change within 50 years. I will most likely be dead or too damn old to care but it will be a shame for those that have to suffer through the water shortage and the wars to come from it.
I'm pretty happy they didn't get too deep into the cause of humanity going down. i'm glad they didn't simply ham fist ENVIROMENTALISM GONNA GET YA as is the norm these days. (it's this movie generation's version of COMUNISTS!!!!)

Though really their ability to send people into long term space but not seal off crops was kind of weird Or to put crops in space. or to make synthetic food. or to diminish human population such that everyone can live on soy broth. etc etc etc.

I loved the movie. I'm glad they spent all of 4 minutes in the whole thing explaining why earth was doomed instead of harping on it constantly or beating the environmentalist drum for 3 hours.


FPS noob
I still prefer the original script where there was a primitive crystal-like alien life form on the water or ice planet, and the tesseract aliens were simply using the humans to transport those aliens back to earth where they thrive on our rusty corn and globally warmed planet. the love stuff just rubbed me the wrong way, just felt too forced and manipulative but I guess you can't make a $200m blockbuster on "haha humans are fucked and aliens are indifferent".

also the giant emotionless robot that didn't really serve much of a purpose was probably the worst part of the movie. matt damon i mean, the AI robots were awesome

there is an IMAX version of the bluray and a regular one. I think the IMAX one has different screen format for only certain parts of the movie.


Tranny Chaser
It's really not even a joke. The AI robots were all awesome and Matt Damon didn't add anything but run time.


Molten Core Raider
It was a great movie. With a better writer to tie it all together better it could have been legendary.


Blackwing Lair Raider
there is an IMAX version of the bluray and a regular one. I think the IMAX one has different screen format for only certain parts of the movie.
Nolan needs to stop forcing that shit onto the home release. It makes some sense in a theater that can support it, IE: greater resolution, frame rate, etc. At home it makes zero sense, you are getting none of the benefit and all of the drawbacks.


Tranny Chaser
There was a spot when I thought the one robot was going to edit out the "you knew all along" message as part of his 90% truth "100% truth doesn't help the mission" line and I was super fucking glad that didn't happen and that thread never went anywhere. Matt Damon was bad enough. If you throw in a cliche heel turn for one of the robots the whole movie is going to tank for a sizable chunk of the audience.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There was a spot when I thought the one robot was going to edit out the "you knew all along" message as part of his 90% truth "100% truth doesn't help the mission" line and I was super fucking glad that didn't happen and that thread never went anywhere. Matt Damon was bad enough. If you throw in a cliche heel turn for one of the robots the whole movie is going to tank for a sizable chunk of the audience.
I was expecting the same thing and was pleasantly surprised when he relayed the entire message.


Silver Squire

Insterstellar is right up there with Gattaca and Contact for me. However, if the cheesiness got to you (like it did in Avatar for me), I can dig that point of view as well. This movie just hit too many damn high notes for me.


Watched this last night and it's probably one of the best movies I've ever watched, if not the best.

Read this entire thread and some of you are fucking ridiculous. I don't know how you enjoy anything with all the nitpicking you do.
Agreed good flick.. I enjoyed the >>MOVIE<<


Super weird. I love science fiction AND science. My top 10 favorite movies of all time include Contact and 2010. But I fucking hated this movie.


Buzzfeed Editor
That is really weird, if anything I would say this movie is just a logical continuation of the themes presented in those movies.


That is really weird, if anything I would say this movie is just a logical continuation of the themes presented in those movies.
Yeah, I don't know it is that pissed me off so much. A lot of the science annoyed me but the almighty Kip Thorne apparently says all is a-okay so whatever.


FPS noob
i hate the cliche "love is the most powerful force in the universe" and they dipped into that well a little too much in this movie for me. i really did love the space scenes, and while I'd agree some of the stuff around the black hole was "would that really happen... " the presentation, cinematography, and visuals were amazing.

i also didn't really like anne hathaway or matt damon and the father/daughter stuff sorta resonated with me but at the same time it felt very emotionally manipulative rather than a natural buildup. Also end of the day I have way, way, way higher standards from Chris Nolan than almost any other filmmaker and parts of the movie let me down. Its unfair, if anyone else had made the movie I would have probably rated it higher.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Super weird. I love science fiction AND science. My top 10 favorite movies of all time include Contact and 2010. But I fucking hated this movie.
100 percent agree with this guy, you all have terrible taste in movies. Some movies can make no sense and still be awesome because of a few great moments. Not this movie.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Sorry, this movie had great potential but totally jumped the shark at the point he entered the black hole. The whole watch/books/library/5th dimension part of the story simply stressed my belief suspension barrier way past the breaking point. It honestly just felt like the writers didn't know how to end the story, so just said "lol black holes-- we can make anything up!". Also, at least watching it a home, there was a constant low level bass in the background (for tension I guess), which when combined with the fact that Mcconaughey whispered the whole movie made for very difficult listening.


Just a Nurse
People bitching about "lol black holes" have no imagination. ZERO. Until you actually go through a black hole to see what happens, you really don't.

I always tell people that if you liked Contact, you will like Interstellar. Story and fantastic science embedded in it.