Iron Man 3 [Spoilers Everywhere]


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's been a while since I've seen Thor, but I, also, remember some kind of reference to "magic is just technology you don't understand" or something along those lines. I might be wrong, though.

Edit: Yeah, 1:45 in the video Grimmlokk posted is what I was remembering. I guess it could be interpreted in different ways, but it reinforces Caliane said above about this retarded necessity to try and explain magic in movies.


Lord Nagafen Raider
In the latest trailer there's like 0.5 second shot of what looks like someone kung-fu'ing Iron Man, I'm assuming that's the Mandarin, but it would certainly imply he's not "just a terrorist". It's like between 1:42-1:43 in there.


Hate to burst your bubble there.....but here is an interview with shane black and kevin feige.

The part that matters:

Talk about the idea of grounding the Mandarin as a 21st century, media-terrorist:

Black: From the very beginning we were all about the idea of just a real world interpretation of this guy who, I hate to break it to you, but he's not from space in this. The rings are rings. They're showmanship. They're accouterments. They're paraphernalia of warfare that he sort of drapes himself with. He studies Sun Tzu. He studies insurgency tactics. he surrounds himself with dragons and symbols of warlords and Chinese iconography because he wants to represent this sort of prototypical terrorist who- we use as the example Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, this guys who may have been an American, may have been a British National, someone who is out there doing field work, supervising atrocities for the intelligence community who went nuts in the field and became this sort of devotee of war tactics, and now has surrounded himself with a group of people over which he presides, and the only thing that unifies them is this hatred of America. So he's the ultimate terrorist, but he's also savvy. He's been in the intelligence world. He knows how to use the media. And taking it to a real world level like that was a lot fun for us.

Now, i don't really mind this change...mandarin in the comics never really appealed to me, i always found him more a villain for dr. Strange. In iron man 1 there was the group called the 10 rings, hopefully they will link them to mandarin, and it might explain why he's pissed at stark.

As for dr. Strange....i think they will use more magic in Thor 2 to kind of usher magic into the marvel movie universe. Loki already asked Thor how much dark magic the allfather had to conjure to get Thor to earth. Isn't malekith a magic wielding villain?

Next to all that, one of the upco ing marvle movies will have a talking raccoon in it, so i guess they will break some barriers anyways.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Ah, ok. Yeah I guess I don't really care that much about the difference between *hand waving* science-so-great-its-magic and *hand waving* magic.

It'd be different if they had an explanation scene describing how Odin has so many midichlorians that he's the only person who can do anything of worth and how Thor can only weild a hammer because Hopkins donated some midichlorians.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
How are they going to make a "terrorist" stand up to a guy that can shoot lazers from his hands? Jesus fuck this is retarded. I hate when they want to make things "more life like" but forget getting punched in the face from something than can rip apart tanks would probably make said face explode.

Whiplash, sure? dude is using equally powerful "lazer whips" that could harm the armor, but some dude with no magic and some " intelligence " training all of a sudden is a threat to iron man get the fuck outa here.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How are they going to make a "terrorist" stand up to a guy that can shoot lazers from his hands? Jesus fuck this is retarded. I hate when they want to make things "more life like" but forget getting punched in the face from something than can rip apart tanks would probably make said face explode.
They'll probably give The Mandarin a fully unleashed Extremis virus. In the comics, in the original story arc, Iron Man gets almost pummeled to death by a guy with the virus in like 10 seconds. Then Tony had to be given the virus, or he would have died to the wounds. Extremis makes you hit like the Hulk, faster than Quicksilver and gives you a healing factor better than Wolverine's.

I'd rather it be the rings.


How are they going to make a "terrorist" stand up to a guy that can shoot lazers from his hands? Jesus fuck this is retarded. I hate when they want to make things "more life like" but forget getting punched in the face from something than can rip apart tanks would probably make said face explode.

Whiplash, sure? dude is using equally powerful "lazer whips" that could harm the armor, but some dude with no magic and some " intelligence " training all of a sudden is a threat to iron man get the fuck outa here.
So you really think mandarin is a wimpy guy with no arsenal behind him? Heck why do you think tony stark is throwing everything including the kitchen sink at this guy and his organisation. Think of this as the dark knight version of iron man. The joker didnt have any super strength or anything, it was a highly intelligent man with clown make up going against a guy with all the high tech toys. Tony is extremely vulnerable because they know his identity. Get to the guy when he is not in his safe armor and you can break him.


<Prior Amod>
Highly annoying, I'd like to say this will make me not see it....but I'll still go fucking watch it.

And be pissed about the rings throughout the entire movie.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
So you really think mandarin is a wimpy guy with no arsenal behind him? Heck why do you think tony stark is throwing everything including the kitchen sink at this guy and his organisation. Think of this as the dark knight version of iron man. The joker didnt have any super strength or anything, it was a highly intelligent man with clown make up going against a guy with all the high tech toys. Tony is extremely vulnerable because they know his identity. Get to the guy when he is not in his safe armor and you can break him.
I still think you miss the point once tony puts the armor on...Regular human < Iron Man. You are also forgetting that one of stark's powers is his intelligence.

I mean don't get me wrong I'll go see the movie and probably enjoy it because its my childhood come to life. Mandarin was a threat to Iron Man because of his Rings / focusing chi or wtf ever / his ability to create robots etc not because he went through intelligence operative training, oh and he can buy stark weapons tech....which....tony has too????


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What I've gotten from the trailers is that Mandarin is going to be more of a mental/psychological threat to Iron Man. Sure, he has heavy weapons and lots of soldiers and resources, but it seems like he's going to try and "break" Tony/Iron Man through more subtle means before launching a direct assault against him.

On the topic of the Extremis virus, I saw it mentioned here for the first time so I watched "Iron Man: Extremis" on Netflix. Holy shit, what an awful cartoon. I've never seen such shitty andweirdanimation. It felt like I was watching an art school student's freshman class project or something.


Vyemm Raider
What I've gotten from the trailers is that Mandarin is going to be more of a mental/psychological threat to Iron Man. Sure, he has heavy weapons and lots of soldiers and resources, but it seems like he's going to try and "break" Tony/Iron Man through more subtle means before launching a direct assault against him.

On the topic of the Extremis virus, I saw it mentioned here for the first time so I watched "Iron Man: Extremis" on Netflix. Holy shit, what an awful cartoon. I've never seen such shitty andweirdanimation. It felt like I was watching an art school student's freshman class project or something.
It's a motion comic, the art style is supposed to be like it's coming right off the pages or something, there are others on netflix like Thor and Loki : Blood brothers, and The astonishing X-Men, might have to be a comic nerd to like em, personally I loved all of them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea motion comics are a bit awful if you're expecting actual cartoon-style movies, but they're alright at what they are.

There's still the split-second scene of some half-naked guy like Aikido flipping someone in an Iron Man suit, so I'm not sure I buy that Mandarin is going to be JUST some intellectual terrorist. I could buy them ditching the rings and making him just some kind of super-fu guy though, considering there's really no reason that you couldn't have a super powered martial artist in the Marvel movieverse anyway.


Buzzfeed Editor
They'll probably give The Mandarin a fully unleashed Extremis virus. In the comics, in the original story arc, Iron Man gets almost pummeled to death by a guy with the virus in like 10 seconds. Then Tony had to be given the virus, or he would have died to the wounds. Extremis makes you hit like the Hulk, faster than Quicksilver and gives you a healing factor better than Wolverine's.

I'd rather it be the rings.
I wish writer's would realize flaws in characters make them better, not worse. It's like every new storyline is a dick measuring contest to make the super hero more awesome and powerful, until the eventual reset.


Avatar of War Slayer
It's like every new storyline is a dick measuring contest to make the super hero more awesome and powerful, until the eventual reset.
Because Ironman is level 3 now, he would one shot the Iron Monger if they were to fight now.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I wish writer's would realize flaws in characters make them better, not worse. It's like every new storyline is a dick measuring contest to make the super hero more awesome and powerful, until the eventual reset.
Actually someone here posted an interview with the guy who runs FX and he was talking about how other networks, mainly broadcast, always have likeability as a factor when assessing characters in shows and how incredulous he was since that really closes the door on a lot of powerful drama potential.

I'm paraphrasing to the point of butchery, but I agree totally with this. It is the flaws that make us human, and it is the succumbing and then overcoming of those flaws (with fucking superpowers) that really makes heroes. Hell, I'd say some of the best characters ever (Batman, Captain Mal, to name a couple) are consumed by their flaws and it is only in the acceptance and focus of that pain that they are reborn into something meaningful.

Likeability is motherfucking cotton candy. I like my drama more like whiskey; it may burn going down but damn does it sit warm.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Might be thinking of the one I posted. John Landgraf used to develop shows before FX hired him. Said one of the reasons he's so hands-off with all their shows is because he hated the network business fucks always telling him how much they loved his shows, but could he make the characters more likeable.

So we're 2 full Iron Man movies in and they've hardly touched on Tony Stark's biggest and most known flaw, his alcoholism.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Actually someone here posted an interview with the guy who runs FX and he was talking about how other networks, mainly broadcast, always have likeability as a factor when assessing characters in shows and how incredulous he was since that really closes the door on a lot of powerful drama potential.

I'm paraphrasing to the point of butchery, but I agree totally with this. It is the flaws that make us human, and it is the succumbing and then overcoming of those flaws (with fucking superpowers) that really makes heroes. Hell, I'd say some of the best characters ever (Batman, Captain Mal, to name a couple) are consumed by their flaws and it is only in the acceptance and focus of that pain that they are reborn into something meaningful.

Likeability is motherfucking cotton candy. I like my drama more like whiskey; it may burn going down but damn does it sit warm.
Is this the article you were thinking of?